Book’s Organizational History
Part I: A Sociological Examination
Chapter 1: Sociology: It’s about Perspectives
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner
Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives: It’s about Piecing Together the Puzzle
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Perspectives in Sociology” by Pauline Bart and Linda Frankel
Chapter 3: Research Methods: It’s about the Evidence
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study” by Allan M. Brandt
Chapter 4: Culture: It’s about the World You Live In
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “The Prevalence of Female Circumcision in Two Nigerian Communities” by Ehigie Ebomoyi
Chapter 5: Socialization: It’s about Becoming a Member of Society
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation” by Kingsley Davis
Chapter 6: Social Structure: It’s about Where You Belong
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “The Pathology of Imprisonment” by Philip Zimbardo
Chapter 7: Crime and Deviance: It’s about the Rules
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “The Impact of Publicity on Corporate Offenders: The Ford Motor Company and the Pinto Papers” by Brent Fisse and John Braithwaite
Part II: Stratification
Chapter 8: Class Stratification: It’s about Resources
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” by Jean Anyon
Chapter 9: Race and Ethnic Stratification: It’s about Who Your Family Is
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Sentencing Project Literature Review” by Irene Jung Fiala
Chapter 10: Sex and Gender Stratification: It’s about Pink and Blue . . . and Yellow and . . . ?
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Men as Success Objects and Women as Sex Objects: A Study of Personal Advertisements” by Simon Davis
Chapter 11: Speciesism: It’s about All Living Things
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Dog Breeds: The Canine Version of a Socially Constructed Race” by Irene Fiala
Part III: Social Institutions
Chapter 12: Education: It’s about the Schooling
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “Learning the Student Role: Kindergarten as Academic Boot Camp” by Harry L. Gracey
Chapter 13: Health Care: It’s about Your Health
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “The Growth of Medical Authority” by Paul Starr
Chapter 14: Family: It’s about the Ones You Love
Think Like a Sociologist Activity
Reading with Exercise: “The Two Marriages” by Jessie Bernard