A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Applied Research

Edition: 3

Copyright: 2023

Pages: 304

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ISBN 9798765777107

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Applied Research was written to guide candidates through the doctoral process as they strive to solve a specific problem or improve a practice in a real educational setting. Applied research incorporates a multimethod design that includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis strategies. This step-by-step approach to doctoral research is what makes this book unique.

Chapter 1: Applied Research 
Applied Research Defined 
Reasons to Conduct Applied Research 
How to Conduct Applied Research 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 2: How to Write Front Matter 
Outline of an Applied Research Manuscript 
How to Write the Front Matter 
How to Write a Title Page 
How to Write a Signature Page 
How to Write a Table of Contents 
How to Write an Abstract 
Abstracts Using Accurate Tense 
How to Write the Role of the Researcher 
How to Write the Permission to Conduct Research 
How to Write the Ethical Considerations 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 3: How to Write the Introduction 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write the Organizational Profile 
How to Write the Introduction to the Problem 
How to Write the Significance of the Research 
How to Write the Purpose Statement 
How to Write the Central Research Question 
Four Core Elements 
How to Write the Definitions 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 4: How to Write a Literature Review 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write a Literature Review 
How to Write a Theoretical Framework 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 5: Interviews 
How to Analyze Interview Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 6: Focus Groups 
Focus Groups 
How to Analyze Focus Group Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 7: Quantitative Surveys 
Quantitative Surveys 
How to Write Quantitative Survey Prompts 
How to Write Demographic Questions 
How to Create a Quantitative Survey 
How to Conduct Quantitative Survey Research 
How to Analyze Quantitative Survey Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 8: Qualitative Questionnaires
Qualitative Questionnaires 
How to Write Qualitative Questionnaire Questions 
How to Create a Qualitative Questionnaire 
How to Conduct Qualitative Questionnaire Research 
How to Analyze Qualitative Questionnaire Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 9: Observations 
How to Conduct an Observation 
How to Analyze Observation Data 
How to Analyze and Report Field Notes
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 10: Documents 
How to Conduct a Qualitative Document Analysis
How to Conduct a Quantitative Document Analysis 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 11: How to Write the Findings
How to Write the Overview 
Interview Findings 
Focus Group Findings 
Quantitative Survey Findings 
Qualitative Questionnaire Findings 
Observation Findings 
Documents Findings 
Quantitative Document Analysis 
How to Write a Discussion of the Findings Section 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 12: How to Write the Recommendations 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write the Recommendations 
How to Write the Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders 
How to Write the Resources Needed 
How to Write the Timeline 
How to Write the Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 13: How to Defend Your Research 
The Presentation 
Proposal Defense 
Final Defense 

Chapter 14: Applied Research Manuscript Template 
Glossary of Terms 

Appendix A: Applied Research Manuscript Outline 
Appendix B: Individual Scholarly Works Template 
Appendix C: Comparative Scholarly Works Template 
Appendix D: Interview Data Collection Template 
Appendix E: Themes and Codes Table 
Appendix F: Frequency of Codes and Themes Template 
Appendix G: Focus Group Data Collection Template 
Appendix H: Observation Table Template 
Appendix I: Qualitative Document Analysis Template 
Appendix J: Quantitative Document Analysis Template 


Bunnie Loree Claxton

Dr. Bunnie L. Claxton, Ed.D., is the Director of Applied Research at Liberty University. She is an associate professor at Liberty University and Colorado Christian University. She has 25 years of experience in the field of education, including public, private, homeschool, and higher education. She has developed multiple graduate-level courses, chaired dissertations, served as a research methodologist, subject matter expert, and instructional mentor to professors. Her scholarly publications include A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Quantitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Literature Review in Doctoral Research, and Planning, Writing, and Implementing IEPs: A Christian Approach; she has also served as a contributing author for two additional books. Dr. Claxton served as the Superintendent for Liberty University Online Academy, an online K-12 school with over 6,000 students.

Kurt Y. Michael

Dr. Kurt Y. Michael, Ph.D., is a professor at Liberty University. His experience includes 17 years teaching in the public schools and 12 years in higher education. He currently serves as the Administrative Chair of Doctoral Programs & Research for the School of Education at Liberty University. Dr. Michael has developed and taught multiple graduate-level research courses and chaired numerous dissertation committees. He remains current in the field of education by presenting at conferences and publishing articles in education journals.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Applied Research was written to guide candidates through the doctoral process as they strive to solve a specific problem or improve a practice in a real educational setting. Applied research incorporates a multimethod design that includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis strategies. This step-by-step approach to doctoral research is what makes this book unique.

Chapter 1: Applied Research 
Applied Research Defined 
Reasons to Conduct Applied Research 
How to Conduct Applied Research 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 2: How to Write Front Matter 
Outline of an Applied Research Manuscript 
How to Write the Front Matter 
How to Write a Title Page 
How to Write a Signature Page 
How to Write a Table of Contents 
How to Write an Abstract 
Abstracts Using Accurate Tense 
How to Write the Role of the Researcher 
How to Write the Permission to Conduct Research 
How to Write the Ethical Considerations 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 3: How to Write the Introduction 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write the Organizational Profile 
How to Write the Introduction to the Problem 
How to Write the Significance of the Research 
How to Write the Purpose Statement 
How to Write the Central Research Question 
Four Core Elements 
How to Write the Definitions 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 4: How to Write a Literature Review 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write a Literature Review 
How to Write a Theoretical Framework 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 5: Interviews 
How to Analyze Interview Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 6: Focus Groups 
Focus Groups 
How to Analyze Focus Group Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 7: Quantitative Surveys 
Quantitative Surveys 
How to Write Quantitative Survey Prompts 
How to Write Demographic Questions 
How to Create a Quantitative Survey 
How to Conduct Quantitative Survey Research 
How to Analyze Quantitative Survey Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 8: Qualitative Questionnaires
Qualitative Questionnaires 
How to Write Qualitative Questionnaire Questions 
How to Create a Qualitative Questionnaire 
How to Conduct Qualitative Questionnaire Research 
How to Analyze Qualitative Questionnaire Data 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 9: Observations 
How to Conduct an Observation 
How to Analyze Observation Data 
How to Analyze and Report Field Notes
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 10: Documents 
How to Conduct a Qualitative Document Analysis
How to Conduct a Quantitative Document Analysis 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 11: How to Write the Findings
How to Write the Overview 
Interview Findings 
Focus Group Findings 
Quantitative Survey Findings 
Qualitative Questionnaire Findings 
Observation Findings 
Documents Findings 
Quantitative Document Analysis 
How to Write a Discussion of the Findings Section 
How to Write a Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 12: How to Write the Recommendations 
How to Write the Overview 
How to Write the Recommendations 
How to Write the Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders 
How to Write the Resources Needed 
How to Write the Timeline 
How to Write the Summary 
Chapter Highlights 

Chapter 13: How to Defend Your Research 
The Presentation 
Proposal Defense 
Final Defense 

Chapter 14: Applied Research Manuscript Template 
Glossary of Terms 

Appendix A: Applied Research Manuscript Outline 
Appendix B: Individual Scholarly Works Template 
Appendix C: Comparative Scholarly Works Template 
Appendix D: Interview Data Collection Template 
Appendix E: Themes and Codes Table 
Appendix F: Frequency of Codes and Themes Template 
Appendix G: Focus Group Data Collection Template 
Appendix H: Observation Table Template 
Appendix I: Qualitative Document Analysis Template 
Appendix J: Quantitative Document Analysis Template 


Bunnie Loree Claxton

Dr. Bunnie L. Claxton, Ed.D., is the Director of Applied Research at Liberty University. She is an associate professor at Liberty University and Colorado Christian University. She has 25 years of experience in the field of education, including public, private, homeschool, and higher education. She has developed multiple graduate-level courses, chaired dissertations, served as a research methodologist, subject matter expert, and instructional mentor to professors. Her scholarly publications include A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Quantitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Literature Review in Doctoral Research, and Planning, Writing, and Implementing IEPs: A Christian Approach; she has also served as a contributing author for two additional books. Dr. Claxton served as the Superintendent for Liberty University Online Academy, an online K-12 school with over 6,000 students.

Kurt Y. Michael

Dr. Kurt Y. Michael, Ph.D., is a professor at Liberty University. His experience includes 17 years teaching in the public schools and 12 years in higher education. He currently serves as the Administrative Chair of Doctoral Programs & Research for the School of Education at Liberty University. Dr. Michael has developed and taught multiple graduate-level research courses and chaired numerous dissertation committees. He remains current in the field of education by presenting at conferences and publishing articles in education journals.