A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Literature Review for Doctoral Research

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2022

Pages: 264

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ISBN 9781792466052

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This book was written to teach the novice researcher how to conduct a review of the current scholarly literature. Students will learn how to identify scholarly sources, how to analyze and synthesize the sources, and how to write a review of the current state of the scholarly literature on a research topic. Additionally, how to write a theoretical framework to explain a research topic is provided. 

Chapter 1: What Is a Literature Review?
Types of Literature Reviews
Purposes for Conducting a Review of the Scholarly Literature
Contents of a Literature Review
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 2: Steps for Writing a Literature Review
Steps to Compose a Literature Review
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 3: How to Locate and Identify Scholarly Sources
Primary and Secondary Sources
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
How to Locate Scholarly Sources
How to Search for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
How to Organize Information
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 4: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Synthesizing
Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Synthesizing
Plagiarism and Avoiding Plagiarism
Author’s Voice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 5: How to Synthesize Related Literature
What Does It Mean to Synthesize?
Types of Synthesis
Analyzing and Synthesizing Related Literature
Ways to Organize and Synthesize
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 6: How to Write an Outline
How to Create a Literature Review Outline
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Narrow the Gap in the Literature
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Solve a Problem
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Improve a Practice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 7: How to Write a Theoretical Review
What Is a Theory?
What Is a Theoretical Framework?
How to Choose Relevant Theories
Prevalent Theories for Educational Research
How to Write a Theoretical Framework
Steps for Writing a Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework Examples
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 8: How to Write a Related Literature Section to Identify/Narrow a Gap
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 9: Example Outline and Literature Review to Narrow a Gap in the Literature

Chapter 10: How to Write a Related Literature Section to Solve a Problem
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 11: Example Outline and Literature Review to Solve a Problem

Chapter 12: How to Write the Related Literature Section to Improve a Practice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 13: Example Outline and Literature Review to Improve a Practice


Appendix A: Individual Scholarly Works Template
Appendix B: Comparative Scholarly Works Template


Bunnie Loree Claxton

Dr. Bunnie L. Claxton, Ed.D., is the Director of Applied Research at Liberty University. She is an associate professor at Liberty University and Colorado Christian University. She has 25 years of experience in the field of education, including public, private, homeschool, and higher education. She has developed multiple graduate-level courses, chaired dissertations, served as a research methodologist, subject matter expert, and instructional mentor to professors. Her scholarly publications include A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Quantitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Literature Review in Doctoral Research, and Planning, Writing, and Implementing IEPs: A Christian Approach; she has also served as a contributing author for two additional books. Dr. Claxton served as the Superintendent for Liberty University Online Academy, an online K-12 school with over 6,000 students.

Carol L. Dolan

Dr. Carol L. Dolan, Ed.D. is an adjunct professor for Liberty University. She has served as an educator for more than 20 years, teaching every grade from pre-kindergarten through college in public, private, and homeschool settings. She served in the military for more than 20 years and has worked as an editor, curriculum developer, dissertation committee member, and doctoral student capstone project mentor. She has edited books, dissertations, theses, capstone projects, curricular materials, course content, and more. Dr. Dolan lives in remote interior Alaska and volunteers educating local students when she is not teaching courses, mentoring students, or editing.

This book was written to teach the novice researcher how to conduct a review of the current scholarly literature. Students will learn how to identify scholarly sources, how to analyze and synthesize the sources, and how to write a review of the current state of the scholarly literature on a research topic. Additionally, how to write a theoretical framework to explain a research topic is provided. 

Chapter 1: What Is a Literature Review?
Types of Literature Reviews
Purposes for Conducting a Review of the Scholarly Literature
Contents of a Literature Review
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 2: Steps for Writing a Literature Review
Steps to Compose a Literature Review
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 3: How to Locate and Identify Scholarly Sources
Primary and Secondary Sources
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
How to Locate Scholarly Sources
How to Search for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
How to Organize Information
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 4: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Synthesizing
Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Synthesizing
Plagiarism and Avoiding Plagiarism
Author’s Voice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 5: How to Synthesize Related Literature
What Does It Mean to Synthesize?
Types of Synthesis
Analyzing and Synthesizing Related Literature
Ways to Organize and Synthesize
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 6: How to Write an Outline
How to Create a Literature Review Outline
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Narrow the Gap in the Literature
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Solve a Problem
How to Write a Literature Review Outline to Improve a Practice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 7: How to Write a Theoretical Review
What Is a Theory?
What Is a Theoretical Framework?
How to Choose Relevant Theories
Prevalent Theories for Educational Research
How to Write a Theoretical Framework
Steps for Writing a Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework Examples
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 8: How to Write a Related Literature Section to Identify/Narrow a Gap
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 9: Example Outline and Literature Review to Narrow a Gap in the Literature

Chapter 10: How to Write a Related Literature Section to Solve a Problem
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 11: Example Outline and Literature Review to Solve a Problem

Chapter 12: How to Write the Related Literature Section to Improve a Practice
Chapter Highlights

Chapter 13: Example Outline and Literature Review to Improve a Practice


Appendix A: Individual Scholarly Works Template
Appendix B: Comparative Scholarly Works Template


Bunnie Loree Claxton

Dr. Bunnie L. Claxton, Ed.D., is the Director of Applied Research at Liberty University. She is an associate professor at Liberty University and Colorado Christian University. She has 25 years of experience in the field of education, including public, private, homeschool, and higher education. She has developed multiple graduate-level courses, chaired dissertations, served as a research methodologist, subject matter expert, and instructional mentor to professors. Her scholarly publications include A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Quantitative Research in Education, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Literature Review in Doctoral Research, and Planning, Writing, and Implementing IEPs: A Christian Approach; she has also served as a contributing author for two additional books. Dr. Claxton served as the Superintendent for Liberty University Online Academy, an online K-12 school with over 6,000 students.

Carol L. Dolan

Dr. Carol L. Dolan, Ed.D. is an adjunct professor for Liberty University. She has served as an educator for more than 20 years, teaching every grade from pre-kindergarten through college in public, private, and homeschool settings. She served in the military for more than 20 years and has worked as an editor, curriculum developer, dissertation committee member, and doctoral student capstone project mentor. She has edited books, dissertations, theses, capstone projects, curricular materials, course content, and more. Dr. Dolan lives in remote interior Alaska and volunteers educating local students when she is not teaching courses, mentoring students, or editing.