"Ideas in Action" is a mnemonic to make students participate more and have an easy way to remember the strategic management process.
Strategic Management: Using Ideas in Action helps students and business/management executives in the process of understanding, implementing, and evaluating strategic management in any organization where they work, and to apply these concepts in their daily activities.
Comprised of eleven chapters, Strategic Management: Using Ideas in Action, is a compilation of ideas that the author has used for many years in teaching strategic management and related subjects and consulting with many businesses and organizations in different stages of development.
Strategic Management: Using Ideas in Action:
- Incorporates enlightening and short sayings to aid comprehension. Often it is easier to remember a concept or a process if there is a reference in the form of a saying or a mnemonic.
- Provides at the end of each chapter, worksheets and exercises to help readers in applying concepts and ideas to organizations or individuals that want to follow a strategic management process.
- Includes contemporary examples throughout.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategic Management
Strategic Planning
Strategy Formation
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Evaluation
Defining and Understanding the Environment of Organizations (IDEAS)
Defining and Forming Strategies for Organizations (IN)
Implementing and Controlling Strategies for Organizations (ACTION)
Chapter 2 Identifying and Defining the Vision and Mission of the Organization
Identifying What Is Relevant
Chapter 3 Environmental Scanning and External Environment
Why Is the Environment Important?
Identifying Measures
Types of Environment
Looking for Opportunities and Threats
Chapter 4 Environmental Scanning Competitive Environment
Competitive Environment
Chapter 5 Environmental Scanning Internal Environment
Internal Environment
Analysis of the Internal Environment
Internal Factors
Establishing Priorities
What Is Next?
Chapter 6 Strategy Formation
Long-Term Questions
IDEAS for Strategies
How are Ideas Developed?
Matching Environments
Chapter 7 Strategy Implementation Analysis and Selection of Options
Classifications of Strategies
Selection of Strategies
What Is Next
Chapter 8 Strategy Implementation Preparation for Implementation and Defining Changes
What Is Next
Chapter 9 Strategy Implementation Preparation for Implementation; Development of Resources
Creating Capacity
Training and Resource Development
Preparing for Implementation
What Is Next
Chapter 10 Strategy Implementation
Stages of Strategy Implementation
Chapter 11 Evaluating Strategy and Creating Continuity
Strategy Evaluation
Information Analysis
Nothing Is As Permanent As Change