Strength Training: Beginners, Body Builders, Athletes

Author(s): Philip E Allsen

Edition: 5

Copyright: 2009

Pages: 236

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ISBN 9781465294821

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Anyone who is interested in increasing their performance, whether in athletics or any other aspect of life, can do so by increasing body strength. Strength Training: Beginners, Bodybuilders, Athletes presents strength development programs for beginning strength trainers, for those who wish to improve their athletic ability, and for those interested in becoming serious bodybuilders.

Features Include:

  • Explains the principles of strength training so readers can develop their own targeted programs.
  • Includes weight-training exercises for specific sports to help increase athlete's strength where it is needed most.
  • Includes the Nebraska Test - to determine if the training program is making positive changes for the athlete.
  • Over 70 photos illustrating correct body position and technique.
  • Special section on the pro's/con's of dietary supplements.

Philip E. Allsen, inductee to the USA Strength and Conditioning Hall of Fame has supervised strength training programs for thousands of people, ranging from individuals who have never participated in any type of strength program to elite athletes who compete on a professional level. 

About the Author

CHAPTER 1 Why Train for Strength?
Strength and Its Advantages
Health Benefits of Strength Training
Women and Strength Training
Strength Training for Those Over Forty
Strength Training and Children
Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Strength Programs

CHAPTER 2 Principles and Programs
Motor Units
Joint-Lever System
Nervous Tissue
Connective Tissue
Skeletal Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Weakest Joint Angle Principle
Overload Principle
Basic Definitions
Strength Programs
Machines vs. Free Weights
Nutrition and Strength Development
Food Pyramid
Dietary Supplements
Anabolic Steroids
Gaining Body Weight

CHAPTER 3 Variables in a Strength Training Program
One Set Only
Volume 37
Rest Interval Between Sets
Workout Frequency
American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines
Safety Procedures
Weight Lifting Belts
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Repeated Bout Effect

CHAPTER 4 Body Measurements and Record Keeping
Taking Measurements
Strength Test
Strength Training Record
The Sport Experience

CHAPTER 5 Planning the Strength Training Program
Major Human Muscles
Muscle Action and Sport Use
Body Parts Method
Designing a Strength Program
The Sport Experience
Strength Training Exercises

CHAPTER 6 Strength Training for Athletes
Stress and Overtraining
Periodization Phases
Factors in Setting Up a Periodization Plan
Strength Training Exercises for Specific Sports
Core and Supplementary Exercises
Off-Season Strength Training Program
Modified Periodization Program
Nebraska Athletic Test
The Sport Experience

CHAPTER 7 Bodybuilding and Physique TrainingPhysique Athletes
Systems of Training
Set System
Split Routine
Forced Reps
Pyramid System
Mr. Collegiate USA Training Program
Basic Concepts
Split Routine Program
The Sport Experience

APPENDIX A Body Measurement Chart
APPENDIX B Strength Test
APPENDIX C Strength Training Record
APPENDIX D Strength Training Worksheet
APPENDIX E Sports Training Worksheet
APPENDIX F Modified Periodization Worksheet
APPENDIX G Nebraska Athletic Test
APPENDIX H Bodybuilding Training Worksheet
APPENDIX I Periodicals on Strength Training


Philip E Allsen

Anyone who is interested in increasing their performance, whether in athletics or any other aspect of life, can do so by increasing body strength. Strength Training: Beginners, Bodybuilders, Athletes presents strength development programs for beginning strength trainers, for those who wish to improve their athletic ability, and for those interested in becoming serious bodybuilders.

Features Include:

  • Explains the principles of strength training so readers can develop their own targeted programs.
  • Includes weight-training exercises for specific sports to help increase athlete's strength where it is needed most.
  • Includes the Nebraska Test - to determine if the training program is making positive changes for the athlete.
  • Over 70 photos illustrating correct body position and technique.
  • Special section on the pro's/con's of dietary supplements.

Philip E. Allsen, inductee to the USA Strength and Conditioning Hall of Fame has supervised strength training programs for thousands of people, ranging from individuals who have never participated in any type of strength program to elite athletes who compete on a professional level. 

About the Author

CHAPTER 1 Why Train for Strength?
Strength and Its Advantages
Health Benefits of Strength Training
Women and Strength Training
Strength Training for Those Over Forty
Strength Training and Children
Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Strength Programs

CHAPTER 2 Principles and Programs
Motor Units
Joint-Lever System
Nervous Tissue
Connective Tissue
Skeletal Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Weakest Joint Angle Principle
Overload Principle
Basic Definitions
Strength Programs
Machines vs. Free Weights
Nutrition and Strength Development
Food Pyramid
Dietary Supplements
Anabolic Steroids
Gaining Body Weight

CHAPTER 3 Variables in a Strength Training Program
One Set Only
Volume 37
Rest Interval Between Sets
Workout Frequency
American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines
Safety Procedures
Weight Lifting Belts
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Repeated Bout Effect

CHAPTER 4 Body Measurements and Record Keeping
Taking Measurements
Strength Test
Strength Training Record
The Sport Experience

CHAPTER 5 Planning the Strength Training Program
Major Human Muscles
Muscle Action and Sport Use
Body Parts Method
Designing a Strength Program
The Sport Experience
Strength Training Exercises

CHAPTER 6 Strength Training for Athletes
Stress and Overtraining
Periodization Phases
Factors in Setting Up a Periodization Plan
Strength Training Exercises for Specific Sports
Core and Supplementary Exercises
Off-Season Strength Training Program
Modified Periodization Program
Nebraska Athletic Test
The Sport Experience

CHAPTER 7 Bodybuilding and Physique TrainingPhysique Athletes
Systems of Training
Set System
Split Routine
Forced Reps
Pyramid System
Mr. Collegiate USA Training Program
Basic Concepts
Split Routine Program
The Sport Experience

APPENDIX A Body Measurement Chart
APPENDIX B Strength Test
APPENDIX C Strength Training Record
APPENDIX D Strength Training Worksheet
APPENDIX E Sports Training Worksheet
APPENDIX F Modified Periodization Worksheet
APPENDIX G Nebraska Athletic Test
APPENDIX H Bodybuilding Training Worksheet
APPENDIX I Periodicals on Strength Training


Philip E Allsen