Training & Talent Development: Intersecting Communication, Human Performance Improvement, and Organizational Effectiveness

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798765746202

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New Second Edition Now Available!

Training and Talent Development: Intersecting Communication, Human Performance Improvement, and Organizational Effectiveness explores two basic factors related to the T&D world: training and performance improvement.

Training and Talent Development is informative, scholarly, and practical. It explains the best practices and strategies modern T&D professionals have developed for both creating and delivering training programs and performance improvement interventions. It highlights information related to the T&D field, its major organizations, key individuals who have attained distinction in their fields, and best practices used by T&D professionals today.

Training and Talent Development features a combination of both practical information and scholarly research, which helps bring an understanding of the best practices involved in the delivery of training or performance improvement. Tools throughout the book are designed to be useful at all points in the training process, including worksheets and templates that can be modified for training purposes.




CHAPTER 1: Workplace Learning
Learning Objectives
Basic Terminology
Workplace Learning
Human Performance Improvement
Organizational Development
Instructional Communication
The Evolution of a Field
Training in the Ancient World
Training after the Industrial Revolution
Training in the 21st Century
The Training and Development of Professional
Factors Influencing TD Today
The Business Case for Workplace Learning
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 1 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 2: How People Learn
Learning Objectives
Benjamin Bloom’s Three Domains of Learning
Cognitive (Knowledge)
Psychomotor (Skill)
Affective (Attitude)
Concluding Remarks on the Three Domains of Learning
Basic Learning Theories
Adult Learning Theory
Behavioral Learning Theories
Knowledge Acquisition and Information Processing Theory
Constructivist Approach to Learning
Hybrid Theory of Expansive Learning
Motivation Theories
Rhetorical-Relational Goals Theory of Instructional Communication
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 2 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 3: Analysis Phase
Learning Objectives
Instructional Systems Design
Analysis Beginnings
Four Stages of Needs Assessment
Business Needs
Performance Needs
Learning Needs
Learner Needs
Needs Assessment Process
Conduct External and Organizational Scan
Collect Data to Identify Business Needs
Identify Possible Interventions
Talking to a Client
Training vs. HIP—When Clients Don’t Know What They Need
Collect Data to Identify Performance, Learning, and Learner Needs
Three Levels of Analysis
The Data Collection Process
Analyze Data
Deliver Data Analysis and Feedback
Executive Summary
Organizational Overview
Business Environment
Financial Analysis
Action Plan
Transition to Design
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 3 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 4: Design Phase
Learning Objections
Starting with Learning Objectives
Revisiting the KSAs
Criterion-Referenced Objectives
SMART Objectives
Designing Sequential Learning
Mapping the Big Picture
Content Design Matrix
Course Design Matrix
Design Deliverables
Budget Request
Course Objectives
Course Description
Project Plan
Instructional Materials/Aids
Facility/Technology Check-Off List
Deliverable Agreement
Working with SMEs
Content-Based Criteria
General Skills Criteria
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 4 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 5: Communication Training
Learning Objectives
Selling the Importance of Communication to the C-Suite
Two Levels of Communication Training
Communication Skills Training
Cognitive Training
Seven Best Practices
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 5 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 6: Development Phase
Learning Objectives
Starting with Research
Selecting a Topic
Getting Background Information
Using the Internet
Using the Library
Using a Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Keeping a Record of Materials
Organizing Training
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 6 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 7: Creating Instructional Materials
Learning Objectives
Phase One: Develop Products
Lesson Plans
Facilitator Guides
Participant Workbooks
The Special Case of E-learning
Phase Two: Piloting and Revising Products
Why Pilot Test
Creating the Pilot
Evaluate Pilot
Identify Necessary Revisions
Revise Training Program and Repeat
Assessment of Project Development
Phase Three: Finalizing the Program
Copyright and the Training Professional
Literary Works
Motion Picture and Audio Works
Off-the-Shelf Training
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 7 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 8: Creative Training Techniques
Learning Objectives
Survival Problem Solving
Script Writing
Role Plays
Role Reversals
Video Feedback
Just for Fun
Serious Games
Crosswords and Other Puzzles
Card Games
Board Game Adaptations
Game Show Adaptations
Computer Games
Participant Directed
Skill Centers
Teaching Teams
Participant Events
Audience Response Systems
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 8 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 9: Implementation Phase
Learning Objections
Training vs. Facilitating
Basic Communication Skills for Trainers
Oral Communication for Trainers
Nonverbal Communication for Trainers
Myths about Using Presentation Aids
Types of Presentation Aids
Tips for Creating Presentation Aids
Tips for Effectively Using Presentation Aids
Graphic Design and Presentation Aids
Basic Tips for Presentational Speaking
Preparing Content
Preparing to Present
Handling Questions
Pike and Arch’s (1997) Dealing with Difficult Participants
The Latecomer
The Preoccupied
Cell Phones Users
The Prisoner
The Introvert
The Elder
The Domineering
The Know-It-All
The Skeptic
The Socializer
The Apple Polisher
The Bored
The Confused
The Unqualified
The Sleeper
The Substance Abuser
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 9 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 10: Evaluation Phase
Learning Objectives
Conducting a Training Evaluation
Step 1: Needs Analysis
Step 2: Measurable Learning Objectives
Step 3: Outcome Measures
Step 4: Evaluation Strategy
Step 5: Execution of Evaluation
Don Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels
Level 1: Reaction
Level 2: Learning
Level 3: Behavior
Level 4: Results
Level 5: Return on Investment
Jack Phillips’ Evaluation Model Steps
Choosing Appropriate Evaluation Outcomes
Evaluation Designs
Types of Designs
Statistics for WLP Professionals
Describing Results
Understanding Differences
Understanding Relationships
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 10 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 11: Learning Transfer
Learning Objectives
The Learning Transfer Problem
What Is Learning Transfer?
Where Is the Problem?
The Learning Triangle
Wick, Pollock, Jefferson, and Flanagan’s Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning \Define (Outcomes)
Design (Complete Experience)
Deliver (for Application)
Drive (Follow-Through)
Deploy (Performance Support)
Document (Results)
The Learning Organization
Knowledge Management
What Is Knowledge Management?
Effective Knowledge Management
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 11 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 12: The Special Case of E-learning
Learning Objectives
Defining E-learning
What Is E-learning?
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Web-Based Training (WBT)
Types of E-learning
Synchronous E-learning
Asynchronous E-learning
E-learning Myths
All Classroom Training Can Convert to E-learning
All You Need Is a Good Authoring Tool
E-learning Must Be Fun
When Employees Don’t Finish E-learning, the Courses Must Be Bad
Getting the Technology to Work Is the Hard Part
E-learning Saves Money
E-learning Is for Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time
E-learning Is Quick to Create
E-learning Is Not as Effective as Face-to-Face Learning
E-learning Is Just a Fad
Tools for E-learning
Proprietary Software Packages
Open-Source Software Packages
Social Learning Platform
Clark and Mayer’s Eight Principles of E-learning Design
Multimedia Principle
Contiguity Principle
Modality Principle
Redundancy Principle
Coherence Principle
Personalization Principle
Segmenting Principle
Pretraining Principle
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 12 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 13: Human Performance Improvement and Coaching
Learning Objectives
Definitions of Key Terms
Performance Consulting
Four Key Performance Consulting Roles
Model of Human Performance Improvement
Environmental Scanning
Gap Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Intervention Selection
Change Management
Intervention Evaluation
Closing the Loop: Repeat as Necessary
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 13 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 14: Managing the Learning Function
Learning Objectives
Aligning Learning with Strategic Business Objectives
Keys to Leading the Training and Learning Function
Model of Strategic Business Alignment
Business Drivers
Challenges to Business Success
External Drivers of Change
The Role of a Talent Development Leader
Necessary Interpersonal and Professional Skills
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 14 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 15: Talent Development Professionals
Learning Objectives
ATD Capability Model for Training and Development Professionals \
From Competencies to Capabilities
Becoming a Professional
Becoming a Lifelong Learner
Join Professional Associations
Reading Relevant Magazines, Journals, and Books
Ethical Standards
Understanding the Future of Training
Increased Accountability
Increased On-Demand Training Programs
Increased Use of Micro-Modules
Increased Use of Blended Learning
Increased Evidence-Based Practices
Increased Social Learning Practices
Increased Professionalization of the Field
Increased Importance of Technology
Increased Use of Simulations and Serious Games
Increased Expectations with Fewer Resources
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 15 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

APPENDIX A: Project Management for Training and Development Professionals
Learning Objectives
Project Management Basics
What Is a Project?
What Is Project Management?
Project Management Lifecycle
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Execution
Project Closure

APPENDIX B: Conflict Management Skills Training
Facilitator Guide


  • Discussion Prompts
  • Exercises
Jason S Wrench
Jason S. Wrench (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is an associate professor and chair of the Communication Department at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench has published numerous books on a variety of communication topics: Intercultural Communication: Power in Context, Communication, Affect, and Learning in the Classroom (2000, Tapestry Press), Principles of Public Speaking (2003, The College Network), Human Communication in Everyday Life: Explanations and Applications (2008, Allyn & Bacon), Quantitative Research Methods for Communication: A Hands-On Approach (2008 & 2013, Oxford University Press), The Directory of Communication Related Mental Measures (Summer 2010, National Communication Association), Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (2011, Flat World Knowledge), Communication Apprehension, Avoidance, and Effectiveness (2013, Allyn & Bacon), Training and Development: The Intersection of Communication and Talent Development in the Modern Workplace (2014, Kendall Hunt), and Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice (2015, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Wrench has also edited a number of books: Casing Organizational Communication (2011, Kendall Hunt), Workplace Communication for the 21st Century: Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line: Vol. 1. Internal Workplace Communication, Vol. 2. External Workplace Communication (2013, both with Praeger), and Casing Public Relations (2014, Kendall Hunt). Dr. Wrench was the editor of the Ohio Communication Journal from 2005 to 2007, served as an associate editor for Communication Research Reports from 2007 to 2010, and has been on the editorial board of numerous academic journals. Furthermore, Dr. Wrench has published over 30 research articles that have appeared in various journals: Communication Quarterly, Communication Research Reports, Education, Human Communication, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Intercultural Communication, Southern Communication Journal, The Source: A Journal of Education, and The NACADA Journal (National Academic Advising Association).
Maryalice Citera

Maryalice Citera (Ph.D., Purdue University) is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Citera specializes in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her research and teaching interests center on applying psychology to understanding workplace attitudes and behaviors. Dr. Citera teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on work motivation, teamwork, leadership, and the basics of organizational psychology. She also teaches a seminar on the Psychology of Emotion. Dr. Citera’s research interests focus on understanding the intersection between work motivation and emotion in particular how individuals anticipate and respond to task situations.

Her current research examines the role of anticipatory emotions in goal setting, procrastination, and self-efficacy. Her research also examines the role of gender in leadership and negotiation. She has published more than 15 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and book chapters including: Research in Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, and the Journal of Business and Psychology.

She has served as a consultant for both private industry and governmental agencies, primarily conducting program evaluations, attitude surveys, and statistical analyses.

Danette Johnson

Danette Ifert Johnson (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies as well as Vice Provost for Academic Programs at Ithaca College. Dr. Johnson’s research and teaching interests center on interpersonal communication, specifically interpersonal influence, and how people use language to gain resources and manage positive relationships with others. In addition to her graduate work in communication, she holds an M.A. in educational psychology from West Virginia University. Dr. Johnson was formerly on the faculty at West Virginia Wesleyan College and Texas Tech University.

Dr. Johnson has published over 35 peer-reviewed academic articles and book chapters in outlets including: Communication Education, Communication Quarterly, Communication Research, The Review of Higher Education, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Numeracy, and Progress in Communication Sciences. She is also a co-author of Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (2011, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Johnson has served on editorial boards of numerous academic journals, including the International Journal of Listening, Communication Research Reports, and the Journal of the Association for Communication Administration.

She has been an active member of the Eastern Communication Association for over two decades, serving as that organization’s President (2013–14), Executive Director (2004–07), and as program planner for the organizational, instructional, nonverbal, and interpersonal communication interest groups.

New Second Edition Now Available!

Training and Talent Development: Intersecting Communication, Human Performance Improvement, and Organizational Effectiveness explores two basic factors related to the T&D world: training and performance improvement.

Training and Talent Development is informative, scholarly, and practical. It explains the best practices and strategies modern T&D professionals have developed for both creating and delivering training programs and performance improvement interventions. It highlights information related to the T&D field, its major organizations, key individuals who have attained distinction in their fields, and best practices used by T&D professionals today.

Training and Talent Development features a combination of both practical information and scholarly research, which helps bring an understanding of the best practices involved in the delivery of training or performance improvement. Tools throughout the book are designed to be useful at all points in the training process, including worksheets and templates that can be modified for training purposes.




CHAPTER 1: Workplace Learning
Learning Objectives
Basic Terminology
Workplace Learning
Human Performance Improvement
Organizational Development
Instructional Communication
The Evolution of a Field
Training in the Ancient World
Training after the Industrial Revolution
Training in the 21st Century
The Training and Development of Professional
Factors Influencing TD Today
The Business Case for Workplace Learning
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 1 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 2: How People Learn
Learning Objectives
Benjamin Bloom’s Three Domains of Learning
Cognitive (Knowledge)
Psychomotor (Skill)
Affective (Attitude)
Concluding Remarks on the Three Domains of Learning
Basic Learning Theories
Adult Learning Theory
Behavioral Learning Theories
Knowledge Acquisition and Information Processing Theory
Constructivist Approach to Learning
Hybrid Theory of Expansive Learning
Motivation Theories
Rhetorical-Relational Goals Theory of Instructional Communication
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 2 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 3: Analysis Phase
Learning Objectives
Instructional Systems Design
Analysis Beginnings
Four Stages of Needs Assessment
Business Needs
Performance Needs
Learning Needs
Learner Needs
Needs Assessment Process
Conduct External and Organizational Scan
Collect Data to Identify Business Needs
Identify Possible Interventions
Talking to a Client
Training vs. HIP—When Clients Don’t Know What They Need
Collect Data to Identify Performance, Learning, and Learner Needs
Three Levels of Analysis
The Data Collection Process
Analyze Data
Deliver Data Analysis and Feedback
Executive Summary
Organizational Overview
Business Environment
Financial Analysis
Action Plan
Transition to Design
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 3 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 4: Design Phase
Learning Objections
Starting with Learning Objectives
Revisiting the KSAs
Criterion-Referenced Objectives
SMART Objectives
Designing Sequential Learning
Mapping the Big Picture
Content Design Matrix
Course Design Matrix
Design Deliverables
Budget Request
Course Objectives
Course Description
Project Plan
Instructional Materials/Aids
Facility/Technology Check-Off List
Deliverable Agreement
Working with SMEs
Content-Based Criteria
General Skills Criteria
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 4 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 5: Communication Training
Learning Objectives
Selling the Importance of Communication to the C-Suite
Two Levels of Communication Training
Communication Skills Training
Cognitive Training
Seven Best Practices
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 5 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 6: Development Phase
Learning Objectives
Starting with Research
Selecting a Topic
Getting Background Information
Using the Internet
Using the Library
Using a Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Keeping a Record of Materials
Organizing Training
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 6 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 7: Creating Instructional Materials
Learning Objectives
Phase One: Develop Products
Lesson Plans
Facilitator Guides
Participant Workbooks
The Special Case of E-learning
Phase Two: Piloting and Revising Products
Why Pilot Test
Creating the Pilot
Evaluate Pilot
Identify Necessary Revisions
Revise Training Program and Repeat
Assessment of Project Development
Phase Three: Finalizing the Program
Copyright and the Training Professional
Literary Works
Motion Picture and Audio Works
Off-the-Shelf Training
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 7 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 8: Creative Training Techniques
Learning Objectives
Survival Problem Solving
Script Writing
Role Plays
Role Reversals
Video Feedback
Just for Fun
Serious Games
Crosswords and Other Puzzles
Card Games
Board Game Adaptations
Game Show Adaptations
Computer Games
Participant Directed
Skill Centers
Teaching Teams
Participant Events
Audience Response Systems
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 8 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 9: Implementation Phase
Learning Objections
Training vs. Facilitating
Basic Communication Skills for Trainers
Oral Communication for Trainers
Nonverbal Communication for Trainers
Myths about Using Presentation Aids
Types of Presentation Aids
Tips for Creating Presentation Aids
Tips for Effectively Using Presentation Aids
Graphic Design and Presentation Aids
Basic Tips for Presentational Speaking
Preparing Content
Preparing to Present
Handling Questions
Pike and Arch’s (1997) Dealing with Difficult Participants
The Latecomer
The Preoccupied
Cell Phones Users
The Prisoner
The Introvert
The Elder
The Domineering
The Know-It-All
The Skeptic
The Socializer
The Apple Polisher
The Bored
The Confused
The Unqualified
The Sleeper
The Substance Abuser
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 9 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 10: Evaluation Phase
Learning Objectives
Conducting a Training Evaluation
Step 1: Needs Analysis
Step 2: Measurable Learning Objectives
Step 3: Outcome Measures
Step 4: Evaluation Strategy
Step 5: Execution of Evaluation
Don Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels
Level 1: Reaction
Level 2: Learning
Level 3: Behavior
Level 4: Results
Level 5: Return on Investment
Jack Phillips’ Evaluation Model Steps
Choosing Appropriate Evaluation Outcomes
Evaluation Designs
Types of Designs
Statistics for WLP Professionals
Describing Results
Understanding Differences
Understanding Relationships
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 10 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 11: Learning Transfer
Learning Objectives
The Learning Transfer Problem
What Is Learning Transfer?
Where Is the Problem?
The Learning Triangle
Wick, Pollock, Jefferson, and Flanagan’s Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning \Define (Outcomes)
Design (Complete Experience)
Deliver (for Application)
Drive (Follow-Through)
Deploy (Performance Support)
Document (Results)
The Learning Organization
Knowledge Management
What Is Knowledge Management?
Effective Knowledge Management
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 11 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 12: The Special Case of E-learning
Learning Objectives
Defining E-learning
What Is E-learning?
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Web-Based Training (WBT)
Types of E-learning
Synchronous E-learning
Asynchronous E-learning
E-learning Myths
All Classroom Training Can Convert to E-learning
All You Need Is a Good Authoring Tool
E-learning Must Be Fun
When Employees Don’t Finish E-learning, the Courses Must Be Bad
Getting the Technology to Work Is the Hard Part
E-learning Saves Money
E-learning Is for Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time
E-learning Is Quick to Create
E-learning Is Not as Effective as Face-to-Face Learning
E-learning Is Just a Fad
Tools for E-learning
Proprietary Software Packages
Open-Source Software Packages
Social Learning Platform
Clark and Mayer’s Eight Principles of E-learning Design
Multimedia Principle
Contiguity Principle
Modality Principle
Redundancy Principle
Coherence Principle
Personalization Principle
Segmenting Principle
Pretraining Principle
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 12 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 13: Human Performance Improvement and Coaching
Learning Objectives
Definitions of Key Terms
Performance Consulting
Four Key Performance Consulting Roles
Model of Human Performance Improvement
Environmental Scanning
Gap Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Intervention Selection
Change Management
Intervention Evaluation
Closing the Loop: Repeat as Necessary
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 13 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 14: Managing the Learning Function
Learning Objectives
Aligning Learning with Strategic Business Objectives
Keys to Leading the Training and Learning Function
Model of Strategic Business Alignment
Business Drivers
Challenges to Business Success
External Drivers of Change
The Role of a Talent Development Leader
Necessary Interpersonal and Professional Skills
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 14 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

CHAPTER 15: Talent Development Professionals
Learning Objectives
ATD Capability Model for Training and Development Professionals \
From Competencies to Capabilities
Becoming a Professional
Becoming a Lifelong Learner
Join Professional Associations
Reading Relevant Magazines, Journals, and Books
Ethical Standards
Understanding the Future of Training
Increased Accountability
Increased On-Demand Training Programs
Increased Use of Micro-Modules
Increased Use of Blended Learning
Increased Evidence-Based Practices
Increased Social Learning Practices
Increased Professionalization of the Field
Increased Importance of Technology
Increased Use of Simulations and Serious Games
Increased Expectations with Fewer Resources
Chapter Takeaways
Chapter 15 Exercises
Discussion Questions
Key Terms

APPENDIX A: Project Management for Training and Development Professionals
Learning Objectives
Project Management Basics
What Is a Project?
What Is Project Management?
Project Management Lifecycle
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Execution
Project Closure

APPENDIX B: Conflict Management Skills Training
Facilitator Guide


Jason S Wrench
Jason S. Wrench (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is an associate professor and chair of the Communication Department at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench has published numerous books on a variety of communication topics: Intercultural Communication: Power in Context, Communication, Affect, and Learning in the Classroom (2000, Tapestry Press), Principles of Public Speaking (2003, The College Network), Human Communication in Everyday Life: Explanations and Applications (2008, Allyn & Bacon), Quantitative Research Methods for Communication: A Hands-On Approach (2008 & 2013, Oxford University Press), The Directory of Communication Related Mental Measures (Summer 2010, National Communication Association), Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (2011, Flat World Knowledge), Communication Apprehension, Avoidance, and Effectiveness (2013, Allyn & Bacon), Training and Development: The Intersection of Communication and Talent Development in the Modern Workplace (2014, Kendall Hunt), and Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice (2015, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Wrench has also edited a number of books: Casing Organizational Communication (2011, Kendall Hunt), Workplace Communication for the 21st Century: Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line: Vol. 1. Internal Workplace Communication, Vol. 2. External Workplace Communication (2013, both with Praeger), and Casing Public Relations (2014, Kendall Hunt). Dr. Wrench was the editor of the Ohio Communication Journal from 2005 to 2007, served as an associate editor for Communication Research Reports from 2007 to 2010, and has been on the editorial board of numerous academic journals. Furthermore, Dr. Wrench has published over 30 research articles that have appeared in various journals: Communication Quarterly, Communication Research Reports, Education, Human Communication, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Intercultural Communication, Southern Communication Journal, The Source: A Journal of Education, and The NACADA Journal (National Academic Advising Association).
Maryalice Citera

Maryalice Citera (Ph.D., Purdue University) is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Citera specializes in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her research and teaching interests center on applying psychology to understanding workplace attitudes and behaviors. Dr. Citera teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on work motivation, teamwork, leadership, and the basics of organizational psychology. She also teaches a seminar on the Psychology of Emotion. Dr. Citera’s research interests focus on understanding the intersection between work motivation and emotion in particular how individuals anticipate and respond to task situations.

Her current research examines the role of anticipatory emotions in goal setting, procrastination, and self-efficacy. Her research also examines the role of gender in leadership and negotiation. She has published more than 15 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and book chapters including: Research in Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, and the Journal of Business and Psychology.

She has served as a consultant for both private industry and governmental agencies, primarily conducting program evaluations, attitude surveys, and statistical analyses.

Danette Johnson

Danette Ifert Johnson (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies as well as Vice Provost for Academic Programs at Ithaca College. Dr. Johnson’s research and teaching interests center on interpersonal communication, specifically interpersonal influence, and how people use language to gain resources and manage positive relationships with others. In addition to her graduate work in communication, she holds an M.A. in educational psychology from West Virginia University. Dr. Johnson was formerly on the faculty at West Virginia Wesleyan College and Texas Tech University.

Dr. Johnson has published over 35 peer-reviewed academic articles and book chapters in outlets including: Communication Education, Communication Quarterly, Communication Research, The Review of Higher Education, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Numeracy, and Progress in Communication Sciences. She is also a co-author of Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (2011, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Johnson has served on editorial boards of numerous academic journals, including the International Journal of Listening, Communication Research Reports, and the Journal of the Association for Communication Administration.

She has been an active member of the Eastern Communication Association for over two decades, serving as that organization’s President (2013–14), Executive Director (2004–07), and as program planner for the organizational, instructional, nonverbal, and interpersonal communication interest groups.

  • Discussion Prompts
  • Exercises