UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPMENT: A LIFESPAN PERSPECTIVE takes a topical approach to lifespan development, rather than the chronological approach common among other texts. From this perspective, readers can consider the variations – the processes of change – that occur within common areas like health, memory, and attachment.
After reviewing the foundational information about how researchers pursue the scientific study of lifespan development, readers evaluate the general patterns of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial changes across the lifespan and assess how different contextual factors can affect development. Together, the narrative and features in the text encourage readers to think beyond what they may already know and consider the topics from different perspectives.
Chapter 1: The Study of Lifespan Development
Chapter 2: Foundational Theories and Research Practices in the Study of Human Development
Chapter 3: Genetics, Conception, and Prenatal Development
Chapter 4: Birth and Neonatal Development
Chapter 5: Physical Development: Brain and Body
Chapter 6: Health and Wellness
Chapter 7: Cognitive Development
Chapter 8: Language Development
Chapter 9: Intelligence
Chapter 10: Psychosocial and Emotional Development
Chapter 11: Personality, the Self, and Moral Development
Chapter 12: Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 13: Social Roles and Relationships
Chapter 14: Education, Work, and Retirement
Chapter 15: End of Life: Death and Dying
Chapter 16: A Thoughtful Approach to Life: Aspects of Successful Aging