Vital Readings in American Politics

Author(s): M Jeffrey Colbert

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Chapter One   
 The Declaration of Independence    
 Constitution for the United States of America    
 The Federalist No. 47:  Madison    
 The Federalist No. 48:  Madison    
 The Federalist No. 51:  Madison    
 Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania
  to Their Constituents    

Chapter Two   
 The Federalist No. 45:  Madison    
 McCulloch v. The State of Maryland    
 Federalism in America:  An Obituary, by Forrest McDonald and Susan McDonald
 The Balance of Power between the Federal Government and the States, by Kathleen M. Sullivan

Chapter Three   
 The Federalist No. 70:  Hamilton    
 The Coalition Game:  The Heart of Governing, by Hedrick Smith
 The Paradox of Presidential Power, by Godfrey Hodgson

Chapter Four   
 Constraints, James Q. Wilson
 Bureaucracy as Polity, by Ralph P. Hummel

Chapter Five   
 The Federalist No. 57:  Hamilton or Madison    
 Party Leaders and the New Legislative Process, by Barbara Sinclair

Chapter Six   
 The Federalist No. 78:  Hamilton    
 Storm Center--"Packing the Court," by David O'Brien
 Marbury v. Madison    
 Roe v. Wade    

Chapter Seven   
 Nature and Function of Party, by V.O. Key
 Breaking the Two-Party Monopoly, by Douglas Amy
 The Decline of Collective Responsibility in American Politics, by Morris P. Fiorina
 Going to Extremes, Losing the Center, by W. John Moore 
 The Feeding Frenzy, by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum

Chapter Eight   
 The Incredible Shrinking Sound Bite, by Kiku Adatto
 The Role of the Media in Representative Government, by Kathleen M. Sullivan

Chapter Nine   
 The Incredible Shrinking Electorate, by Thomas E. Patterson
 What Killed Civic Engagement?  Summing Up, by Robert D. Putnam

M Jeffrey Colbert



Chapter One   
 The Declaration of Independence    
 Constitution for the United States of America    
 The Federalist No. 47:  Madison    
 The Federalist No. 48:  Madison    
 The Federalist No. 51:  Madison    
 Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania
  to Their Constituents    

Chapter Two   
 The Federalist No. 45:  Madison    
 McCulloch v. The State of Maryland    
 Federalism in America:  An Obituary, by Forrest McDonald and Susan McDonald
 The Balance of Power between the Federal Government and the States, by Kathleen M. Sullivan

Chapter Three   
 The Federalist No. 70:  Hamilton    
 The Coalition Game:  The Heart of Governing, by Hedrick Smith
 The Paradox of Presidential Power, by Godfrey Hodgson

Chapter Four   
 Constraints, James Q. Wilson
 Bureaucracy as Polity, by Ralph P. Hummel

Chapter Five   
 The Federalist No. 57:  Hamilton or Madison    
 Party Leaders and the New Legislative Process, by Barbara Sinclair

Chapter Six   
 The Federalist No. 78:  Hamilton    
 Storm Center--"Packing the Court," by David O'Brien
 Marbury v. Madison    
 Roe v. Wade    

Chapter Seven   
 Nature and Function of Party, by V.O. Key
 Breaking the Two-Party Monopoly, by Douglas Amy
 The Decline of Collective Responsibility in American Politics, by Morris P. Fiorina
 Going to Extremes, Losing the Center, by W. John Moore 
 The Feeding Frenzy, by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum

Chapter Eight   
 The Incredible Shrinking Sound Bite, by Kiku Adatto
 The Role of the Media in Representative Government, by Kathleen M. Sullivan

Chapter Nine   
 The Incredible Shrinking Electorate, by Thomas E. Patterson
 What Killed Civic Engagement?  Summing Up, by Robert D. Putnam

M Jeffrey Colbert