It Only Takes One to Make A Difference.
Self Examine and Be An Instrument of Change….
We are at a place in time where the very seam of what needs to happen (for the world to move beyond these harsh economic and social times) cannot be accomplished without us beginning a movement that is way overdue. That movement is walking in true unity. While considerable progress has been made in unity (2008 presidential election, Berlin Wall, US and Russian Treaty) over recent time, the movement must continue.
While We Still Have Time: The Change Begins with You takes you on an amazing journey of self-examination and empowerment that will help us leave our mark upon the world while we still have time to do so. The publication helps you to be an instrument of change, make a difference, and leave your mark in a unified, colorless world.
Chock full of various spiritual/cultural quotes and references from great men of history, While We Still Have Time takes you on a revealing journey and hopefully, the healing process.
CHAPTER 1: Finding the Root
CHAPTER 2: And a Child Shall Lead Them
CHAPTER 3: This Thing We Call Love!
CHAPTER 4: There’s No Place like Home
CHAPTER 5: A Soul Divided
CHAPTER 6: The Me/The Him/The Her in the Mirror: Which One Are You?
CHAPTER 7: Race Matters: The Process of Progress
CHAPTER 8: A Falling Away
CHAPTER 9: Before a Healing Comes a Breaking
CHAPTER 10: The Great Divide: Repairing the Cracks in Our Country’s Foundation
CHAPTER 11: The Conflict of Culture: Finding Commonalities in Uncommon Worlds
CHAPTER 12: If Only It Was a Black and White Issue
CHAPTER 13: The Hope of Tomorrow: Restoration of the Original Plan