Why Philosophy Matters

Author(s): Henry Jacoby

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2018

Pages: 128

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ISBN 9781524974565

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Why Philosophy Matters introduces readers to the subject matter of philosophy by looking at some of its traditional problems. Many introductory philosophy texts fail to engage their audience, and likewise fail to have the positive effect that a study of philosophy can produce.

This book depicts the nature of philosophy and why its value is just as great in today’s world as it was in the time of the ancient Greeks where it all began.  It delves into why philosophy still matters in today’s world where science can explain so much as well as the four classic philosophical problems knowledge and skepticism, mind and brain, free will, and God – with the hope that a felt sense of understanding of the value of studying philosophy will make these problems even more interesting.

Part I The Nature and Value of Philosophy

Chapter 1 The Examined Life

Chapter 2 Why Philosophy Matters

Part II The Problems of Philosophy

Chapter 3 Knowledge and Skepticism

Chapter 4 Mind and Brain

Chapter 5 Free Will

Chapter 6 God

Part III Living Well

Chapter 7 Philosophy and a Meaningful Life

Henry Jacoby

Why Philosophy Matters introduces readers to the subject matter of philosophy by looking at some of its traditional problems. Many introductory philosophy texts fail to engage their audience, and likewise fail to have the positive effect that a study of philosophy can produce.

This book depicts the nature of philosophy and why its value is just as great in today’s world as it was in the time of the ancient Greeks where it all began.  It delves into why philosophy still matters in today’s world where science can explain so much as well as the four classic philosophical problems knowledge and skepticism, mind and brain, free will, and God – with the hope that a felt sense of understanding of the value of studying philosophy will make these problems even more interesting.

Part I The Nature and Value of Philosophy

Chapter 1 The Examined Life

Chapter 2 Why Philosophy Matters

Part II The Problems of Philosophy

Chapter 3 Knowledge and Skepticism

Chapter 4 Mind and Brain

Chapter 5 Free Will

Chapter 6 God

Part III Living Well

Chapter 7 Philosophy and a Meaningful Life

Henry Jacoby