"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom" Prov. 4:7


Edition: 1

Copyright: 2023

Pages: 147

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ISBN 9798765750704

Details KHPContent 180 days

  • First semester:
  1. How do we measure a Physical Quantity?
  2. Expressing Accuracy and Precision in Experimental Physics
  3. Measuring the acceleration due to gravity
  4. Contact force, normal force, and force of frictions
  5. Hooke’s law applied to spring restoring force
  6. Force addition rules
  7. Centripetal force
  8. Torque and moment of inertia
  9. Equilibrium of a solid due to three forces
  10. Human arm, a biophysics laboratory
  11. Impulse and momentum change
  12. Concept of conservation in collision
  13. Experiencing Archimedes’ principle in hydrostatic
  14. Studying Torricelli’s principle in hydrodynamics
  15. Examples of Simple Harmonic Oscillation


B-Second semester:

  1. Mechanical standing wave: Melde’s experiment
  2. Traveling longitudinal wave: sound
  3. Interference in space and interference in time of sound waves
  4. Understanding diffraction grating
  5. Geometric Optics I: reflection and refraction
  6. Geometric Optics II: focal length, real image, virtual image
  7. Human eye, a biophysics laboratory
  8. Electric fields and equipotential
  9. Ohm’s law
  10. Kirchhoff’s laws or rules
  11. RC time constant
  12. Axon model, a biophysics laboratory
  13. AC impedance
  14. Balmer series and Rydberg constant
  15. Exponential growth and decay

  • First semester:
  1. How do we measure a Physical Quantity?
  2. Expressing Accuracy and Precision in Experimental Physics
  3. Measuring the acceleration due to gravity
  4. Contact force, normal force, and force of frictions
  5. Hooke’s law applied to spring restoring force
  6. Force addition rules
  7. Centripetal force
  8. Torque and moment of inertia
  9. Equilibrium of a solid due to three forces
  10. Human arm, a biophysics laboratory
  11. Impulse and momentum change
  12. Concept of conservation in collision
  13. Experiencing Archimedes’ principle in hydrostatic
  14. Studying Torricelli’s principle in hydrodynamics
  15. Examples of Simple Harmonic Oscillation


B-Second semester:

  1. Mechanical standing wave: Melde’s experiment
  2. Traveling longitudinal wave: sound
  3. Interference in space and interference in time of sound waves
  4. Understanding diffraction grating
  5. Geometric Optics I: reflection and refraction
  6. Geometric Optics II: focal length, real image, virtual image
  7. Human eye, a biophysics laboratory
  8. Electric fields and equipotential
  9. Ohm’s law
  10. Kirchhoff’s laws or rules
  11. RC time constant
  12. Axon model, a biophysics laboratory
  13. AC impedance
  14. Balmer series and Rydberg constant
  15. Exponential growth and decay