Writing to Change the World, Preliminary Edition

Author(s): Laura Bates

Edition: 0

Copyright: 2023

Pages: 37

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ISBN 9798765784860

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In any writing class, through using this textbook, readers will improve their writing by practicing a variety of writing styles and assignments, while keeping with the theme and purpose of creating a positive impact on our planet.

Writing to Change the World contains examples of varied writing assignments, such as writing critical analyses, proposals, multimodal and digital projects, and documented expository prose, any kind of writing with an emphasis on public and disciplinary writing.

Readers will learn more about the nature of writing in their discipline (i.e., their major area of study) and the professional world they will enter after completing their undergraduate education. The authors explore some of the genres and processes that will be essential to their success in completing extensive research projects.

The authors will also explore the rhetorical concepts and strategies necessary for successful writing both in the university and the professional world. In short, readers will study writing. And through the accompanying writing samples, readers will also learn more about the nature … of Nature.


Unit One: Audience

Unit Two: Technical Matters

Unit Three: Persuasive Writing

Unit Four: Changing the World in Your Discipline

Unit Five: Multi-modal/Digital Writing

Unit Six: Comparison/Contrast (Evaluating Sources)

Unit Seven: Research Paper (Rough Draft)

Unit Eight: Research Paper (Final Draft)

Closing Thoughts

Laura Bates

In any writing class, through using this textbook, readers will improve their writing by practicing a variety of writing styles and assignments, while keeping with the theme and purpose of creating a positive impact on our planet.

Writing to Change the World contains examples of varied writing assignments, such as writing critical analyses, proposals, multimodal and digital projects, and documented expository prose, any kind of writing with an emphasis on public and disciplinary writing.

Readers will learn more about the nature of writing in their discipline (i.e., their major area of study) and the professional world they will enter after completing their undergraduate education. The authors explore some of the genres and processes that will be essential to their success in completing extensive research projects.

The authors will also explore the rhetorical concepts and strategies necessary for successful writing both in the university and the professional world. In short, readers will study writing. And through the accompanying writing samples, readers will also learn more about the nature … of Nature.


Unit One: Audience

Unit Two: Technical Matters

Unit Three: Persuasive Writing

Unit Four: Changing the World in Your Discipline

Unit Five: Multi-modal/Digital Writing

Unit Six: Comparison/Contrast (Evaluating Sources)

Unit Seven: Research Paper (Rough Draft)

Unit Eight: Research Paper (Final Draft)

Closing Thoughts

Laura Bates