Writing Made Simple

Author(s): Jonathan De Young

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2012

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Ebook Package


ISBN 9781524947347

Details Ebook w/Other Web Product 180 days

Packaged with iGrammar

The Power of Words and Magic of Invention

Set Up Your Page Right and Your Professors Will Love You

For Whom the Student Writes: Audience and Attitude Matter

Vivid and Specific: Get Descriptive!

The Story of Students’ Sample Papers

The “So What?” Factor: Creating Interesting Content

Caring for Your Writer’s Soul

In Their Own Voices: Students Tell Their Stories

Rebel Verbs

Easily Confused Words

Get Focused with the FOCES Guide

Jonathan De Young

Jonathan De Young is Professor of English at Harrisburg Area Community College (PA). His work has been published in Welter, the University of Baltimore’s literary journal, the Christian Science Monitor, and Central Penn Parent. He is the author of Any Day is Father’s Day, a collection of stories available on Amazon.com. For Kendall/Hunt, he penned Writing Made Simple and iGrammar. He is also the author of You Too Can Write Poetry, which will be available soon on iTunes University. Recently, De Young studied with poet Billy Collins, in his poetry workshop in Key West, Florida. Collins was Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001-2003.

Packaged with iGrammar

The Power of Words and Magic of Invention

Set Up Your Page Right and Your Professors Will Love You

For Whom the Student Writes: Audience and Attitude Matter

Vivid and Specific: Get Descriptive!

The Story of Students’ Sample Papers

The “So What?” Factor: Creating Interesting Content

Caring for Your Writer’s Soul

In Their Own Voices: Students Tell Their Stories

Rebel Verbs

Easily Confused Words

Get Focused with the FOCES Guide

Jonathan De Young

Jonathan De Young is Professor of English at Harrisburg Area Community College (PA). His work has been published in Welter, the University of Baltimore’s literary journal, the Christian Science Monitor, and Central Penn Parent. He is the author of Any Day is Father’s Day, a collection of stories available on Amazon.com. For Kendall/Hunt, he penned Writing Made Simple and iGrammar. He is also the author of You Too Can Write Poetry, which will be available soon on iTunes University. Recently, De Young studied with poet Billy Collins, in his poetry workshop in Key West, Florida. Collins was Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001-2003.