The Consultative Approach
One of the things that we love to talk about with our past, present and current authors is our consultative approach. This has been the foundation and our unique approach since the beginning. But, what do we mean when we say consultative approach?
When speaking about our consultative approach, we are referring to the time we spend sitting down with professors across the country on a daily basis. We talk to them about how they teach their course at their college or university and what makes it a unique learning experience for their students. When we sit down with professors to talk about this, we listen. Plain and simple. We don’t go in with preconceived notions of what WE think is best. We sit down and we listen to them to hear what they think is best. After all, these professors are the ones teaching and interacting with students on a daily basis, and they will be the ones using the finished print, electronic, or adaptive learning product.
Once we have established the vision the professor has for course material, we work to prescribe a solution for their classroom in consultation with them, rather than trying to use an existing solution that does not fit their specific needs. This unique way to develop educational products works well for the professor and their students, as well as how we operate as a publishing company.
Don’t just take it from us. Kendall Hunt Author Sara Adams Centeno spoke to the process when creating her product:
“From the beginning, my editor, Ryan O’Shaughnessy, was quickly able to see my vision for the product and remain supportive throughout the publishing processes,” said Centeno. “Kendall Hunt is a company that truly cares about its authors and more importantly, the readers whom we serve.”
No matter if you’re looking to create your own product, adopt or customize an existing title, we work with you so that you end up with the perfect product that fits best with your course, your students and your institution.
“Kendall Hunt has been tremendously helpful in me being able to find exactly the material I need for my students to learn what they need to learn in a textbook form,” said Kendall Hunt author John McHale. “The people at Kendall Hunt are willing to work with us, are willing to modify with us to get the best product that allows the students to learn the most.”
Are you intrigued? Tell us your publishing idea or learn more about adopting one of our titles that would fit your course.