Kendall Hunt and Notre Dame Partnership

January 27, 2020

What does this mean for Kendall Hunt authors and adopters?

These studies can be combined into custom casebooks and used as class ancillaries, resources for group and research projects, and much more. While they make excellent stand-alone resources, they can also be packaged with any existing Kendall Hunt publication to create a custom, self-contained text tailored to your unique needs. Not only is this convenient for your students, putting all their class resources in a central location, but it also saves you time throughout the semester—whether that be at the copier, finding substitutes for broken links, or acting as tech support for students accessing online resources. Additionally, since you know your students and your content better than anyone, you can hand-select cases that perfectly compliment your course. This seamless implementation of real, researched cases provides an active learning experience for classes such as:

  • Business/Corporate Communication
  • Business Speaking
  • Business Writing
  • Change Communication
  • Organizational Behavior,
  • Principles of Management/Business
  • Marketing, etc.

Notre Dame’s case studies positively impact student involvement and engagement. Due to their controversial subject matter, students can open up about ethical topics when they otherwise might not. The framework of a case study provides a sense of security, helping students feel more at ease and less personally exposed than when discussing values outside such contexts. According to the Boston University Center for Learning & Teaching, case studies prod students to think in hues other than black and white since they deal with ambiguous subject matter and present few absolutes. This produces an opportunity to carefully analyze variables while working toward conclusions, allowing for a manifestation of thought not always evoked with other teaching and study methods.

Additionally, because they are concise, it is feasible to include more studies within the time constraints of a semester. Rather than being limited to only a few cases as a result of their sheer length, Notre Dame studies allow you to incorporate a greater number and variety, providing a more active, varied, and applied learning experience.

Ultimately, we couldn’t agree more with Kinzer. The shared “realities and interests” between Notre Dame and Kendall Hunt lie in a common goal—student achievement. This is how these studies were born, and it is why Kendall Hunt is in the publishing business. It is our hope that our alliance helps you to guide your students further down the path of success, both in their academic lives and beyond.

For more information about Notre Dame’s business cases, visit or contact your local rep.