Pedagogical Civility

Ronald C. Arnett, Janie Harden Fritz, and Leeanne Bell McManus
November 1, 2018

Pedagogical Civility: Protecting and Promoting Learning in the Classroom | A Communication Ethics Literacy Perspective

During and since the 2016 United States presidential election, stereotypes, biases, and negativity have taken over civil discourse. As a result, educators face unprecedented challenges teaching students how to speak and listen well during this era oliberty and cynicism for all."

Ronald C. Arnett (Duquesne University), Janie Harden Fritz (Duquesne University), and Leeanne Bell McManus (Stevenson University) host a webinar that explores and generates discussion related to civil discourse during uncivil times. The featured panelists are co-authors of Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference.

This interactive 45-minute webinar:
- Engages participants in a meaningful dialogue about civil discourse in the classroom in a collaborative and creative manner
- Critically reflects on the significance of civil discourse in the classroom in encouraging and maintaining a participative democracy
- Offers practical strategies for creating a classroom where civil discourse is possible.

To view the full webinar, visit: