A Reflection of Interning at Kendall Hunt

Seth Bonifas
April 28, 2016

Since starting at Kendall Hunt as an intern in May, I have learned a lot. Having little experience in a business setting, I didn’t know what to expect coming in, but I quickly found out how fast-paced the job would be. From working in Research and Development to Marketing, I feel like I have truly gained experience in business that I can carry through for the rest of my life.

Research and Development taught me many things. First, it taught me how widespread Kendall Hunt truly was. I found it very intriguing how many college campuses KH visits every year. Second, it was amazing to see how many college professors we talk to each year in order to secure titles. It was very helpful having Amy as a resource to help me learn the basics.

Making the transition to Marketing at the start of June, I began to see how truly extensive marketing is. From email campaigns that reach thousands of people, to creating personalized pieces to satisfy a specific author, I learned how to balance my writing to keep it short and sweet for the consumer, yet lengthy enough to accurately describe the title that was being marketed. Working with a great team of Kendall Hunt employees really helped me along the way, as I felt I could always ask them questions if I was stuck or needed help.

The best part about becoming an intern at Kendall Hunt was meeting all of the helpful people. I truly enjoyed coming to work every day, because I knew I would get to be around my coworkers for another day. Kendall Hunt created a comfortable environment in which I could learn quickly, and help out at the same time. This internship really helped me to learn what the “real world” is like after graduation from college.