Search Results: 1001 - 1010 of 1022

OpenStax Quimica softcover


"Química 2ed está diseñado para cumplir con los requisitos de alcance y secuencia del curso de química general de dos semestres. Este libro de texto brinda una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes aprendan los conceptos básicos de la química y comprendan cómo se aplican a sus vidas y al mundo q...

Business Law for Non-Lawyers

Author(s): Linda Chiasson

Most law books are written by lawyers for lawyers and this is good because we need sound academic legal books to know and understand the law. But the information in most of these books tend not be too accessible to non-lawyers without the advice and guidance of lawyers. Therefore, this book does not...

Hidden Epidemic: HIV/AIDS in African-American Communities

Author(s): David Ajuluchukwu

Data from CDC clearly indicate that HIV/AIDS is a major epidemic among African American community. This does not undermine the progress made so far in containing the epidemic. This epidemic is now another health issue on our plates, and we need to look at all the factors that impede the effort made ...

Learning and Earning in the 21st Century: What You Need to Know and How to Succeed

Author(s): Angela Reeves

Several participants were recently heard to say:"This is fun!"Learning about oneself, one's strengths and enhancing specific areas to strong proficiency can be "fun"! The information, assignments and activities included in the 5th edition of Learning and Earning in the 21st Century: What You Need to...

Read, Write, Think: A Rhetoric for the Real World

Author(s): Wesley Hellman

Read, Write, Think:  A Rhetoric for the Real World reflects the experience of a seasoned practitioner of composition teaching and composition pedagogy.  It is written in a voice that engages in a conversation with students.  The text is unique in how it approaches: reading, writing, and thinki...

Politics: An American Cultural Perspective

Author(s): Kevin F. Sims

Politics is the result of culture demanding a change. Often, it is music that facilitates that change. Music provides the voice for not only the songwriter, but listener as well. Music can speak to the euphoria one feels when experiencing the joys of human freedom, and it can express the feeling of ...