Search Results: 1211 - 1220 of 1234

A Different Existence Duquesne


"Through the presentation of the behavior of a single case, van den Berg elaborates the major forms of experiencing, including one's physical world, one's body, one's social world, and time perspective of past and future. Before elaborating how these notions can be dealt with within an existential o...

Managing Social Media: Responding to Critics on Twitter


Abstract Ten minutes before Montague walked in his office at 9:30 this morning, popular sports blog Kissing Shelly Kohler already had 275,000 views on their Flanders’ Twitter story. The Buckhorns media and public relations office had been deluged with requests for comment. Massaging his temples w...

Interpersonal Adaptation Theory: Deceptive Communication in Text Messages


Sample In 1973, Martin Cooper was the first person to use a cellular phone to make a public phone call (Shields, 2003). In 2003, at the age of 73, Cooper was still in the cell phone business as co-founder and CEO of ArrayComm, a company that makes software allowing mobile service carriers to incr...

Who's the Parent Now? When Adult Children Become Caregivers for Parents


Abstract When I was nine years old, I was very sick with mumps. I was miserable—achy, uncomfortable, and feverish. I couldn’t speak without strain and even swallowing was painful. I remember my mother sitting with me for hours on end. She rubbed my forehead with a cool washcloth to ease the fever...

Administrative Management and Procedures

Author(s): Pamela Scott Bracey

The purpose of Administrative Management and Procedures is to assist current and future leaders to develop the necessary skills to survive and thrive professionally in an ever-changing work environment, even when impacted by unforeseen tragedies beyond their ability to control. Appropriate administr...

Storms, Lies, and Silence: Notes towards a Non-Dialogic Mode of Intercultural Contact


Abstract Sitting on the floor of a Phnom Penh studio, the conversation stumbling in a no-mans-land between English and Khmer, Punisa and I both trying to “make ourselves understood,” and enthusiastically claiming to understand the other. So caught up in this urge to communicate that we did not re...

Effective College Reading

Author(s): A Celeste Shelton/Harris

Welcome to your new world of reading at the college level! Effective College Reading is a text workbook (a combination of a textbook and workbook format) that has been designed to assist you on this academia journey. This text is divided and sub-divided into best practices and college-level textb...

Algebra with Applications

Author(s): Clark Metz

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