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Integrated Marketing Communication: A Consumer-Centric Approach for the Digital Era

Author(s): Thomas R. Flynn, James R. Smith, Michael Walsh

New Second Edition Coming Soon!There is a newer set of marketplace realities. The 2025—2034 decade is primed to become the most extraordinary era in marketing communication history. The consumer environment is filled with cultural, economic, political, and social turbulance. AI, marketing and commun...

WCU 150: History and Heritage

Author(s): Michael Di Giovine, Aaron Stoyack

ses·qui·cen·ten·ni·al/ seskwəsen-tenēəl/(adjective)relating to the one-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of a significant event.The 2021-2022 academic year marked West Chester University’s Sesquicentennial Anniversary. As the largest liberal arts university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the se...

It's All About the Marketing Stupid: A Practical Guide to Music Marketing. SECOND EDITION

Author(s): Kent W. Anderson, Jerry Brindisi

OK, so here’s the deal: If you’re considering buying this book, if you’re a wanna-be hip-hop artist, DJ, if you have a band or have a desire to be in the music business, you should read this book. It’s not the definitive book about the “music business,” however, this book may reveal numerous marketi...

Straight from the Source: A Tune-Based Approach to Learning Jazz Improvisation

Author(s): John Kocur, Charles Ciorba

In Straight from the Source: A Tune-Based Approach to Learning Jazz Improvisation, veteran teachers Chuck Ciorba and John Kocur offer a comprehensive guide for all instrumentalists to learn how to improvise. “Straight from the Source” suggests that great jazz recordings and the tunes themselves shou...

Resource Management for the Elderly Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Financial Planning and Security in Retirement Years

Author(s): Lisa Martin

As the global population ages, societies worldwide are confronted with unprecedented challenges in ensuring the financial security and well-being of their elderly citizens. The phenomenon, often referred to as the "Silver Tsunami," presents a complex web of economic, social, and ethical dilemmas tha...

Making "Sense" of Genetics Today

Author(s): KARL CHAI

Making “Sense” of Genetics Today – Karl ChaiThis book returns the Law of Genetics to its simple core in the original discovery and in the applications to genetic studies over the past 120 years, as well as that of today.Using classic human hereditary disorders as examples, such as alkaptonuria, sick...

The Rescue of an Orphan

Author(s): Leslie Dean

Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? And why you keep doing them over and over again . . . no matter how much you want to change?  You are not alone. Our habits are often passed down from one generation to the next. We have little control of what they are, or how they affect us, because ...

Bored and Loving It

Author(s): Richard Pate

Being bored and yet loving it seems oxymoronic, but it’s not.  Our little book is about our three little animal friends who one way or another lose their cell phones and discover that being without them is actually fun!  Their initial boredom turns into what boredom usually turns into: freedom of th...

General Chemistry Laboratories: A Freshman Workbook

Author(s): Simon G Bott, Russell A Geanangel, Vladimir Zaitsev

eBook VersionYou will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase., basic_html

Philosophy Born of Struggle: Anthology of Afro-American Philosophy From 1917

Author(s): Leonard Harris

Philosophy Born of Struggle – Afro-American Philosophy from 1917, Third Edition, features philosophic foundations.  Voices that express competing ideas about the nature of religion, social activism, humanism, culture, race, identity, dignity and values.  Thus, the sections’ Meta- philosophy, Politic...