Search Results: 801 - 810 of 836

An Introduction to Media Literacy

Author(s): Lori Moses

Any study of the media is a work in progress as the media continually changes. While these media changes are multi-faceted with far reaching effects and implications, we can identify major characteristics and recurring phenomenon. This continuing work in progress is the premise of Introduction to...

Sacrifice and Winning: The Difficult Reality of Players, Management, and Contracts


Abstract As seriously as professional sports are taken in the world, often people forget that it is first and foremost a business. When decisions have to be made, they are not only sports moves, but business choices as well. Athletes are just as much employees as they are sports figures, and thei...

Fans, Athletes, and Twitter: Analyzing Twitter for (Para) Social Relationship Building


Sample On October 31, 2011, NBA Superstar Kevin Durant tweeted the following: “This lockout is really boring … anybody playing fl ag football in Okc ... I need to run around or something!” (Boren, 2011, para. 2). It didn’t take long for fans to respond to Durant’s call for something to do. Accord...

Talking Family: The Discourses of Voluntary Kin


Sample Miriam scurried around the kitchen, working on Thanksgiving dinner. She checked the dining room table and decided it was lovely, with her grandmother’s linens and china that she used only for special dinners. She straightened the tall candles and the little Thanksgiving Pilgrim couple, fig...

Case Studies of Murder: The Enigma of the American Serial Killer

Author(s): James Sparks

The goal of Case Studies of Murder: The Enigma of the American Serial Killer is to provide informative, qualitative case studies of those individuals who have been arrested and convicted of serial murder crimes in the United States. Each chapter is written with detailed narratives on specific indivi...

Photo Op: Natural Disasters and Public Relations


Abstract Rhythm Peterson is interim director of social media for a national campaign and faced with the dilemma of how to accurately represent Governor Morgan Reynolds who is running for vice president. Rhythm is conflicted between the pressure to provide a favorable representation of Governor Re...

Building the Basics: A Handbook for Pursuing Academic Excellence in Africana Studies

Author(s): Dr. M. Keith Claybrook

The mission and goal of Africana Studies is the development of cultural grounding, academic excellence, and social responsibility. Building the Basics: A Handbook for Developing Academic Excellence in Africana Studies focuses on the goal of developing students academically. Throughout students’ acad...

Shallow Talk and Separate Spaces: Dealing with Relational Conflict


Sample Sarah was frustrated as she drove home from work. Always too much to do and never enough time. She was working way too much and she knew it. But she didn’t know how to say no when asked to do more. She was still not finished with the midyear report and, to make matters worse, she was facin...

The "Helicopter" Parent and College Athletic Disappointment


Abstract This case focuses on relational communication in sport and involves a “helicopter” parent, Alicia, who hovers over her son and pressures him to be a successful basketball player from high school to college at State University. In college, Alicia’s son, Esteban, struggles to adjust to the...

Healing Power of Leadership: Lessons from the Coronavirus Lockdown

Author(s): Timothy Makubuya

Healing Power of Leadership provides numerous straightforward and artful lessons that leaders from both formal and informal education sectors share about pivoting in times of intense turmoil. From displaying servant leadership skills to showcasing high levels of emotional intelligence with dealing w...