Search Results: 1001 - 1010 of 1023

Game Changer: Christ Centered Critical Thinking Teacher Edition

Author(s): Bunnie Loree Claxton, Dawn Cobb-Fossnes

Your students are about to begin a fun adventure to learn critical-thinking skills, which will have a profound impact on their lives. Critical-thinking skills promote independent thinking, wise decision making, problem solving, and other life skills that will guide your students through real-life si...

Avoiding Plagiarism: The Easy Way!


"Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. It has become a major concern in academia due to the ever-growing popularity of the Internet. Plagiarism can result in more than just a failing grade. Students can lose credit for a course, be forced to repeat a course, be placed on academic probation, o...

Purposeful Leadership: An Instructional Manual

Author(s): Ramon Tejada

In this 2nd edition, Purposeful Leadership bridges an understanding and awareness of foundational principles for leadership attainment of skills for organizational and preparation for success in leading. With the addition of full-color photographs and clear and consistent side by side classroom note...

Traffic Crash Investigation


Traffic Crash Investigation is recognized today as fundamental to a sound program of traffic control and accident prevention. This manual is designed to facilitate proper training in this field by serving both as a textbook and an instructional guide. Unique in the field of police publications, it o...

Principles of Telecommunications: Foundations of Information Technologies


The textbook is designed specifically for those involved in the IT field as either a student or working professional.  It presents basic communications theories in a manner that intentionally avoids the lengthy mathematical derivations found in similar texts designed for the electrical engineering s...

Writing for Physics: The Laboratory Report

Author(s): Lene Jaqua

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. ~ Francis Bacon Laboratory courses are challenging on many levels. We are trying to familiarize students with equipment at the same time that they are to connect the uses of that equipment to the theoretical physics...