Search Results: 51 - 57 of 57

Essential Humanities

Author(s): Lois Parrott

If you are looking for a text book that students can carry to and from class and also enjoy reading like a magazine, this is the text for you.  This text is the best way to teach Humanities to students who are required to take an Introduction to the Humanities course.  Essential Humanities was writt...

Discovering Physical Geography: Our Global Environment

Author(s): Dean Fairbanks

Discovering Physical Geography: Our Global Environment is an online text containing interactive multimedia components, including text/images, video, animations, hyperlinked keywords, section quizzes and follow-up study questions.  This versatile textbook consists of five geographical modules that co...

Module 1: Test Preparation

Author(s): Melanie Clarke

The Global Leadership Set of Modules enables you to become a global leader who will be able to move and lead in many different environments. All three modules are powerful tools that will help you to succeed in any environment. Module 1 is a “test preparation” experience that gives you the tools to ...