American Government and Public Policy Today: Origins, Institution, and Modern Democracies: Texas Edition

Author(s): Glynn E Newman

Edition: 7

Copyright: 2022

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ISBN 9798765706527

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American Government and Public Policy Today is a turn-key online course package that introduce students to American national government, providing a broad-based introduction to the concepts and institutions that shape politics in the United States.  It focuses on four major areas: the Constitution and the debates of the founding era, political institutions of modern American government, public policy issues of modern American government, and the political behavior of the American mass public. 

Student will  study the ideas, roles, and limitations of both governmental officials and ordinary citizens, and how they interact while trying to achieve public goods.  The authors provide documents from America’s formative period and modern political phenomena from a variety of sources.  It helps each student in the class arrive at a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the forces that shape American government and politics. Ultimately, the goal is that each person may be both a more discerning student and critic of the system and a more informed and fact based participant in the society. While most of the decision-making takes place at the national level, state and local government are primarily responsible for public safety and education.  In addition, state and local governments are responsible for economic development, welfare policy, environmental policy and healthcare.

American Government and Public Policy Today:

  • continues a tradition of scholarly and factual coverage of both American and Texas government.
  • features a basic structure, which makes it an easy read and remains informative and current.
  • makes government come alive.
  • features current graphs and charts.
  • includes access to test bank, quizzes, and assignments.


About the Author

Part 1: American Government and Public Policy

Chapter 1 Democracy in America

Evolution of American Democracy

Politics in America

A Land of Law, Not of People

A Foreign Eye on Democracy

Direct and Representative Democracy

The Majority or Power Elite

Chapter 2 The U.S. Constitution

The Constitution: Defined

Constitutional Beginnings

Five Precedents to the Constitution

Problems Facing the New Nation

The Constitutional Convention

The Second Constitution: 1787

Chapter 3 Federalism

Why Federalism?

The Recipe for Federalism

The Tenth Amendment and the States

The Federal System Evolves

Federalism and the Federal Courts

Tomorrow’s Federalism

Chapter 4 Legislative Branch

Legislative Branch Constitutional Roots

The Powers of Congress

Congressional Duties

Incumbency Advantages

Membership in Congress

Organization of Congress

Committee System

A Bill Becomes a Law

Chapter 5 Executive Branch

The President


Term of Office



Duties and Power of the President

Chief Executive


Removing Officials

Line-Item Veto

Budget Making

Pardoning Power

Office of the Vice President

Chapter 6 The Federal Bureaucracy

The Federal Bureaucracy

The Evolution of the Federal Bureaucracy

The Merit System

Policy Implementation

Red Tape and Complexity

Chapter 7 The Judicial Branch

Judicial Power

Structure of the Courts

Supreme Court Justice Selection Criteria

Supreme Court Process

Supreme Court Checks and Balances

Checks on Inferior Courts

Chapter 8 Political Culture and Participation

Political Culture

Eighteenth-Century Classical Liberalism

Individual Liberty

Political Liberty

Economic Freedom

The Plight of Equality

Political Equality

Equality of Opportunity

Equality of Results


Political Influence

New Inequality

What Does Social Mobility Mean?

Public Opinion

What Is Public Opinion?

How Do People Feel?

Measuring Public Opinion

What Happened?

Polling Perfected

Agents of Political Socialization

Social Variables and Opinion Influence

Chapter 9 Campaigns and Voting

The Art of Campaigning

Campaign Structure

Campaign Incumbents

Sources of Funding

Voter Decisions

Political Parties

Political Party Structure

Role of Political Parties

Political Parties After the Election

Third-Party Role

Chapter 10 The News Media

Forms of News Media

The News Media’s Sources of Power

Media and Elections

Government Regulation

Libel and Slander

The Black Press

Chapter 11 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Civil Liberties

The Bill of Rights

The First Amendment

The Second Amendment

Due Process Rights

Public Privacy Rights


Civil War

Equal Protection Fight

Civil Rights

Gender Equality

Affirmative Action

Immigration Policy

Chapter 12 Social Welfare

The Evolution of Social Welfare Policy

The Great Society

Social Welfare Policies Evolve

Health Care Reform

Economic Policy

Fiscal Policy

Federal Spending

The Budget Process

Monetary Policy



Trade Policy

Government Regulations

Chapter 13 Foreign and Military Policy

The Evolution of the United Nations

Will the UN Survive?

The Evolution of the Cold War


Marshall Plan

North Korea

The Vietnam War

Nuclear Freeze

Reducing Nuclear Weapons

Osama Bin Laden

Part 2: A View of Texas Politics

Chapter 14 The Texas Constitution Yesterday and Today

The Purpose of the Texas Constitution



Power to Operate


Texas Constitution Yesteryear and Beyond

Chapter 15 Why Texas Politics?

Understanding Government and Politics in Texas

Texas Politics and Government

Ideas in America and Texas

Three Ideas Relevant to Political Analysis

Conditions of Democracy

Forms of Democracy: Classical, Majoritarianism, and Pluralist

Elitist Challenge

Chapter 16 Local Government: Texas Cities, Counties, and Special Districts

Local Governments in Texas

Types of Cities

Forms of City Governments in Texas

County Government in Texas

The Metropolitan Challenge

Chapter 17 Texas Political Culture

The Texas Terrain

Demographics of Texas

Political Culture

Chapter 18 Texas Political Participation

African American Right to Vote in Texas

Hispanic Right to Vote

Women’s Right to Vote

Participation in the Texas Voting Process

Chapter 19 Texas Elections and Voting

Types of Elections

Texas Electorate

Chapter 20 Political Parties

Republican Party

Democratic Party

Texas Party Platforms

The Political Party Organization

Chapter 21 Interest Groups: Attaining Their Share and More

A Nation of Joiners

Why Develop Interest Groups?

The Purpose of Joining

Who Joins?

Types of Groups

Economic Interest Groups

Function of Interest Groups

Interest Group Success

Chapter 22 The Texas Legislature

Texas Legislative Structure

Personal Characteristics

Legislative Process

Chapter 23 The Texas Executive Branch

Texas Executive Structure 295

The Governor

Lieutenant Governor

Attorney General

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Commissioner of the General Land Office

Commissioner of Agriculture

Secretary of State

Chapter 24 The Texas Judiciary

Structure of the Judicial Branch

How to Become a Judge

Is the Judiciary for Sale?

Appendix A The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

Appendix B How to Write a Critical Analysis

Study Guide

Glynn E Newman
Glynn E. Newman, Ph.D. is part of the Government faculty for the Dallas County Community College, Eastfield Campus. He is the author of five books on American government and public policy. He has written articles on the leadership failures of Hurricane Katrina, E-government, and Strategic Management. He was appointed to serve as Commissioner for the City of Dallas Automated Red Light Enforcement Commission in 2012, where his expertise was utilized as part of the advisory body to the City Manager and City Council. He received several awards and accolades, including the Publisher Author Award in both 2009 and 2011. He has participated and moderated several political debates. Dr. Newman received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from Saint Edwards University, a master’s degree in Public Administration from St. Mary’s University, further studies in Political Ecology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Doctorate in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University.

Public Policy,Ph.D.,
Research area: U.S. Public Policy and Leadership

American Government and Public Policy Today is a turn-key online course package that introduce students to American national government, providing a broad-based introduction to the concepts and institutions that shape politics in the United States.  It focuses on four major areas: the Constitution and the debates of the founding era, political institutions of modern American government, public policy issues of modern American government, and the political behavior of the American mass public. 

Student will  study the ideas, roles, and limitations of both governmental officials and ordinary citizens, and how they interact while trying to achieve public goods.  The authors provide documents from America’s formative period and modern political phenomena from a variety of sources.  It helps each student in the class arrive at a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the forces that shape American government and politics. Ultimately, the goal is that each person may be both a more discerning student and critic of the system and a more informed and fact based participant in the society. While most of the decision-making takes place at the national level, state and local government are primarily responsible for public safety and education.  In addition, state and local governments are responsible for economic development, welfare policy, environmental policy and healthcare.

American Government and Public Policy Today:

  • continues a tradition of scholarly and factual coverage of both American and Texas government.
  • features a basic structure, which makes it an easy read and remains informative and current.
  • makes government come alive.
  • features current graphs and charts.
  • includes access to test bank, quizzes, and assignments.


About the Author

Part 1: American Government and Public Policy

Chapter 1 Democracy in America

Evolution of American Democracy

Politics in America

A Land of Law, Not of People

A Foreign Eye on Democracy

Direct and Representative Democracy

The Majority or Power Elite

Chapter 2 The U.S. Constitution

The Constitution: Defined

Constitutional Beginnings

Five Precedents to the Constitution

Problems Facing the New Nation

The Constitutional Convention

The Second Constitution: 1787

Chapter 3 Federalism

Why Federalism?

The Recipe for Federalism

The Tenth Amendment and the States

The Federal System Evolves

Federalism and the Federal Courts

Tomorrow’s Federalism

Chapter 4 Legislative Branch

Legislative Branch Constitutional Roots

The Powers of Congress

Congressional Duties

Incumbency Advantages

Membership in Congress

Organization of Congress

Committee System

A Bill Becomes a Law

Chapter 5 Executive Branch

The President


Term of Office



Duties and Power of the President

Chief Executive


Removing Officials

Line-Item Veto

Budget Making

Pardoning Power

Office of the Vice President

Chapter 6 The Federal Bureaucracy

The Federal Bureaucracy

The Evolution of the Federal Bureaucracy

The Merit System

Policy Implementation

Red Tape and Complexity

Chapter 7 The Judicial Branch

Judicial Power

Structure of the Courts

Supreme Court Justice Selection Criteria

Supreme Court Process

Supreme Court Checks and Balances

Checks on Inferior Courts

Chapter 8 Political Culture and Participation

Political Culture

Eighteenth-Century Classical Liberalism

Individual Liberty

Political Liberty

Economic Freedom

The Plight of Equality

Political Equality

Equality of Opportunity

Equality of Results


Political Influence

New Inequality

What Does Social Mobility Mean?

Public Opinion

What Is Public Opinion?

How Do People Feel?

Measuring Public Opinion

What Happened?

Polling Perfected

Agents of Political Socialization

Social Variables and Opinion Influence

Chapter 9 Campaigns and Voting

The Art of Campaigning

Campaign Structure

Campaign Incumbents

Sources of Funding

Voter Decisions

Political Parties

Political Party Structure

Role of Political Parties

Political Parties After the Election

Third-Party Role

Chapter 10 The News Media

Forms of News Media

The News Media’s Sources of Power

Media and Elections

Government Regulation

Libel and Slander

The Black Press

Chapter 11 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Civil Liberties

The Bill of Rights

The First Amendment

The Second Amendment

Due Process Rights

Public Privacy Rights


Civil War

Equal Protection Fight

Civil Rights

Gender Equality

Affirmative Action

Immigration Policy

Chapter 12 Social Welfare

The Evolution of Social Welfare Policy

The Great Society

Social Welfare Policies Evolve

Health Care Reform

Economic Policy

Fiscal Policy

Federal Spending

The Budget Process

Monetary Policy



Trade Policy

Government Regulations

Chapter 13 Foreign and Military Policy

The Evolution of the United Nations

Will the UN Survive?

The Evolution of the Cold War


Marshall Plan

North Korea

The Vietnam War

Nuclear Freeze

Reducing Nuclear Weapons

Osama Bin Laden

Part 2: A View of Texas Politics

Chapter 14 The Texas Constitution Yesterday and Today

The Purpose of the Texas Constitution



Power to Operate


Texas Constitution Yesteryear and Beyond

Chapter 15 Why Texas Politics?

Understanding Government and Politics in Texas

Texas Politics and Government

Ideas in America and Texas

Three Ideas Relevant to Political Analysis

Conditions of Democracy

Forms of Democracy: Classical, Majoritarianism, and Pluralist

Elitist Challenge

Chapter 16 Local Government: Texas Cities, Counties, and Special Districts

Local Governments in Texas

Types of Cities

Forms of City Governments in Texas

County Government in Texas

The Metropolitan Challenge

Chapter 17 Texas Political Culture

The Texas Terrain

Demographics of Texas

Political Culture

Chapter 18 Texas Political Participation

African American Right to Vote in Texas

Hispanic Right to Vote

Women’s Right to Vote

Participation in the Texas Voting Process

Chapter 19 Texas Elections and Voting

Types of Elections

Texas Electorate

Chapter 20 Political Parties

Republican Party

Democratic Party

Texas Party Platforms

The Political Party Organization

Chapter 21 Interest Groups: Attaining Their Share and More

A Nation of Joiners

Why Develop Interest Groups?

The Purpose of Joining

Who Joins?

Types of Groups

Economic Interest Groups

Function of Interest Groups

Interest Group Success

Chapter 22 The Texas Legislature

Texas Legislative Structure

Personal Characteristics

Legislative Process

Chapter 23 The Texas Executive Branch

Texas Executive Structure 295

The Governor

Lieutenant Governor

Attorney General

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Commissioner of the General Land Office

Commissioner of Agriculture

Secretary of State

Chapter 24 The Texas Judiciary

Structure of the Judicial Branch

How to Become a Judge

Is the Judiciary for Sale?

Appendix A The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

Appendix B How to Write a Critical Analysis

Study Guide

Glynn E Newman
Glynn E. Newman, Ph.D. is part of the Government faculty for the Dallas County Community College, Eastfield Campus. He is the author of five books on American government and public policy. He has written articles on the leadership failures of Hurricane Katrina, E-government, and Strategic Management. He was appointed to serve as Commissioner for the City of Dallas Automated Red Light Enforcement Commission in 2012, where his expertise was utilized as part of the advisory body to the City Manager and City Council. He received several awards and accolades, including the Publisher Author Award in both 2009 and 2011. He has participated and moderated several political debates. Dr. Newman received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from Saint Edwards University, a master’s degree in Public Administration from St. Mary’s University, further studies in Political Ecology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Doctorate in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University.

Public Policy,Ph.D.,
Research area: U.S. Public Policy and Leadership