New Edition Coming Soon!
Whether it is with our roommates, our romantic partners, or our parents, we are constantly experiencing how communication behavior affects our relationships. It is within the context of our relationships with others that abstract concepts like feedback, perception, and conflict resolution become increasingly relevant and important for students of communication.
Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships discusses all the processes and principles of interpersonal communication in the context of developing relationships – it discusses the way people communicate in relationships as they come together and come apart.
Set to be released in a NEW eight edition, Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships has been updated throughout, integrates a new color interior, and includes new pedagogical elements such as Key Terms, Running Glossary, and Learning Outcomes.
Mark L. Knapp (PhD, Pennsylvania State University) is the Jesse H. Jones Centennial Professor Emeritus in Communication and Distinguished. Teaching Professor Emeritus at The University of Texas at Austin. He co-edited the Handbook of Interpersonal Communication and The Interplay of Truth and Deception. In addition to authoring and then co-authoring Lying and Deception in Human Interaction, he co-authored Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction and Interpersonal Communication in Human Relationships. He is past president and fellow of the International Communication Association and past president and distinguished scholar of the National Communication Association.