Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Colorado/New Mexico Region


Edition: 1

Copyright: 2019

Pages: 344

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ISBN 9781792405396

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Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Colorado/New Mexico Region provides readers with an introduction to the field of Chicana/o Studies as it has evolved over nearly fifty years since the adaptation of El Plan de Santa Barbara in 1969, which called for the establishment of Chicana/o studies. The collection is grounded in foundational concepts and ideas within the field of Chicana/o Studies: colonialism/colonization/hegemony, assimilation/acculturation, intersectionality, education, identities, politics/political power, religiosity/spirituality, health/wellness, environment, and cultural production as they relate to understanding the historic and contemporary experiences of Chicana/os in the United States. Each section contains works by social scientists, historians, and examples of creative production, both literary and artistic.

The strength of this text lies in its ability to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Chicana/os from a variety of disciplinary lenses while also being grounded in the unique socio-historical context of the Colorado/New Mexico region.

Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Colorado/New Mexico Region
Cover Artist Biography

Section I Migrations, Conquests and Reconquests: #Hegemony
“Indigenous Migrations, Pilgrimage Trails, and Sacred Geography: Foregrounds and Backgrounds to the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2” by Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver. Cave, City, and Eagle’s Nest: An Interpretive Journey Through the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2. David Carrasco & Scott Sessions, eds. University of New Mexico Press, 2007 (pp. 335–355).
B. “Elegies on the Fall of the City” edited and with an Introduction by Miguel Leon-Portilla. The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico (Translated from Nahuatl to Spanish by Angel Maria Garibay K. English translation by Lysander Kemp). Beacon Press, 1962 (pp. 145–149).
C. Worlds Apart by David J. Weber. The Spanish Frontier in North America. Yale University Press, 1992 (pp. 14–29).
D. “Follow the Corn” by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz. Indigenous People’s History of the US. Beacon Press, 2014 (pp. 13–31).
E. “Malintzín Tenepal: A Preliminary Look into a New Perspective” by Adelaida R. Del Castillo. Reprinted in Chicana Feminist Thought: The Basic Historical Writings (Originally published in Encuentro Femenil. Vol. I, No. 2, 1074). Alma Garcia, ed. Routledge, 1997 (pp. 122–124).

Section II Destinos and Identities
“The U.S. Colonization of Northern Mexico and the Creation of Mexican Americans” by Laura Gomez. Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race. New York University Press, 2007 (pp. 15–45).
B. “The Squatter and the Don” by María Amparo Ruiz de Burton.
C. “Los Desaparecidos: The Lynching of Mexicans in Texas” by Annette M. Rodriguez. 77
D. “El Paso Salt War: Mob Action or Political Movement?” by Mary Romero.
E. “Nobody’s Son” by Luis Alberto Urrea. Before/Beyond Borders: An Anthology of Chicano/a Literature. Spencer R. Herrera, ed. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2010 (pp. 228–235).

Section III Movimientos and Strategies
“The Chicano Movement 1965–1975” by Manuel Gonzales. Mexicanos: A History of Mexican in the United States, 2nd edition. Indiana University Press, 2009 (pp.194–225).
B. “Only Strong Women Stayed: Women Workers and the National Floral Workers Strike, 1968–69” by Priscilla Falcon. Frontiers, Vol 24, Issue No. 2 & 3, 2003 (pp. 140–154).
C. “Running the Gauntlet: Francisco “Kiko” Martinez and the Colorado Martyrs” by Nieto, Adriana. Enduring Legacies: Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado. Arturo Aldama, Elisa Facio, Daryl Maeda & Reiland Rabaka, eds. University of Colorado Press, 2011 (pp. 365–378).
D. “Massacre in Tlateloco: El Dos de Octubre No Se Olvida” by Ariadna Ochoa-Magallanes.
E. “Xicanisma/o and Education: Counter Storytelling and Narratives to Inform Latina/o Student Success” by Stephanie Lechuga-Peña and Chalane Lechuga. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2018 (pp. 300–316).
F. “Stupid America” by Lalo Delgado. Here Lies Lalo: The Collected Poems of Abelardo Delgado. Jarica Linn Watts, ed. Arte Público Press, 2011 (p. 28).
G. “Happy 200th Anniversary (In Case We Get There)” by Lalo Delgado. Here Lies Lalo: The Collected Poems of Abelardo Delgado. Jarica Linn Watts, ed. Arte Público Press, 2011 (pp 51–53).

Section IV Education, Power and Politics
“Segregation and the Education of Mexican Children, 1900–1940,” by Gilbert G. González, from The Elusive Quest for Equality: 150 Years of Chicano/Chicana Education, edited by José F. Moreno, pp. 53–76. 1999.
B. “Chicana/o Education from The Civil Rights Era to the Present,” by Dolores Delgado Bernal, from The Elusive Quest for Equality: 150 Years of Chicano/ Chicana Education, edited by José F. Moreno, pp. 53–76.1999
C. “When an immigrant dies” by Ramón Del Castillo. 2007.
D. “Preface to Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios. Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys. New York University Press, 2011 (pp. vii-xvi).
E. “Home” by Luis Alberto Urrea. The Devil’s Highway. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Company, 2004 (pp. 194–220).

Section V Intersections and Creativity
“The Development of Chicana Feminist Discourse” by Alma Garcia From Gender & Society, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1989, pages 217–238.
B. “Preface” to the First Edition and “Movimientos de rebeldía y las culturas que traicionan” by Gloria Anzaldúa. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, 3rd edition. Aunt Lute Books, 1999 (pp 19–20 & 37–45).
C. “Ludlow” by Tony Garcia
D. “La Ranchera” by Juan J. Morales. The Handyman’s Guide to End Times, University of New Mexico Press, 2018 (pp. 13).

Section VI Religion and Spirituality
“Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Politics of Cultural Interpretation” by Socorro Castaneda-Liles, Mexican American Religions: Spirituality, Activism, and Culture. Gastón Espinosa and Mario T. García, eds. Duke University Press, 2008 (pp. 153–179).
B. “La Tradición Conchera: Historical Process of Danza and Catholicism” by Jennie Luna. Diálogo, Vol. 16. No. 1, Spring 2013 (pp. 47–64).
C. “Once” and “Doce” by Rudolfo Anaya. Bless Me, Ultima. Grand Central Publishing, 1994 (pp. 106–135).
D. “Introduction” and “Doctora Corazón: The Training of a Curandera” by Elena Avila with Joy Parker. Introduction by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1999 (pp. 1–14; 87–123).

Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Colorado/New Mexico Region provides readers with an introduction to the field of Chicana/o Studies as it has evolved over nearly fifty years since the adaptation of El Plan de Santa Barbara in 1969, which called for the establishment of Chicana/o studies. The collection is grounded in foundational concepts and ideas within the field of Chicana/o Studies: colonialism/colonization/hegemony, assimilation/acculturation, intersectionality, education, identities, politics/political power, religiosity/spirituality, health/wellness, environment, and cultural production as they relate to understanding the historic and contemporary experiences of Chicana/os in the United States. Each section contains works by social scientists, historians, and examples of creative production, both literary and artistic.

The strength of this text lies in its ability to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Chicana/os from a variety of disciplinary lenses while also being grounded in the unique socio-historical context of the Colorado/New Mexico region.

Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Colorado/New Mexico Region
Cover Artist Biography

Section I Migrations, Conquests and Reconquests: #Hegemony
“Indigenous Migrations, Pilgrimage Trails, and Sacred Geography: Foregrounds and Backgrounds to the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2” by Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver. Cave, City, and Eagle’s Nest: An Interpretive Journey Through the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2. David Carrasco & Scott Sessions, eds. University of New Mexico Press, 2007 (pp. 335–355).
B. “Elegies on the Fall of the City” edited and with an Introduction by Miguel Leon-Portilla. The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico (Translated from Nahuatl to Spanish by Angel Maria Garibay K. English translation by Lysander Kemp). Beacon Press, 1962 (pp. 145–149).
C. Worlds Apart by David J. Weber. The Spanish Frontier in North America. Yale University Press, 1992 (pp. 14–29).
D. “Follow the Corn” by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz. Indigenous People’s History of the US. Beacon Press, 2014 (pp. 13–31).
E. “Malintzín Tenepal: A Preliminary Look into a New Perspective” by Adelaida R. Del Castillo. Reprinted in Chicana Feminist Thought: The Basic Historical Writings (Originally published in Encuentro Femenil. Vol. I, No. 2, 1074). Alma Garcia, ed. Routledge, 1997 (pp. 122–124).

Section II Destinos and Identities
“The U.S. Colonization of Northern Mexico and the Creation of Mexican Americans” by Laura Gomez. Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race. New York University Press, 2007 (pp. 15–45).
B. “The Squatter and the Don” by María Amparo Ruiz de Burton.
C. “Los Desaparecidos: The Lynching of Mexicans in Texas” by Annette M. Rodriguez. 77
D. “El Paso Salt War: Mob Action or Political Movement?” by Mary Romero.
E. “Nobody’s Son” by Luis Alberto Urrea. Before/Beyond Borders: An Anthology of Chicano/a Literature. Spencer R. Herrera, ed. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2010 (pp. 228–235).

Section III Movimientos and Strategies
“The Chicano Movement 1965–1975” by Manuel Gonzales. Mexicanos: A History of Mexican in the United States, 2nd edition. Indiana University Press, 2009 (pp.194–225).
B. “Only Strong Women Stayed: Women Workers and the National Floral Workers Strike, 1968–69” by Priscilla Falcon. Frontiers, Vol 24, Issue No. 2 & 3, 2003 (pp. 140–154).
C. “Running the Gauntlet: Francisco “Kiko” Martinez and the Colorado Martyrs” by Nieto, Adriana. Enduring Legacies: Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado. Arturo Aldama, Elisa Facio, Daryl Maeda & Reiland Rabaka, eds. University of Colorado Press, 2011 (pp. 365–378).
D. “Massacre in Tlateloco: El Dos de Octubre No Se Olvida” by Ariadna Ochoa-Magallanes.
E. “Xicanisma/o and Education: Counter Storytelling and Narratives to Inform Latina/o Student Success” by Stephanie Lechuga-Peña and Chalane Lechuga. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2018 (pp. 300–316).
F. “Stupid America” by Lalo Delgado. Here Lies Lalo: The Collected Poems of Abelardo Delgado. Jarica Linn Watts, ed. Arte Público Press, 2011 (p. 28).
G. “Happy 200th Anniversary (In Case We Get There)” by Lalo Delgado. Here Lies Lalo: The Collected Poems of Abelardo Delgado. Jarica Linn Watts, ed. Arte Público Press, 2011 (pp 51–53).

Section IV Education, Power and Politics
“Segregation and the Education of Mexican Children, 1900–1940,” by Gilbert G. González, from The Elusive Quest for Equality: 150 Years of Chicano/Chicana Education, edited by José F. Moreno, pp. 53–76. 1999.
B. “Chicana/o Education from The Civil Rights Era to the Present,” by Dolores Delgado Bernal, from The Elusive Quest for Equality: 150 Years of Chicano/ Chicana Education, edited by José F. Moreno, pp. 53–76.1999
C. “When an immigrant dies” by Ramón Del Castillo. 2007.
D. “Preface to Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios. Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys. New York University Press, 2011 (pp. vii-xvi).
E. “Home” by Luis Alberto Urrea. The Devil’s Highway. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Company, 2004 (pp. 194–220).

Section V Intersections and Creativity
“The Development of Chicana Feminist Discourse” by Alma Garcia From Gender & Society, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1989, pages 217–238.
B. “Preface” to the First Edition and “Movimientos de rebeldía y las culturas que traicionan” by Gloria Anzaldúa. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, 3rd edition. Aunt Lute Books, 1999 (pp 19–20 & 37–45).
C. “Ludlow” by Tony Garcia
D. “La Ranchera” by Juan J. Morales. The Handyman’s Guide to End Times, University of New Mexico Press, 2018 (pp. 13).

Section VI Religion and Spirituality
“Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Politics of Cultural Interpretation” by Socorro Castaneda-Liles, Mexican American Religions: Spirituality, Activism, and Culture. Gastón Espinosa and Mario T. García, eds. Duke University Press, 2008 (pp. 153–179).
B. “La Tradición Conchera: Historical Process of Danza and Catholicism” by Jennie Luna. Diálogo, Vol. 16. No. 1, Spring 2013 (pp. 47–64).
C. “Once” and “Doce” by Rudolfo Anaya. Bless Me, Ultima. Grand Central Publishing, 1994 (pp. 106–135).
D. “Introduction” and “Doctora Corazón: The Training of a Curandera” by Elena Avila with Joy Parker. Introduction by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1999 (pp. 1–14; 87–123).