Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence

Edition: 8

Copyright: 2020

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ISBN 9781792416798

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By providing students theory and practical skills, Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence prepares students to become effective public speakers in various speaking situations they may encounter in their lives (business presentations, tributes, eulogies, commencement addresses, small group, and more).

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence clarifies concepts in three parts:

  1. Public Speaking in Our Lives
  2. Preparing and Presenting Your Speech
  3. Types of Public Speaking

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence by Shawn T. Wahl, LeAnn M. Brazeal, and Mark J. Butland:

  • Is Student Friendly! Each chapter includes online content, tips and best practices for presentation aids, new media, and public speaking in a variety of professional contexts, industries, and occupations.
  • Is Interactive! Includes access to GoReact – online software that utilizes the record-and-critique method to help presenters change their habits quickly, set goals for improvement, and measure their progress reliably.
  • Is Flexible! The text focuses on theory, research, and application of knowledge related to public speaking so that it can easily be covered in one term across multiple delivery formats.
  • Is Organized! Presents Essentials for Excellence vignettes that include speaking tips and best practices within each chapter.
  • Emphasizes Ethics! Ethics Matter vignettes throughout the text connect topics to an ethical perspective—a key essential for public speaking excellence.
  • Promotes Service Learning! Engaging in Community vignettes encourage civic engagement and communication activism related to public speaking.
  • Is Easy To Adopt! Online content integrated chapter by chapter, an online instructor’s manual, chapter outlines, PowerPoint slides, activities/exercises, and test questions (multiple choice and short answer) are provided to all adopters.

About the Authors

PART ONE – Public Speaking in Our Lives
Chapter 1 – Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence
Public Speaking Is a Valuable Activity
Public Speaking Influences Success in College
Public Speaking Teaches Critical Thinking Skills
Public Speaking Skills Influence Career and Community Success
Public Speaking Skills Are Key to Leadership
Public Speaking Skills Complement Technology
Public Speaking Is Part of Our Democratic Tradition
Public Speaking and the Communication Process
Eight Elements of the Communication Process
Five Steps for Preparing to Speak
1. Select and Narrow an Audience-Centered Topic
2. Develop Content Through Research and Sound Support
3. Draft the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
4. Develop Language and Presentation Aids Carefully
5. Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 2 – Ethics in Public Speaking
Ethics Matter
Ethical Systems
Our Freedom of Speech
Ethics of Choice
Ethical Speaking
Guidelines for Speaking Ethically
Ethical Pitfalls to Avoid
Ethical Information Use
Become Information Literate
Ethical Listening
Listening Responsibilities
Ethical Listening Attitude and Behaviors
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 3 – Being Audience-Centered
Know Your Audience
Audience Analysis
Adapting to Different Audiences and Situations
Interest Level and Expectations
Accessing Audience Information
Creating the Speaker-Audience Connection
Get to the Point Quickly
Have Confidence: They Want to Hear Your Speech
Be of the People, Not Above the People
Use Humor
Get Personal
Encourage Participation
Examine Other Situational Characteristics
Learn as You Go
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 4 – Listening and Critiquing Speeches
Listening and Public Speaking
Listening and Other Communication Activities
The Importance of Good Listening Skills
Reflect on How You Listen
Reasons Audiences Stop Listening
The Four Stages of Listening
1. Sensing
2. Interpreting
3. Evaluating
4. Reacting/Responding
Eight Steps for Fine-Tuning Your Listening Skills
1. Get Ready to Listen
2. Minimize Personal Barriers to Listening
3. Leave Distractions Behind
4. Do Not Rush to Judgment
5. Listen First for Content, Second for Delivery
6. Become an Effective Note Taker
7. Be an Active Listener
8. Provide Feedback
Critiquing Speeches
Five Key Criteria for Evaluating Speeches
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

PART TWO – Preparing and Presenting Your Speech
Chapter 5 – Research and Supporting Material

Develop a Research Strategy
Start (and End) with an Audience Analysis
Assess Your Own Knowledge and Skills
Search Print and Online Resources
Interview, If Appropriate
Supporting Your Speech
Five Functions of Support
Forms of Support
Guidelines for Using Facts
Guidelines for Using Statistics
Guidelines for Using Examples
Guidelines for Using Testimony
Guidelines for Using Analogies
Documenting Information Accurately in Your Speech
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 6 – Organizing and Outlining Your Ideas
The Importance of Organizing a Speech
Organizing the Body of Your Speech
Select Your Main Points
Support Your Main Points
Choose the Best Pattern for Organizing Your Main Points
Chronological Organization
Spatial Organization
Cause and Effect
Problem-Solution Organization
Topical Organization
Create Unity Through Connections
Internal Previews and Summaries
Constructing an Outline and Speaker’s Notes
The Planning Outline
Speaker’s Notes
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 7 – Introducing and Concluding Your Speech
Functions of Introductions
How to Introduce the Same Speech in Different Ways
Developing Effective Introductions
Five Guidelines and Suggestions for Introductions
Common Pitfalls of Introductions
Functions of Conclusions
Developing Memorable Conclusions
How to Conclude the Same Speech in Different Ways
Common Pitfalls of Conclusions
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 8 – Language
Characteristics of Spoken Language
Word Order
Guidelines for Language and Style
Be Concrete
Use the Active Voice
Use Language to Create a Theme
Use Varying Language Techniques to Engage Listeners
Use Humor with Care
Language Pitfalls
Long and Unnecessary Words
Using Euphemisms: Language That Masks or Muddles
Jargon, Slang, and Profanity
Exaggeration and Clichés
Phrases That Communicate Uncertainty
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 9 – Confidently Delivering Your Message
Choosing the Right Delivery Method
Impromptu Speaking
Extemporaneous Speaking
Using a Manuscript
Using Your Voice
Eliminating Nonfluencies
Using Your Body
Using Note Cards
Using a Legal Pad, Outline, or Electronic Tools
Physical Movements
Facial Expressions
Eye Contact
Communication and Public Speaking Apprehension
The Nature of Apprehension
Strategies for Controlling Public Speaking Apprehension
Managing Questions
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 10 – Presentational Aids and Technology
The Nature of Presentational Aids Today
Functions of Presentational Aids
Advantages of Presentational Aids
Disadvantages of Presentational Aids
Types of Presentational Aids
Actual Objects
Three-Dimensional Models
Two-Dimensional Reproductions
Displaying Two-Dimensional Presentational Aids
Technology-Based Presentational Aids
Audio and Projected Images
Considerations for Technology-Mediated Communication
Effective Use of Presentational Aids
Criteria for Presentational Aids
Principles for Using Presentational Aids
Making and Using Computer-Generated Images
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

PART THREE – Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

Differentiating Informative, Persuasive, and Entertaining Purposes
Types of Informative Speaking
Speeches of Description
Speeches of Explanation
Speeches of Demonstration
Five Goals of Informative Speaking
Guidelines for Effective Informative Speeches
Consider Your Audience’s Needs and Goals
Consider Your Audience’s Knowledge Level
Capture Attention and Interest Immediately
Sustain Audience Attention and Interest by Being Creative, Vivid, and Enthusiastic
Cite Your Oral Sources Accurately
Signpost Main Ideas
Relate the New with the Familiar
Use Repetition
Offer Interesting Visuals
Consider How to Respond to Audience Questions and Distractions
Ethics of Informative Speaking
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 12 – Persuasive Speaking
The Audience in Persuasive Speaking
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Elements of Persuasion
Ethos and the Power of the Speaker’s Credibility
Pathos and the Power of Emotion
Logos and the Power of Logical Appeals and Arguments
Mythos and the Power of Narratives
Argument Fallacies
Focusing Persuasive Messages: Goals, Aims, and Claims
Goals of Persuasion
Persuasive Aims
Types of Persuasive Claims
Organizing Persuasive Speeches
Comparative Advantages
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Ethics and Persuasive Speaking
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 13 – Special-Occasion Speaking
Special-Occasion Speeches
Seven General Guidelines for Special-Occasion Speeches
Speeches of Introduction
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Introduction
Speeches of Presentation
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Presentation
Speeches of Acceptance
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Acceptance
Commemorative Speeches
Commencement Speeches
Keynote Speeches
Remember That Your Speech Sets the Tone for the Event
Select Your Topic and Language After Analyzing the Audience and Occasion
Time Is Still a Factor
After-Dinner Speeches
Outlines for Other Special-Occasion Speeches
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 14 – Presenting to and Working with Small Groups
The Significance of Small-Group Communication
Small-Group Purposes
Small-Group Characteristics
Presenting to and Participating in and Small Groups
Small-Group Formats
Small-Group Role Responsibilities
Leader Responsibilities
Member Responsibilities
Guidelines for Group Problem-Solving and Presenting
The Seven-Step Reflective Thinking Process
Presenting in Small Groups
Preparing to Present as a Group
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions




Shawn Wahl

Dr. Shawn Wahl is the Founding Dean of the Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (RCASH) and Professor of Communication at Missouri State University (MSU). Shawn’s most notable accomplishment in higher education leadership is facilitating the largest scholarship and structural private eight-figure gift in university history. He has served in the Dean role since 2017 and as Department Head of Communication at MSU from 2012 to 2017. Prior to MSU, he served as the Department Head of Communication, Mass Media & Theatre at Angelo State University and as the Founding Director of Graduate Studies at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Dr. Wahl was the 2016 President of the Central States Communication Association (CSCA). He has authored numerous books, including Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence; Nonverbal Communication for a Lifetime; The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging; Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence; Persuasion in Your Life; Intercultural Communication in Your Life; Public Relations Principles: Bridging Theory and Practice and Organizational Communication:  Strategies for Success. He has published articles in Communication Education, Communication Research Reports, Communication Studies, Communication Teacher, Journal of Family Communication, and the Basic Communication Course Annual. Dr. Wahl and colleagues received the Distinguished Article Award: Instructional Development Division (IDD) National Communication Association (NCA), 2021. Shawn completed two executive leadership programs at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, the Management Development Program (MDP, 2016), and the Institute for Educational Management (IEM, 2022). In addition, Shawn is an experienced organizational communication consultant and executive leadership coach in various industries (e.g., commodity trading, mining, oil and gas, and health care).

LeAnn Brazeal

LeAnn M. Brazeal (PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia) is an Associate Professor and Director of the Basic Course in the Department of Communication at Missouri State University, a position she previously held at Kansas State University. She is co-author of The Primary Decision: A Functional Analysis of Debates in Presidential Primaries, and has published numerous articles and book chapters in outlets such as Communication Quarterly, Argumentation and Advocacy, Communication Studies, and Basic Communication Course Annual. An award-winning teacher and veteran course director, LeAnn writes and speaks on a variety of pedagogical issues, including graduate assistant training, academic integrity and plagiarism, civic engagement and civility, information literacy, teaching methods, and the first-year experience. Her work on public speaking and civic engagement has been recognized by the National Endowment for the Humanities. LeAnn’s outside interests include travel, sports, tea, and wonderful meals with family and friends.

Mark Butland

Mark Butland is a professor, author, speaker in Austin Texas. Mark focuses on the unique needs of the community college. Mark’s textbooks reflect his drive for excellence, concern for assessment, and conviction of the centrality of communication competence in college education. 

Our community college texts must be targeted to our students, our needs, and our growing role in higher education.” - Mark Butland

Mark is senior faculty at Austin Community College where he has served for over 20 years. He is alumnus of Texas State University and The University of Texas at Austin. Mark was blessed to be mentored by Steven A. Beebe, Mark Knapp, and Diana K. Ivy.

Contact Mark directly at to talk more about how his texts may be right for your classes.

"I have finally found a textbook that includes EVERYTHING I teach. No more copying from several other texts just to be prepared for class. It's all here in Public Speaking: Choices for Effective Results!"
Dr. LaTosha Z. Bruce, Savannah College of Art and Design

By providing students theory and practical skills, Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence prepares students to become effective public speakers in various speaking situations they may encounter in their lives (business presentations, tributes, eulogies, commencement addresses, small group, and more).

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence clarifies concepts in three parts:

  1. Public Speaking in Our Lives
  2. Preparing and Presenting Your Speech
  3. Types of Public Speaking

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence by Shawn T. Wahl, LeAnn M. Brazeal, and Mark J. Butland:

  • Is Student Friendly! Each chapter includes online content, tips and best practices for presentation aids, new media, and public speaking in a variety of professional contexts, industries, and occupations.
  • Is Interactive! Includes access to GoReact – online software that utilizes the record-and-critique method to help presenters change their habits quickly, set goals for improvement, and measure their progress reliably.
  • Is Flexible! The text focuses on theory, research, and application of knowledge related to public speaking so that it can easily be covered in one term across multiple delivery formats.
  • Is Organized! Presents Essentials for Excellence vignettes that include speaking tips and best practices within each chapter.
  • Emphasizes Ethics! Ethics Matter vignettes throughout the text connect topics to an ethical perspective—a key essential for public speaking excellence.
  • Promotes Service Learning! Engaging in Community vignettes encourage civic engagement and communication activism related to public speaking.
  • Is Easy To Adopt! Online content integrated chapter by chapter, an online instructor’s manual, chapter outlines, PowerPoint slides, activities/exercises, and test questions (multiple choice and short answer) are provided to all adopters.

About the Authors

PART ONE – Public Speaking in Our Lives
Chapter 1 – Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence

Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence
Public Speaking Is a Valuable Activity
Public Speaking Influences Success in College
Public Speaking Teaches Critical Thinking Skills
Public Speaking Skills Influence Career and Community Success
Public Speaking Skills Are Key to Leadership
Public Speaking Skills Complement Technology
Public Speaking Is Part of Our Democratic Tradition
Public Speaking and the Communication Process
Eight Elements of the Communication Process
Five Steps for Preparing to Speak
1. Select and Narrow an Audience-Centered Topic
2. Develop Content Through Research and Sound Support
3. Draft the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
4. Develop Language and Presentation Aids Carefully
5. Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 2 – Ethics in Public Speaking
Ethics Matter
Ethical Systems
Our Freedom of Speech
Ethics of Choice
Ethical Speaking
Guidelines for Speaking Ethically
Ethical Pitfalls to Avoid
Ethical Information Use
Become Information Literate
Ethical Listening
Listening Responsibilities
Ethical Listening Attitude and Behaviors
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 3 – Being Audience-Centered
Know Your Audience
Audience Analysis
Adapting to Different Audiences and Situations
Interest Level and Expectations
Accessing Audience Information
Creating the Speaker-Audience Connection
Get to the Point Quickly
Have Confidence: They Want to Hear Your Speech
Be of the People, Not Above the People
Use Humor
Get Personal
Encourage Participation
Examine Other Situational Characteristics
Learn as You Go
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 4 – Listening and Critiquing Speeches
Listening and Public Speaking
Listening and Other Communication Activities
The Importance of Good Listening Skills
Reflect on How You Listen
Reasons Audiences Stop Listening
The Four Stages of Listening
1. Sensing
2. Interpreting
3. Evaluating
4. Reacting/Responding
Eight Steps for Fine-Tuning Your Listening Skills
1. Get Ready to Listen
2. Minimize Personal Barriers to Listening
3. Leave Distractions Behind
4. Do Not Rush to Judgment
5. Listen First for Content, Second for Delivery
6. Become an Effective Note Taker
7. Be an Active Listener
8. Provide Feedback
Critiquing Speeches
Five Key Criteria for Evaluating Speeches
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

PART TWO – Preparing and Presenting Your Speech
Chapter 5 – Research and Supporting Material

Develop a Research Strategy
Start (and End) with an Audience Analysis
Assess Your Own Knowledge and Skills
Search Print and Online Resources
Interview, If Appropriate
Supporting Your Speech
Five Functions of Support
Forms of Support
Guidelines for Using Facts
Guidelines for Using Statistics
Guidelines for Using Examples
Guidelines for Using Testimony
Guidelines for Using Analogies
Documenting Information Accurately in Your Speech
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 6 – Organizing and Outlining Your Ideas
The Importance of Organizing a Speech
Organizing the Body of Your Speech
Select Your Main Points
Support Your Main Points
Choose the Best Pattern for Organizing Your Main Points
Chronological Organization
Spatial Organization
Cause and Effect
Problem-Solution Organization
Topical Organization
Create Unity Through Connections
Internal Previews and Summaries
Constructing an Outline and Speaker’s Notes
The Planning Outline
Speaker’s Notes
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 7 – Introducing and Concluding Your Speech
Functions of Introductions
How to Introduce the Same Speech in Different Ways
Developing Effective Introductions
Five Guidelines and Suggestions for Introductions
Common Pitfalls of Introductions
Functions of Conclusions
Developing Memorable Conclusions
How to Conclude the Same Speech in Different Ways
Common Pitfalls of Conclusions
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 8 – Language
Characteristics of Spoken Language
Word Order
Guidelines for Language and Style
Be Concrete
Use the Active Voice
Use Language to Create a Theme
Use Varying Language Techniques to Engage Listeners
Use Humor with Care
Language Pitfalls
Long and Unnecessary Words
Using Euphemisms: Language That Masks or Muddles
Jargon, Slang, and Profanity
Exaggeration and Clichés
Phrases That Communicate Uncertainty
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 9 – Confidently Delivering Your Message
Choosing the Right Delivery Method
Impromptu Speaking
Extemporaneous Speaking
Using a Manuscript
Using Your Voice
Eliminating Nonfluencies
Using Your Body
Using Note Cards
Using a Legal Pad, Outline, or Electronic Tools
Physical Movements
Facial Expressions
Eye Contact
Communication and Public Speaking Apprehension
The Nature of Apprehension
Strategies for Controlling Public Speaking Apprehension
Managing Questions
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 10 – Presentational Aids and Technology
The Nature of Presentational Aids Today
Functions of Presentational Aids
Advantages of Presentational Aids
Disadvantages of Presentational Aids
Types of Presentational Aids
Actual Objects
Three-Dimensional Models
Two-Dimensional Reproductions
Displaying Two-Dimensional Presentational Aids
Technology-Based Presentational Aids
Audio and Projected Images
Considerations for Technology-Mediated Communication
Effective Use of Presentational Aids
Criteria for Presentational Aids
Principles for Using Presentational Aids
Making and Using Computer-Generated Images
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

PART THREE – Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

Differentiating Informative, Persuasive, and Entertaining Purposes
Types of Informative Speaking
Speeches of Description
Speeches of Explanation
Speeches of Demonstration
Five Goals of Informative Speaking
Guidelines for Effective Informative Speeches
Consider Your Audience’s Needs and Goals
Consider Your Audience’s Knowledge Level
Capture Attention and Interest Immediately
Sustain Audience Attention and Interest by Being Creative, Vivid, and Enthusiastic
Cite Your Oral Sources Accurately
Signpost Main Ideas
Relate the New with the Familiar
Use Repetition
Offer Interesting Visuals
Consider How to Respond to Audience Questions and Distractions
Ethics of Informative Speaking
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 12 – Persuasive Speaking
The Audience in Persuasive Speaking
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Elements of Persuasion
Ethos and the Power of the Speaker’s Credibility
Pathos and the Power of Emotion
Logos and the Power of Logical Appeals and Arguments
Mythos and the Power of Narratives
Argument Fallacies
Focusing Persuasive Messages: Goals, Aims, and Claims
Goals of Persuasion
Persuasive Aims
Types of Persuasive Claims
Organizing Persuasive Speeches
Comparative Advantages
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Ethics and Persuasive Speaking
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 13 – Special-Occasion Speaking
Special-Occasion Speeches
Seven General Guidelines for Special-Occasion Speeches
Speeches of Introduction
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Introduction
Speeches of Presentation
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Presentation
Speeches of Acceptance
Specific Guidelines for Speeches of Acceptance
Commemorative Speeches
Commencement Speeches
Keynote Speeches
Remember That Your Speech Sets the Tone for the Event
Select Your Topic and Language After Analyzing the Audience and Occasion
Time Is Still a Factor
After-Dinner Speeches
Outlines for Other Special-Occasion Speeches
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions

Chapter 14 – Presenting to and Working with Small Groups
The Significance of Small-Group Communication
Small-Group Purposes
Small-Group Characteristics
Presenting to and Participating in and Small Groups
Small-Group Formats
Small-Group Role Responsibilities
Leader Responsibilities
Member Responsibilities
Guidelines for Group Problem-Solving and Presenting
The Seven-Step Reflective Thinking Process
Presenting in Small Groups
Preparing to Present as a Group
What You've Learned
Key Terms
Review Questions




Shawn Wahl

Dr. Shawn Wahl is the Founding Dean of the Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (RCASH) and Professor of Communication at Missouri State University (MSU). Shawn’s most notable accomplishment in higher education leadership is facilitating the largest scholarship and structural private eight-figure gift in university history. He has served in the Dean role since 2017 and as Department Head of Communication at MSU from 2012 to 2017. Prior to MSU, he served as the Department Head of Communication, Mass Media & Theatre at Angelo State University and as the Founding Director of Graduate Studies at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Dr. Wahl was the 2016 President of the Central States Communication Association (CSCA). He has authored numerous books, including Public Speaking: Essentials for Excellence; Nonverbal Communication for a Lifetime; The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging; Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence; Persuasion in Your Life; Intercultural Communication in Your Life; Public Relations Principles: Bridging Theory and Practice and Organizational Communication:  Strategies for Success. He has published articles in Communication Education, Communication Research Reports, Communication Studies, Communication Teacher, Journal of Family Communication, and the Basic Communication Course Annual. Dr. Wahl and colleagues received the Distinguished Article Award: Instructional Development Division (IDD) National Communication Association (NCA), 2021. Shawn completed two executive leadership programs at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, the Management Development Program (MDP, 2016), and the Institute for Educational Management (IEM, 2022). In addition, Shawn is an experienced organizational communication consultant and executive leadership coach in various industries (e.g., commodity trading, mining, oil and gas, and health care).

LeAnn Brazeal

LeAnn M. Brazeal (PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia) is an Associate Professor and Director of the Basic Course in the Department of Communication at Missouri State University, a position she previously held at Kansas State University. She is co-author of The Primary Decision: A Functional Analysis of Debates in Presidential Primaries, and has published numerous articles and book chapters in outlets such as Communication Quarterly, Argumentation and Advocacy, Communication Studies, and Basic Communication Course Annual. An award-winning teacher and veteran course director, LeAnn writes and speaks on a variety of pedagogical issues, including graduate assistant training, academic integrity and plagiarism, civic engagement and civility, information literacy, teaching methods, and the first-year experience. Her work on public speaking and civic engagement has been recognized by the National Endowment for the Humanities. LeAnn’s outside interests include travel, sports, tea, and wonderful meals with family and friends.

Mark Butland

Mark Butland is a professor, author, speaker in Austin Texas. Mark focuses on the unique needs of the community college. Mark’s textbooks reflect his drive for excellence, concern for assessment, and conviction of the centrality of communication competence in college education. 

Our community college texts must be targeted to our students, our needs, and our growing role in higher education.” - Mark Butland

Mark is senior faculty at Austin Community College where he has served for over 20 years. He is alumnus of Texas State University and The University of Texas at Austin. Mark was blessed to be mentored by Steven A. Beebe, Mark Knapp, and Diana K. Ivy.

Contact Mark directly at to talk more about how his texts may be right for your classes.

"I have finally found a textbook that includes EVERYTHING I teach. No more copying from several other texts just to be prepared for class. It's all here in Public Speaking: Choices for Effective Results!"
Dr. LaTosha Z. Bruce, Savannah College of Art and Design