Ruminant Nutrition System Vol 2 (softcover)

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"(This is Volume II of a two-volume set. Volume I is also available) This book accompanies The Ruminant Nutrition System: Volume I — An Applied Model for Predicting Nutri-ent Requirements and Feed Utilization in Ruminants (RNS). It shows the equations and code used to implement the RNS model for use by advanced teaching courses and research by faculty and graduate stu-dents at the master or doctoral levels in life sciences, animal science, wildlife and fisheries sciences, veterinary medicine, and biology and zoology, as well as any others who wish to understand the execution of the RNS model.


Since we started writing the first edition of the Ruminant Nutrition System, we planned to include the computer model's equations and the calculation logic. The book, however, quickly became a comprehensive document of the published research used to identify essential equations and variables for the under-lying calculation logic of the RNS model. It was a rich, dense source of information about the biology and nutrition of ruminants and the mathematical modeling concepts behind the computer model.


As a result, we scattered the RNS model equations throughout the book, within the appropriate chapters containing the pertinent scientific discussions, making it difficult for the reader to reconstruct the computer model. Soon after the publication of the first edition of the book, readers wishing to see the RNS model equations, their linkages, the calculation logic, and how they were implemented into the computer software started requesting more details.


To meet this need, we needed to produce a companion book focused on describing the RNS model's equations and code. Before releasing it to the public, however, we had to make sure that the equations accurately reflected the concepts (i.e., the validation step in mathematical modeling) delineated in the RNS's Volume I. The RNS's Volume II — Tables of Equations and Code arose because of our commitment to document and disseminate the mathematics composing the RNS model clearly and in detail.


Each part of Volume II presents the RNS model's equations and the calculation logic in two ways. The first, more traditional approach lists the equations in a tabular form, including an equation number, the independent variable with its description, and a mathematical formulation (in the form of the equation) that follows a logical sequence for calculation and execution. The second approach embeds the equations into a modern, highly aggre-gated method of an actual computer programming language structure, the R script. This second approach presents the sequence and the calculation logic for the equations more systematically and coherently than the first approach for those wishing to understand how the RNS calculations were programmed."

Luis O. Tedeschi

Dr. Tedeschi is a Professor, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Fellow, and Chancellor EDGES Fellow at the Department of Animal Science, and an Honorary Professor at the Dipartimento di Scienze Agraria at the University of Sassari, Italy. He is recognized internationally for his accomplishments in the nutrition of ruminants, including bioenergetics, feed quality assessment, and computer modeling. Tedeschi received his bachelor’s degree in Agronomy Engineering from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1991; his master’s degree in Animal and Forage Sciences from the University of São Paulo in 1996; and his doctorate in Animal Science from Cornell University in 2001. From 2001 to 2005, Tedeschi held a research associate position at Cornell University. He has received several prestigious awards for his achievements. In 2011, Tedeschi was a prestigious McMaster Fellowship recipient to conduct modeling research at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Livestock Industries. In 2012, he received the TAMU AgriLife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence – International Involvement. In 2013, he was awarded the distinguished J. William Fulbright Scholarship to collaborate with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation to develop nutrition models to enhance understanding of ruminant production’s impact on the global warming effect through the emission of methane. In 2016, Tedeschi was designated a TAMU AgriLife Research Faculty Fellow for his exceptional research contributions to resilience and sustainability in animal agriculture. In 2017, he received the respected American Feed Industry Association in Ruminant Nutrition Research award for this seminal work at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In 2018, Tedeschi received the COALS Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award – International Involvement. In 2019, Tedeschi became a Chancellor Enhancing Development and Generating Excellence in Scholarship Fellow and received the TAMU AgriLife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence – Research for his impactful and worldwide recognized nutrition models. In 2020, Tedeschi received a) the prestigious Federation of Animal Science Societies-American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition Award, b) the ASAS Animal Growth and Development Award for the re-engineering of the widely used computer model for the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirement released in 2016 by the National Academies, and c) the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award for Research. In 2022, he received the Association of Former Students (AFS) and TAMU Distinguished Achievement Award for Research, as well as the Bouffault International Animal Agriculture Award by the ASAS. In 2023, Tedeschi was named the ASAS Fellow Award-Research, which recognizes a member of ASAS who has rendered distinguished service to the animal industry and had continuous membership in the ASAS for at least twenty-five years. Tedeschi serves on the Modeling Committee and the Climate-Smart Feed Management Committee of the National Animal Nutrition Program. Tedeschi’s research program is highlighted by his publication of more than 310 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 76 editor-reviewed manuscripts, 42 books or book chapters, and more than 319 abstracts with a total of more than 790+ scientific publications. Tedeschi holds the copyright of 13 computer software about mathematical models (*********** Tedeschi’s integration of nutrition and modeling using in silico and in vivo research has provided a new, genuinely transformative paradigm for the field of ruminant nutrition. Tedeschi has built a far-reaching, prominent research program that supports his teaching and service activities. His subsequent research efforts combine cattle nutrition and management with artificial intelligence.

Danny G. Fox

"(This is Volume II of a two-volume set. Volume I is also available) This book accompanies The Ruminant Nutrition System: Volume I — An Applied Model for Predicting Nutri-ent Requirements and Feed Utilization in Ruminants (RNS). It shows the equations and code used to implement the RNS model for use by advanced teaching courses and research by faculty and graduate stu-dents at the master or doctoral levels in life sciences, animal science, wildlife and fisheries sciences, veterinary medicine, and biology and zoology, as well as any others who wish to understand the execution of the RNS model.


Since we started writing the first edition of the Ruminant Nutrition System, we planned to include the computer model's equations and the calculation logic. The book, however, quickly became a comprehensive document of the published research used to identify essential equations and variables for the under-lying calculation logic of the RNS model. It was a rich, dense source of information about the biology and nutrition of ruminants and the mathematical modeling concepts behind the computer model.


As a result, we scattered the RNS model equations throughout the book, within the appropriate chapters containing the pertinent scientific discussions, making it difficult for the reader to reconstruct the computer model. Soon after the publication of the first edition of the book, readers wishing to see the RNS model equations, their linkages, the calculation logic, and how they were implemented into the computer software started requesting more details.


To meet this need, we needed to produce a companion book focused on describing the RNS model's equations and code. Before releasing it to the public, however, we had to make sure that the equations accurately reflected the concepts (i.e., the validation step in mathematical modeling) delineated in the RNS's Volume I. The RNS's Volume II — Tables of Equations and Code arose because of our commitment to document and disseminate the mathematics composing the RNS model clearly and in detail.


Each part of Volume II presents the RNS model's equations and the calculation logic in two ways. The first, more traditional approach lists the equations in a tabular form, including an equation number, the independent variable with its description, and a mathematical formulation (in the form of the equation) that follows a logical sequence for calculation and execution. The second approach embeds the equations into a modern, highly aggre-gated method of an actual computer programming language structure, the R script. This second approach presents the sequence and the calculation logic for the equations more systematically and coherently than the first approach for those wishing to understand how the RNS calculations were programmed."

Luis O. Tedeschi

Dr. Tedeschi is a Professor, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Fellow, and Chancellor EDGES Fellow at the Department of Animal Science, and an Honorary Professor at the Dipartimento di Scienze Agraria at the University of Sassari, Italy. He is recognized internationally for his accomplishments in the nutrition of ruminants, including bioenergetics, feed quality assessment, and computer modeling. Tedeschi received his bachelor’s degree in Agronomy Engineering from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1991; his master’s degree in Animal and Forage Sciences from the University of São Paulo in 1996; and his doctorate in Animal Science from Cornell University in 2001. From 2001 to 2005, Tedeschi held a research associate position at Cornell University. He has received several prestigious awards for his achievements. In 2011, Tedeschi was a prestigious McMaster Fellowship recipient to conduct modeling research at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Livestock Industries. In 2012, he received the TAMU AgriLife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence – International Involvement. In 2013, he was awarded the distinguished J. William Fulbright Scholarship to collaborate with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation to develop nutrition models to enhance understanding of ruminant production’s impact on the global warming effect through the emission of methane. In 2016, Tedeschi was designated a TAMU AgriLife Research Faculty Fellow for his exceptional research contributions to resilience and sustainability in animal agriculture. In 2017, he received the respected American Feed Industry Association in Ruminant Nutrition Research award for this seminal work at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In 2018, Tedeschi received the COALS Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award – International Involvement. In 2019, Tedeschi became a Chancellor Enhancing Development and Generating Excellence in Scholarship Fellow and received the TAMU AgriLife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence – Research for his impactful and worldwide recognized nutrition models. In 2020, Tedeschi received a) the prestigious Federation of Animal Science Societies-American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition Award, b) the ASAS Animal Growth and Development Award for the re-engineering of the widely used computer model for the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirement released in 2016 by the National Academies, and c) the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award for Research. In 2022, he received the Association of Former Students (AFS) and TAMU Distinguished Achievement Award for Research, as well as the Bouffault International Animal Agriculture Award by the ASAS. In 2023, Tedeschi was named the ASAS Fellow Award-Research, which recognizes a member of ASAS who has rendered distinguished service to the animal industry and had continuous membership in the ASAS for at least twenty-five years. Tedeschi serves on the Modeling Committee and the Climate-Smart Feed Management Committee of the National Animal Nutrition Program. Tedeschi’s research program is highlighted by his publication of more than 310 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 76 editor-reviewed manuscripts, 42 books or book chapters, and more than 319 abstracts with a total of more than 790+ scientific publications. Tedeschi holds the copyright of 13 computer software about mathematical models (*********** Tedeschi’s integration of nutrition and modeling using in silico and in vivo research has provided a new, genuinely transformative paradigm for the field of ruminant nutrition. Tedeschi has built a far-reaching, prominent research program that supports his teaching and service activities. His subsequent research efforts combine cattle nutrition and management with artificial intelligence.

Danny G. Fox