A Teachable Moment: A Facilitator's Guide to Activities for Processing, Debriefing, Reviewing and Reflection

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2005

Pages: 288

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ISBN 9781465227881

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 730 days

If you need to know "what comes after the teambuilding activity?" this book is for you! 
Jim Cain, Michelle Cummings and Jennifer Stanchfield have collectively been active in adventure-based and active learning programs for almost a century. From their extensive facilitation background, here are the best of their techniques, methods and activities for engaging participants in active and meaningful processing, debriefing and program reviewing sessions.

Processing helps learners make connections between their educational experiences and real life and future learning. It helps learners realize that they can apply the lessons they learn and skills they use in a "contrived environment" such as a classroom or challenge course to real life issues such as resolving a conflict with friends, co-workers or significant others. Processing helps create purpose, meaning and focus of an activity it helps learners take advantage of teachable moments.

A Teachable Moment is packed with over 120 activities to help you, the facilitator, help your participants transfer their learning back to everyday life. A Teachable Moment is perfect for new, as well as seasoned, facilitators.

A Brief History
The Value of Reflection
A Continuum of Processing Techniques
Processing and Multiple Intelligences: Eight Ways of Reviewing 
Reviewing and the Stages of Group Formation: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Transforming in Experiential Learning
The Art of Reflection: Facilitator Tips and Style Notes
Improving Your Reviewing Skills: A Ten-Step Process to Increase Your Value as a Facilitator
Processing Objectives and Questions

The Organization of Activities in This Book
  Active and Kinesthetic Techniques
  Artistic Expressions: Creative, Artistic, Musical and Theatrical
  Alternatives to the Traditional Sharing Circle
  Metaphoric Methods or Symbolic Representations of Experience
  Individual and Self-Reflection 

Activity Section:Activities for Processing, Debriefing, Reviewing and Reflection  

Affirmation Cards 
All My Neighbors Who . . . 
Alphabet Blocks 
Answering the Question 
Balloon Blow 
Balloon Faces 
Bead Ceremony 
Bendy Debrief 
Benefits to Society 
Body Part Debrief 
Bucket Full of Ideas 
Butterfly Life Cycle Debrief 
Buzz Ring 
Chiji Processing Dice© 
A Circle of Kindness 
Circles of Influence 
Clay Sculptures 
Concentric Circles 
Consensus Cards 
Consensus Thumbs 
Conversation Cards©
Creating Available Space 
Creative Questions 
Crossword Ending 
Crystal Clear 
Debriefing Bingo 
Debriefing Tic Tac Toe 
Dinner Notes 
Domino Debrief
Efficiency and Effectiveness 
Fear in a Hat 
Feelings Cards 
The Fine Art of Reviewing 
Five Basic Elements of Reviewing 
Food for Thought 
Friendship Bracelets 
Full Court Press 
Gem Story 
Goals in Motion 
Group Drawing 
Group Juggle Metaphor Drawing 
Half Time Review 
Hand Signals 
Having My Say 
High Five 
House of Nails 
How's the Weather? 
Image Chips 
Impression Feet 
Index Card Castles 
Index Card Debrief 
I Would Like to Thank . . . 
Journaling (a few more ideas) 
Key Consensus 
Knot Race 
Labyrinth Walk
Later Letters 
Learning Rope 
Leave Your Mark 
Lights, Camera, Action! 
Looking Ahead 
Lycra Tube 
The Magical Box 
Making Music 
A Message for Future Generations 
Message in a Bottle 
Metaphoric Cards 
Mood Dudes 
On the Level 
Partner Watch 
A Pencil That Never Lies 
Playing Cards 
Plus Delta 
Pocket Medic Debrief 
Pocket Processor 
Poetry Dog Tags 
Processing Cube 
Raccoon Circles 
Random Ricochet 
Rap Songs 
Reflective Readings 
Rhythm Processing Experiences
Right Tool for the Job
Self Facilitation
Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right
Solo Experience
Soul of Sole II
Step into the Circle
Sticks in a Bundle
Stop `N Go PRE-brief
Story Bag
SWOT Training
Talking Stick
Team Resume
Thought Balloons
Thumbs Up
Time Capsule
Timing Is Everything
Tool Cards
Traffic Signs
Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest-Mini Version
Trigger Bill
Updating Your Resume
Virtual Slideshow
Walk a Mile in Your Shoes
Web of Commitment
Well-Oiled Machine
What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I'

James Cain

Dr. Jim Cain is the author of seventeen texts filled with powerful team and community-building activities from around the world, including Teamwork & Teamplay (which won the Karl Rohnke Creativity Award presented by the Association for Experiential Education [AEE]), A Teachable Moment, Teambuilding Puzzles, The Book of Raccoon Circles (now available in Japanese and Chinese), Essential Staff  Training Activities, The Big Book of Low Cost Training Games, Find Something To Do, Rope Games, Teamwork & Teamplay Training Cards (now available in a Chinese/English version), The Teamwork & Teamplay International Edition (featuring fifty-one activities translated into sixteen different languages in the same book!), 100 Activities That Build Unity, Community & Connection, Team Activities That Promote Learning, More Team Activities That Promote Learning and Teambuilding with Index Cards.

His train-the-trainer workshops are legendary in the adventure-based learning world and have taken him to all fi fty states and thirty-two countries (so far). He is the innovator of over 100 teambuilding activities used by corporations, colleges, camps, conferences and communities. But mostly, Jim likes to share his unique collection of team challenges, games, puzzles, training techniques and community building activities with audiences of all kinds, all over the world. Jim is also the creative mind behind his active training company Teamwork & Teamplay, which provides staff  trainings, facilitation, teambuilding equipment, debriefing tools, curriculum development, reference books, conference workshops, keynote and playnote presentations, and teambuilding consulting services.

For more information or to invite Dr. Jim Cain to your next event, visit the Teamwork & Teamplay website at www.teamworkandteamplay.com or contact Jim Cain at (585) 637-0328.

Michelle Cummings
Michelle Cummings M.S. is the Big Wheel and founder of Training Wheels, a known leader in the Team Development industry. She is an accomplished author and sought-after speaker and consultant on leadership, teambuilding, and experiential learning. Michelle has created a wide variety of facilitation, debriefing, and teambuilding activities that have collectively changed the way trainers and educators work.

Michelle has delivered innovative leadership programs for hundreds of non-profit and for-profit organizations. Michelle works with professional associations, corporations, universities, and non-profit organizations throughout the world. She is currently working with Stephen M.R. Covey and his associates at CoveyLink on developing experiential activities for Stephen's most recent book, The Speed of Trust.

Michelle received her bachelor's degree in psychology from Kansas State University and her master's degree in experiential education from Minnesota State University at Mankato.
Jennifer Stanchfield

If you need to know "what comes after the teambuilding activity?" this book is for you! 
Jim Cain, Michelle Cummings and Jennifer Stanchfield have collectively been active in adventure-based and active learning programs for almost a century. From their extensive facilitation background, here are the best of their techniques, methods and activities for engaging participants in active and meaningful processing, debriefing and program reviewing sessions.

Processing helps learners make connections between their educational experiences and real life and future learning. It helps learners realize that they can apply the lessons they learn and skills they use in a "contrived environment" such as a classroom or challenge course to real life issues such as resolving a conflict with friends, co-workers or significant others. Processing helps create purpose, meaning and focus of an activity it helps learners take advantage of teachable moments.

A Teachable Moment is packed with over 120 activities to help you, the facilitator, help your participants transfer their learning back to everyday life. A Teachable Moment is perfect for new, as well as seasoned, facilitators.

A Brief History
The Value of Reflection
A Continuum of Processing Techniques
Processing and Multiple Intelligences: Eight Ways of Reviewing 
Reviewing and the Stages of Group Formation: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Transforming in Experiential Learning
The Art of Reflection: Facilitator Tips and Style Notes
Improving Your Reviewing Skills: A Ten-Step Process to Increase Your Value as a Facilitator
Processing Objectives and Questions

The Organization of Activities in This Book
  Active and Kinesthetic Techniques
  Artistic Expressions: Creative, Artistic, Musical and Theatrical
  Alternatives to the Traditional Sharing Circle
  Metaphoric Methods or Symbolic Representations of Experience
  Individual and Self-Reflection 

Activity Section:Activities for Processing, Debriefing, Reviewing and Reflection  

Affirmation Cards 
All My Neighbors Who . . . 
Alphabet Blocks 
Answering the Question 
Balloon Blow 
Balloon Faces 
Bead Ceremony 
Bendy Debrief 
Benefits to Society 
Body Part Debrief 
Bucket Full of Ideas 
Butterfly Life Cycle Debrief 
Buzz Ring 
Chiji Processing Dice© 
A Circle of Kindness 
Circles of Influence 
Clay Sculptures 
Concentric Circles 
Consensus Cards 
Consensus Thumbs 
Conversation Cards©
Creating Available Space 
Creative Questions 
Crossword Ending 
Crystal Clear 
Debriefing Bingo 
Debriefing Tic Tac Toe 
Dinner Notes 
Domino Debrief
Efficiency and Effectiveness 
Fear in a Hat 
Feelings Cards 
The Fine Art of Reviewing 
Five Basic Elements of Reviewing 
Food for Thought 
Friendship Bracelets 
Full Court Press 
Gem Story 
Goals in Motion 
Group Drawing 
Group Juggle Metaphor Drawing 
Half Time Review 
Hand Signals 
Having My Say 
High Five 
House of Nails 
How's the Weather? 
Image Chips 
Impression Feet 
Index Card Castles 
Index Card Debrief 
I Would Like to Thank . . . 
Journaling (a few more ideas) 
Key Consensus 
Knot Race 
Labyrinth Walk
Later Letters 
Learning Rope 
Leave Your Mark 
Lights, Camera, Action! 
Looking Ahead 
Lycra Tube 
The Magical Box 
Making Music 
A Message for Future Generations 
Message in a Bottle 
Metaphoric Cards 
Mood Dudes 
On the Level 
Partner Watch 
A Pencil That Never Lies 
Playing Cards 
Plus Delta 
Pocket Medic Debrief 
Pocket Processor 
Poetry Dog Tags 
Processing Cube 
Raccoon Circles 
Random Ricochet 
Rap Songs 
Reflective Readings 
Rhythm Processing Experiences
Right Tool for the Job
Self Facilitation
Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right
Solo Experience
Soul of Sole II
Step into the Circle
Sticks in a Bundle
Stop `N Go PRE-brief
Story Bag
SWOT Training
Talking Stick
Team Resume
Thought Balloons
Thumbs Up
Time Capsule
Timing Is Everything
Tool Cards
Traffic Signs
Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest-Mini Version
Trigger Bill
Updating Your Resume
Virtual Slideshow
Walk a Mile in Your Shoes
Web of Commitment
Well-Oiled Machine
What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I'

James Cain

Dr. Jim Cain is the author of seventeen texts filled with powerful team and community-building activities from around the world, including Teamwork & Teamplay (which won the Karl Rohnke Creativity Award presented by the Association for Experiential Education [AEE]), A Teachable Moment, Teambuilding Puzzles, The Book of Raccoon Circles (now available in Japanese and Chinese), Essential Staff  Training Activities, The Big Book of Low Cost Training Games, Find Something To Do, Rope Games, Teamwork & Teamplay Training Cards (now available in a Chinese/English version), The Teamwork & Teamplay International Edition (featuring fifty-one activities translated into sixteen different languages in the same book!), 100 Activities That Build Unity, Community & Connection, Team Activities That Promote Learning, More Team Activities That Promote Learning and Teambuilding with Index Cards.

His train-the-trainer workshops are legendary in the adventure-based learning world and have taken him to all fi fty states and thirty-two countries (so far). He is the innovator of over 100 teambuilding activities used by corporations, colleges, camps, conferences and communities. But mostly, Jim likes to share his unique collection of team challenges, games, puzzles, training techniques and community building activities with audiences of all kinds, all over the world. Jim is also the creative mind behind his active training company Teamwork & Teamplay, which provides staff  trainings, facilitation, teambuilding equipment, debriefing tools, curriculum development, reference books, conference workshops, keynote and playnote presentations, and teambuilding consulting services.

For more information or to invite Dr. Jim Cain to your next event, visit the Teamwork & Teamplay website at www.teamworkandteamplay.com or contact Jim Cain at (585) 637-0328.

Michelle Cummings
Michelle Cummings M.S. is the Big Wheel and founder of Training Wheels, a known leader in the Team Development industry. She is an accomplished author and sought-after speaker and consultant on leadership, teambuilding, and experiential learning. Michelle has created a wide variety of facilitation, debriefing, and teambuilding activities that have collectively changed the way trainers and educators work.

Michelle has delivered innovative leadership programs for hundreds of non-profit and for-profit organizations. Michelle works with professional associations, corporations, universities, and non-profit organizations throughout the world. She is currently working with Stephen M.R. Covey and his associates at CoveyLink on developing experiential activities for Stephen's most recent book, The Speed of Trust.

Michelle received her bachelor's degree in psychology from Kansas State University and her master's degree in experiential education from Minnesota State University at Mankato.
Jennifer Stanchfield