Teaching Reading and Writing PreK-3: A Practical Approach

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2020

Pages: 446

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ISBN 9781792437342

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Effective literacy instruction lies at the intersection of theory and practice. But how does one combine these principles to design and implement effective reading and writing lessons that are accessible, engaging, and practical?

Teaching Reading and Writing PreK-3 provides preservice teachers with a multi-layered approach for creating strategies to guide student literacy from kindergarten through grade three. Written directly to the reader with inclusive language, it incorporates recurring themes vital for the nurturing of literacy, such as connecting theory to clinical placements; student diversity; equity; differentiating instruction for various abilities; the instruction-assessment cycle, and more.

This user-friendly text empowers readers to implement strategies for literacy instruction, creating learner-ready teachers who can effectively teach from Day 1. In addition, Teaching Reading and Writing PreK-3 helps readers identify their own unique opinions and viewpoints, helping them to discover and shape their identities as teachers.

The text connects ideas to practical teaching through a variety of features:

  • Real-Life Examples: vignettes introduce each chapter and are focused on teacher candidates working in classroom settings
  • Connection to the Field: specific activities help readers immediately put concepts into practice in their clinical placements
  • Engaging with Families: concrete ideas that involve student families (with consent of a mentor teacher)
  • Lesson Planning: sample outlines demonstrate exactly how to plan effective reading lessons that meet standards and apply concepts from the book
  • What Do You Believe: templates for teaching candidates to reflect on chapter content and consider how it influences their teaching beliefs, culminating in a literacy learning philosophy in the final chapter
  • Companion Website: this publication includes access to a companion website that compiles the resources found in each chapter, as well as templates, organizers, and record sheets
  • And much more!

View Full Table of Contents

View Companion Website Contents

Section I: Developing the Building Blocks for Teaching Reading and Writing 
Chapter 1: Why Focus on Teaching Reading and Writing? 
Chapter 2: What Are the Foundations of Literacy Instruction? 
Chapter 3: What Is the Role of Assessment in Teaching? 
Chapter 4: How Do I Promote Engaged Learning? 

Section II: How to Teach Reading and Writing 
Chapter 5: How Do I Teach Print Concepts and the Alphabet? 
Chapter 6: How Do I Teach Phonemic Awareness? 
Chapter 7: How Do I Teach Students to Recognize and Spell Unknown Words? 
Chapter 8: How Do I Teach Fluency? 
Chapter 9: How Do I Teach Vocabulary? 
Chapter 10: How Do I Teach Reading Comprehension? 
Chapter 11: How Do I Teach Writing? 

Section III: How Do I Put It All Together? 
Chapter 12: How Are Reading and Writing Instruction Organized in the Classroom? 
Chapter 13: How Do I Support My Students’ Literacy Learning?: Working with Families, Colleagues, and Community Members 
Chapter 14: How Do I Become a Learner-ready Teacher? 


Jerry Johns

Jerry L. Johns has been recognized as a distinguished teacher, writer, outstanding teacher educator, and popular professional development speaker for schools, school districts, and conferences. He has taught students from kindergarten through graduate school and also served as a reading teacher. Professor Johns spent his career at Northern Illinois University. He served in leadership positions at the local, state, national, and international levels. He has been president of the International Literacy Association, the Illinois Reading Council, the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, and the Northern Illinois Reading Council. He also served on the Board of Directors for each of these organizations as well as the American Reading Forum. Dr. Johns has authored or coauthored nearly 300 articles, monographs, and research studies as well as over 40 professional books. His Basic Reading Inventory, now in the 12th edition, is widely used in undergraduate and graduate classes as well as by practicing teachers.

Susan Lenski
Susan Davis Lenski is a Professor at Portland State University (PSU) in Oregon.  Before joining the faculty at PSU, Dr. Lenski taught in public schools for 20 years and at Illinois State University for 11 years. Her teaching experiences include working with children from kindergarten through high school. Dr. Lenski currently teaches graduate reading and language arts courses.

Dr. Lenski has been recognized by several organizations for her commitment to education. Among her numerous awards, are the Nila Banton Smith Award from the International Reading Association; she was instrumental in her school receiving an Exemplary Reading program Award from the International Reading Association; and she was inducted into the Illinois Reading Hall of Fame. She is currently on the International Reading Association's Board of Directors.

Dr. Lenski's research interests focus on strategic reading and writing and adolescent literacy. She also conducts research on preparing teacher candidates. Dr. Lenski has conducted numerous inservice presentations in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Panama and has presented at many state and national conferences. Dr. Lenski has published more than 60 articles and twelve books.
Laurie Elish-Piper

Laurie Elish-Piper is a Professor of Reading in the Department of Literacy Education at Northern Illinois University. She directs the NIU Literacy Clinic and teaches reading courses for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, including practicums in reading assessment and instruction. Prior to her current position, Dr. Elish-Piper worked as an elementary and middle school teacher and an educational therapist in a clinical setting. She has also developed, implemented, and evaluated family literacy programs for inner-city families and their young children.

Dr. Elish-Piper is active in many professional organizations. She is the vice-president of the College Reading Association, an area co-chair for the National Reading Conference, and a member of the Early Literacy Committee of the International Reading Association. She is co-editor of Exploring Adult Literacy and serves on the Editorial Board of The Reading Teacher and several other publications.

Dr. Elish-Piper consults with schools and family literacy programs across the Midwest. She also regularly presents at international, national, state, and local professional conferences. Her research, publications, and presentations focus on literacy coaching, family literacy, parent involvement, reading strategy instruction, and literacy teacher education. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications including books, chapters, articles, videos, and instructional materials.

Roya Qualls Scales
Roya Q. Scales is a Professor of Literacy Education at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. An educator for more than 20 years (11 as a classroom teacher), she is noted for her research on thoughtfully adaptive teaching, enactment of teachers’ visions, literacy teacher education, and effective teaching of literacy. Roya served as the Program Coordinator of the Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education Programs for 5 years. She teaches reading, language arts, and children’s literature courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The strategies provided within Chapter 9 gave me a sense of direction for teaching vocabulary and has assisted me in knowing ways to better support my students with different needs…I feel more confident about my teaching.

I am overwhelmed at the thought of becoming a teacher, therefore, the "Learner-Ready" chapter (Chapter 14) has helped boost my confidence. It is one that I will refer back to in the future, especially during my first year of teaching.

Effective literacy instruction lies at the intersection of theory and practice. But how does one combine these principles to design and implement effective reading and writing lessons that are accessible, engaging, and practical?

Teaching Reading and Writing PreK-3 provides preservice teachers with a multi-layered approach for creating strategies to guide student literacy from kindergarten through grade three. Written directly to the reader with inclusive language, it incorporates recurring themes vital for the nurturing of literacy, such as connecting theory to clinical placements; student diversity; equity; differentiating instruction for various abilities; the instruction-assessment cycle, and more.

This user-friendly text empowers readers to implement strategies for literacy instruction, creating learner-ready teachers who can effectively teach from Day 1. In addition, Teaching Reading and Writing PreK-3 helps readers identify their own unique opinions and viewpoints, helping them to discover and shape their identities as teachers.

The text connects ideas to practical teaching through a variety of features:

  • Real-Life Examples: vignettes introduce each chapter and are focused on teacher candidates working in classroom settings
  • Connection to the Field: specific activities help readers immediately put concepts into practice in their clinical placements
  • Engaging with Families: concrete ideas that involve student families (with consent of a mentor teacher)
  • Lesson Planning: sample outlines demonstrate exactly how to plan effective reading lessons that meet standards and apply concepts from the book
  • What Do You Believe: templates for teaching candidates to reflect on chapter content and consider how it influences their teaching beliefs, culminating in a literacy learning philosophy in the final chapter
  • Companion Website: this publication includes access to a companion website that compiles the resources found in each chapter, as well as templates, organizers, and record sheets
  • And much more!

View Full Table of Contents

View Companion Website Contents

Section I: Developing the Building Blocks for Teaching Reading and Writing 
Chapter 1: Why Focus on Teaching Reading and Writing? 
Chapter 2: What Are the Foundations of Literacy Instruction? 
Chapter 3: What Is the Role of Assessment in Teaching? 
Chapter 4: How Do I Promote Engaged Learning? 

Section II: How to Teach Reading and Writing 
Chapter 5: How Do I Teach Print Concepts and the Alphabet? 
Chapter 6: How Do I Teach Phonemic Awareness? 
Chapter 7: How Do I Teach Students to Recognize and Spell Unknown Words? 
Chapter 8: How Do I Teach Fluency? 
Chapter 9: How Do I Teach Vocabulary? 
Chapter 10: How Do I Teach Reading Comprehension? 
Chapter 11: How Do I Teach Writing? 

Section III: How Do I Put It All Together? 
Chapter 12: How Are Reading and Writing Instruction Organized in the Classroom? 
Chapter 13: How Do I Support My Students’ Literacy Learning?: Working with Families, Colleagues, and Community Members 
Chapter 14: How Do I Become a Learner-ready Teacher? 


Jerry Johns

Jerry L. Johns has been recognized as a distinguished teacher, writer, outstanding teacher educator, and popular professional development speaker for schools, school districts, and conferences. He has taught students from kindergarten through graduate school and also served as a reading teacher. Professor Johns spent his career at Northern Illinois University. He served in leadership positions at the local, state, national, and international levels. He has been president of the International Literacy Association, the Illinois Reading Council, the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, and the Northern Illinois Reading Council. He also served on the Board of Directors for each of these organizations as well as the American Reading Forum. Dr. Johns has authored or coauthored nearly 300 articles, monographs, and research studies as well as over 40 professional books. His Basic Reading Inventory, now in the 12th edition, is widely used in undergraduate and graduate classes as well as by practicing teachers.

Susan Lenski
Susan Davis Lenski is a Professor at Portland State University (PSU) in Oregon.  Before joining the faculty at PSU, Dr. Lenski taught in public schools for 20 years and at Illinois State University for 11 years. Her teaching experiences include working with children from kindergarten through high school. Dr. Lenski currently teaches graduate reading and language arts courses.

Dr. Lenski has been recognized by several organizations for her commitment to education. Among her numerous awards, are the Nila Banton Smith Award from the International Reading Association; she was instrumental in her school receiving an Exemplary Reading program Award from the International Reading Association; and she was inducted into the Illinois Reading Hall of Fame. She is currently on the International Reading Association's Board of Directors.

Dr. Lenski's research interests focus on strategic reading and writing and adolescent literacy. She also conducts research on preparing teacher candidates. Dr. Lenski has conducted numerous inservice presentations in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Panama and has presented at many state and national conferences. Dr. Lenski has published more than 60 articles and twelve books.
Laurie Elish-Piper

Laurie Elish-Piper is a Professor of Reading in the Department of Literacy Education at Northern Illinois University. She directs the NIU Literacy Clinic and teaches reading courses for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, including practicums in reading assessment and instruction. Prior to her current position, Dr. Elish-Piper worked as an elementary and middle school teacher and an educational therapist in a clinical setting. She has also developed, implemented, and evaluated family literacy programs for inner-city families and their young children.

Dr. Elish-Piper is active in many professional organizations. She is the vice-president of the College Reading Association, an area co-chair for the National Reading Conference, and a member of the Early Literacy Committee of the International Reading Association. She is co-editor of Exploring Adult Literacy and serves on the Editorial Board of The Reading Teacher and several other publications.

Dr. Elish-Piper consults with schools and family literacy programs across the Midwest. She also regularly presents at international, national, state, and local professional conferences. Her research, publications, and presentations focus on literacy coaching, family literacy, parent involvement, reading strategy instruction, and literacy teacher education. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications including books, chapters, articles, videos, and instructional materials.

Roya Qualls Scales
Roya Q. Scales is a Professor of Literacy Education at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. An educator for more than 20 years (11 as a classroom teacher), she is noted for her research on thoughtfully adaptive teaching, enactment of teachers’ visions, literacy teacher education, and effective teaching of literacy. Roya served as the Program Coordinator of the Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education Programs for 5 years. She teaches reading, language arts, and children’s literature courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The strategies provided within Chapter 9 gave me a sense of direction for teaching vocabulary and has assisted me in knowing ways to better support my students with different needs…I feel more confident about my teaching.

I am overwhelmed at the thought of becoming a teacher, therefore, the "Learner-Ready" chapter (Chapter 14) has helped boost my confidence. It is one that I will refer back to in the future, especially during my first year of teaching.