Visual Basic.NET: An Introduction to Computer Programming

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2017

Pages: 386

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ISBN 9781524947088

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Visual Basic (VB) continues to be the language of choice both in colleges and high schools for introductory programming courses. VB is a student friendly language with its forgiving syntax rules, lack of use of special characters as in Java, C++… and with its easy to use design function­ality to build graphical user interfaces. This is not a workbook nor does it have lengthy programming examples or explanations.

This textbook is welcoming to students and reinforces concepts taught in class. There are questions posed throughout the book to stimulate a student’s critical thinking skills. The books starts with a brief history of computers and computing because every student studying computer programming should be introduced to the rich history of how we have arrived at a world where computers are part of our everyday life.

The book’s ease of use will encourage students to explore more advanced concepts such as Interface Design in Chapter 9, Multimedia and Gaming in Chapter 12, Databases (Oracle and Access) in Chapter 13, and Web Applications in Chapter 14. These concepts, because of time constraints, are often missed in a one-semester course.


How our approach is different from other VB textbooks:

  • The book is not VB.NET version specific.
  • There is more emphasis on algorithms, problem solving, and critical thinking
  • There are well-constructed lessons including short and commented programming examples.
  • It encourages students to explore advanced topics including multimedia, gaming, and web applications.
  • It works well with a flipped classroom approach, with each chapter serving as a lesson.
  • The history of computers and computing is introduced to students.
  • It includes Oracle database interface concepts (most books only mention Access).
  • Strategies for finding program problems by using output statements, the debugger and exception handlers are addressed.
  • An entire chapter is dedicated to Graphical U



1. Introduction to Computers and Computing

1.1 History

1.2 Computer Hardware

1.3 Bits and Bytes

1.4 General Terminology

1.5 Visual Basic Program Development

1.6 Algorithms

1.7 Summary

2. Introduction to Visual Basic

2.1 What Is Visual Basic?

2.2 The Visual Basic IDE

2.3 Designer Window–Graphical User Interface

2.3.1 Button

2.3.2 Label

2.3.3 TextBox

2.3.4 ListBox

2.3.5 PictureBox

2.3.6 MessageBox

2.4 Code Window

2.4.1 Getting to Know Your Code Window Colors and Notations

2.5 The Hello World Program

2.5.1 Saving, Closing, Moving, and Printing Your VB Project

2.6 Clear and Exit Buttons

2.7 Good Programming Practices

2.8 Summary

3. Data

3.1 Data Types

3.1.1 String

3.1.2 Char

3.1.3 Integer

3.1.4 Double

3.2 Variables



3.3 Declaring Variables

3.3.1 Constants

3.4 Arithmetic Operations

3.4.1 Operator Precedence

3.5 Assignment Statements

3.5.1 Type Conversions (Casting)

3.6 Input Boxes

3.7 NumericUpDown

3.8 Formatting Output

3.9 Math Functions

3.10 Visual Basic Design Guidelines

3.11 Summary

4. Decision Making

4.1 Relational Operators

4.2 If …Then Decision Structures

4.2.1 If…End If

4.2.2 If…Else…End If

4.2.3 If…ElseIf…End If

4.3 Nested If …Then Statements

4.4 Logical Operators

4.5 Select Case Structure

4.6 Visible Property

4.7 GroupBox, RadioButton, and CheckBox

4.7.1 GroupBox Control

4.7.2 RadioButton Control

4.7.3 CheckBox Control

4.8 ComboBox

4.9 Summary

5. Loops

5.1 Repetition

5.2 For…Next Loops

5.2.1 Counters

5.2.2 Summation

5.2.3 Nested For Loops

5.3 Do Loops

5.3.1 Sentinel Loops

5.4 Summary

6. Debugging and Exception (Error) Handling

6.1 Programming Errors and Debugging

6.1.1 Syntax Errors

6.1.2 Run-Time Errors

6.1.3 Logic Errors

6.2 Using the Debugging Tool (Debugger)

6.3 Handling Exceptions


7. Data Structures

7.1 Arrays

7.2 Create and Access Arrays

7.3 Using Arrays

7.4 Parallel Arrays

7.5 Switching Positions of Elements in an Array

7.6 Sorting

7.7 Searching for a Value 2027.7.1 Linear Search

7.7.2 Binary Search

7.8 Copying Arrays

7.9 Two-Dimensional Arrays

7.10 Structures

7.10.1 Array of Structures

7.11 Summary

8. Strings

8.1 Strings

8.2 Concatenation

8.3 Comparing Strings

8.4 String Properties and Functions

8.5 Working with Substrings

8.5.1 Counting Characters

8.6 Common String Problems

8.6.1 Pig Latin

8.6.2 Palindromes

8.7 Additional String Functions

8.8 Summary

9. Design

9.1 Graphical User Interface Design

9.2 Control Design and Layout

9.3 Navigation

9.4 User Perception

9.4.1 Chunking

9.5 Formatting

9.6 Recognition vs. Recall

9.7 Visual Organization

8.8 Summary

10. Classes, Procedures, and Functions

10.1 Visual Basic Classes

10.2 Sub Procedures

10.2.1 Parameters

10.3 Functions

10.4 Comparing Functions with Procedures

10.5 Arrays as Parameters


10.6 Variable Scope

10.7 Global Variables Using Modules

10.8 Summary

11. Console Applications, File I/O

11.1 Console Applications

11.1.1 Console Output

11.1.2 Console Input

11.2 Sequential Files

11.2.1 File Input

11.2.2 File Output

11.3 Structures with Console Applications

11.4 Summary

12. Multimedia and Gaming

12.1 Multimedia

12.1.1 Audio

12.1.2 Video

12.1.3 Shapes

12.1.4 Animation

12.2 Movement

12.3 Timers

12.4 Gaming Concepts

12.5 Embedding Audio and Image Resources

12.6 Summary

13. Databases

13.1 Database Interfaces

13.2 Connecting to Access

13.2.1 Creating a GUI Interface

13.3 Structured Query Language (SQL)

13.4 Connecting to Oracle

13.4.1 Creating a GUI Interface

13.5 SQL Commands Embedded in Visual Basic Code Example

13.6 Summary

14. Web Applications

14.1 Set up for Web Applications

14.2 Creating the Web Application

14.2.1 Adding an Image to Your Web Application

14.3 Summary

Appendices 357

A American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

B Keywords

C Creating VB Projects with Multiple Forms


Victoria Hong
Lawrence Fischer

Visual Basic (VB) continues to be the language of choice both in colleges and high schools for introductory programming courses. VB is a student friendly language with its forgiving syntax rules, lack of use of special characters as in Java, C++… and with its easy to use design function­ality to build graphical user interfaces. This is not a workbook nor does it have lengthy programming examples or explanations.

This textbook is welcoming to students and reinforces concepts taught in class. There are questions posed throughout the book to stimulate a student’s critical thinking skills. The books starts with a brief history of computers and computing because every student studying computer programming should be introduced to the rich history of how we have arrived at a world where computers are part of our everyday life.

The book’s ease of use will encourage students to explore more advanced concepts such as Interface Design in Chapter 9, Multimedia and Gaming in Chapter 12, Databases (Oracle and Access) in Chapter 13, and Web Applications in Chapter 14. These concepts, because of time constraints, are often missed in a one-semester course.


How our approach is different from other VB textbooks:

  • The book is not VB.NET version specific.
  • There is more emphasis on algorithms, problem solving, and critical thinking
  • There are well-constructed lessons including short and commented programming examples.
  • It encourages students to explore advanced topics including multimedia, gaming, and web applications.
  • It works well with a flipped classroom approach, with each chapter serving as a lesson.
  • The history of computers and computing is introduced to students.
  • It includes Oracle database interface concepts (most books only mention Access).
  • Strategies for finding program problems by using output statements, the debugger and exception handlers are addressed.
  • An entire chapter is dedicated to Graphical U



1. Introduction to Computers and Computing

1.1 History

1.2 Computer Hardware

1.3 Bits and Bytes

1.4 General Terminology

1.5 Visual Basic Program Development

1.6 Algorithms

1.7 Summary

2. Introduction to Visual Basic

2.1 What Is Visual Basic?

2.2 The Visual Basic IDE

2.3 Designer Window–Graphical User Interface

2.3.1 Button

2.3.2 Label

2.3.3 TextBox

2.3.4 ListBox

2.3.5 PictureBox

2.3.6 MessageBox

2.4 Code Window

2.4.1 Getting to Know Your Code Window Colors and Notations

2.5 The Hello World Program

2.5.1 Saving, Closing, Moving, and Printing Your VB Project

2.6 Clear and Exit Buttons

2.7 Good Programming Practices

2.8 Summary

3. Data

3.1 Data Types

3.1.1 String

3.1.2 Char

3.1.3 Integer

3.1.4 Double

3.2 Variables



3.3 Declaring Variables

3.3.1 Constants

3.4 Arithmetic Operations

3.4.1 Operator Precedence

3.5 Assignment Statements

3.5.1 Type Conversions (Casting)

3.6 Input Boxes

3.7 NumericUpDown

3.8 Formatting Output

3.9 Math Functions

3.10 Visual Basic Design Guidelines

3.11 Summary

4. Decision Making

4.1 Relational Operators

4.2 If …Then Decision Structures

4.2.1 If…End If

4.2.2 If…Else…End If

4.2.3 If…ElseIf…End If

4.3 Nested If …Then Statements

4.4 Logical Operators

4.5 Select Case Structure

4.6 Visible Property

4.7 GroupBox, RadioButton, and CheckBox

4.7.1 GroupBox Control

4.7.2 RadioButton Control

4.7.3 CheckBox Control

4.8 ComboBox

4.9 Summary

5. Loops

5.1 Repetition

5.2 For…Next Loops

5.2.1 Counters

5.2.2 Summation

5.2.3 Nested For Loops

5.3 Do Loops

5.3.1 Sentinel Loops

5.4 Summary

6. Debugging and Exception (Error) Handling

6.1 Programming Errors and Debugging

6.1.1 Syntax Errors

6.1.2 Run-Time Errors

6.1.3 Logic Errors

6.2 Using the Debugging Tool (Debugger)

6.3 Handling Exceptions


7. Data Structures

7.1 Arrays

7.2 Create and Access Arrays

7.3 Using Arrays

7.4 Parallel Arrays

7.5 Switching Positions of Elements in an Array

7.6 Sorting

7.7 Searching for a Value 2027.7.1 Linear Search

7.7.2 Binary Search

7.8 Copying Arrays

7.9 Two-Dimensional Arrays

7.10 Structures

7.10.1 Array of Structures

7.11 Summary

8. Strings

8.1 Strings

8.2 Concatenation

8.3 Comparing Strings

8.4 String Properties and Functions

8.5 Working with Substrings

8.5.1 Counting Characters

8.6 Common String Problems

8.6.1 Pig Latin

8.6.2 Palindromes

8.7 Additional String Functions

8.8 Summary

9. Design

9.1 Graphical User Interface Design

9.2 Control Design and Layout

9.3 Navigation

9.4 User Perception

9.4.1 Chunking

9.5 Formatting

9.6 Recognition vs. Recall

9.7 Visual Organization

8.8 Summary

10. Classes, Procedures, and Functions

10.1 Visual Basic Classes

10.2 Sub Procedures

10.2.1 Parameters

10.3 Functions

10.4 Comparing Functions with Procedures

10.5 Arrays as Parameters


10.6 Variable Scope

10.7 Global Variables Using Modules

10.8 Summary

11. Console Applications, File I/O

11.1 Console Applications

11.1.1 Console Output

11.1.2 Console Input

11.2 Sequential Files

11.2.1 File Input

11.2.2 File Output

11.3 Structures with Console Applications

11.4 Summary

12. Multimedia and Gaming

12.1 Multimedia

12.1.1 Audio

12.1.2 Video

12.1.3 Shapes

12.1.4 Animation

12.2 Movement

12.3 Timers

12.4 Gaming Concepts

12.5 Embedding Audio and Image Resources

12.6 Summary

13. Databases

13.1 Database Interfaces

13.2 Connecting to Access

13.2.1 Creating a GUI Interface

13.3 Structured Query Language (SQL)

13.4 Connecting to Oracle

13.4.1 Creating a GUI Interface

13.5 SQL Commands Embedded in Visual Basic Code Example

13.6 Summary

14. Web Applications

14.1 Set up for Web Applications

14.2 Creating the Web Application

14.2.1 Adding an Image to Your Web Application

14.3 Summary

Appendices 357

A American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

B Keywords

C Creating VB Projects with Multiple Forms


Victoria Hong
Lawrence Fischer