Bridging the "Mass" + "Interpersonal" Divide
Bridging the "mass" + "interpersonal" divide: Integrating mediated communication courses in the undergraduate curriculum.
Historically, the communication discipline is divided into mass communication and interpersonal communication - leading to introductory classes segmented in a similar way. However, both the practice of both mass and interpersonal today are heavily reliant upon technology. This leads to an increased need to bridge the divide between mass and interpersonal communication, and that bridge may come through considering "mediated" communication.
David Westerman (North Dakota State University), Nicholas Bowman (West Virginia University), and Kenneth Lachlan (UConn) host a webinar that demonstrates how to bridge the "mass" + "interpersonal" divide. This content, presented recently at the Eastern Communication Association conference provides you with hands-on tools to help you integrate mediated communication courses in your undergraduate curriculum.
To view the full webinar, visit: https://youtu.be/68joommDdew
The featured panelists are co-authors of Introduction to Mediated Communication: Social Media and Beyond.