Helping Students Communicate Love: Course Creation, Course Adaption, and Faith Integration
Presented for the Christianity & Communications Studies Network
Learn more about "Communicating Love in Relationships" below and request your review copy here.
No greater gift, no greater feeling, no greater calling exists than love. Love acts as a foundation, an emotion, a bridge to understanding those who see the world differently. Love infiltrates life in every interaction, and touches us in ways that no other is able to match. W
While the complexities and permeation of love may seem overwhelming, communication makes love a bit more achievable, touchable, and possible in relationships. Communication provides tactics and channels to connect with others—and express love. To grow as communicators, individuals must continually learn more about themselves, how they perceive others, how they express and perceive emotions, and how they communicate both verbally and nonverbally. Communication makes relationships possible, strengthening the ties of love.
Communicating Love in Relationships uncovers tactics to learn how to love better and maintain that love in all relationships—with friends, family, romantic interests, and even oneself.
Dr. Renee Bourdeaux is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Northwest University with a passion for studying and teaching about positivity and resilience in interpersonal communication. Although she loves her faculty role, her road to becoming a faculty member was a bit nontraditional. Renee started her educational journey at the University of North Dakota. As she was working on a B.A. in Communication, she became a Resident Assistant. She enjoyed working in the residence halls so much that she went on to get a Master’s degree in Communication while she worked as a Hall Director. Once she earned her M.A., Renee had many career adventures in life: Residence Hall Director, Complex Director, Vice President of Communication and Marketing, and Instructor.
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