Search Results: 6881 - 6890 of 8008

Business Careers in the Global Economy: Preparation Is Key to Managing Your Career

Author(s): Georgia Doran, Patricia Jones, Jane Willis

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Transgressing Culture Lines

Author(s): Cornell Thomas

eBook Version You will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase. Transgressing Culture Lines improves teaching and learning environments by focusing on the following concepts:That we must Transgress, move beyond, the generali...

Through a Convict's Eyes: An Overlooked View of the Criminal Justice System

Author(s): LaVarr McBride, Eric Wicklund

Many offenders who enter our system are under the belief that they are a failure, that they are not capable of change due to their past...  Through a Convict’s Eyes: An Overlooked View of the Criminal Justice System provides a unique perspective of the current dynamic criminal justice system by f...

The Struggle Against America's Dark Side: Arson, Assassination, Bribery, Coercion, Corruption, Crime, Discrimination, Espionage, Exploitation, Fraud, Homicide, Larcency, Malfeasance, Manipulation,

Author(s): Robert Scheina

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Big Bang, Black Holes, No Math

Author(s): David Toback

David Toback's (Texas A&M University) publication answers the calls of students and instructors! Big Bang, Black Holes, No Math is a one-of-a-kind publication that shares with the reader just how exciting the universe has been throughout its history in a way non-majors can understand, enjoy and a...