Search Results: 1221 - 1230 of 1238

A Goals-Plans-Action Theory of Communication: Ravi and Joe Battle over Cleaning the Apartment


Sample Why do people say what they say? The answer given by Goals-Plans-Action Theory is that usually individuals craft messages that they believe will help them to achieve whatever they are trying to accomplish. Goals-Plans-Action (GPA) is a theory of message production that has its roots in the...

Conflict and Coping in Military Families: Expectation Violations During Wartime Deployments


Abstract The effects of military life extend beyond service members. Military spouses experience a variety of psychological, communicative, and emotional impairments as a by-product of wartime deployments. Yet, the media still promulgates themes, myths, and expectations about military life and de...

Negotiation Alchemy: Global Skills Inspiring and Transforming Diverging Worlds

Author(s): Nancy Erbe

Both interesting and highly informative, Nancy Erbe’s Negotiation Alchemy provides visionary practitioners with the necessary skills to help overcome the challenges that unresolved conflicts pose throughout the world. The book focuses on ways of creating and sustaining “positive peace,” which is mor...

OpenStax Calculus Vol 3 softcover prints in 2 parts


"Calculus is designed for the typical two- or three-semester general calculus course, incorporating innovative features to enhance student learning. The book guides students through the core concepts of calculus and helps them understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around t...

Sophie's Companion: Introduction to Philosophy

Author(s): Mark Curtis-Thames

Great books deserve to be read more than once. Sophie’s World, by Jostein Gaarder, is just such a great book. Published in 1993 and in English in 1994, it remains a continual best-seller, translated into many languages. In Sophie’s World we watch fourteen-year-old Sophie come of age mentally, as a m...

About Music: Critical Listening Skills

Author(s): Chandler R. Bridges Jr., Michael Wagner

About Music: Critical Listening Skills explains the fascinating aspects of the fundamentals of sound, how musical instruments work, the mechanics of hearing, and how we neurologically process the musical sounds we make. Add to that the way music and sound is recorded, manipulated, and stored, and a ...

Post on Facebook, Lose Your Business


Abstract Personal posts on social media can create a reputational crisis for small businesses. The real-time nature of social media and the ability of publics to self-organize pose unique challenges for small businesses. , basic_html