Search Results: 1 - 10 of 15

Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography & Meteorology

Author(s): Thomas Williams, Thomas Breuner, David Gilhousen, Stephen Underwood, Mark A Tinsley, Marcus Ross

Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography & Meteorology provides a hands-on laboratory experience for introductory earth-science students. This manual/kit package offers a full-range of earth-science topics to include lab exercises in geology, oceanography, and meteorology. It is also ...

Wellness for Life

Author(s): Steven Ross Murray, Kristin Heumann

Featuring a combination of an eText with a website, Wellness for Life teaches students how to improve their overall wellness so that they can live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.While discussing topics such as disease, life expectancy, stress, physical fitness, nutrition, and weight m...

Be Heard: Public Speaking for College and Career

Author(s): Niaz Khan

New Second Edition Now Available! In addition to explaining straightforwardly the nuances of creating and delivering noteworthy speeches, the new second edition of Be Heard: Public Speaking for College and Career takes it to the next level—describing the procedures in a more up-to-date manner for...

Geology: An Introduction

Author(s): Alan Jacobs

The theme of Geology: An Introduction is the dynamic nature of planet Earth.  Geologic materials are constantly being recycled through geologic processes that are continuously reshaping the planet.  The textbook, with numerous color photographs and diagrams, clearly discusses minerals and rocks and ...

Drugs and Drug Trafficking

Author(s): Peter Johnstone

Drugs and Drug Trafficking is a practical informed approach towards a complex topic that will provide a framework for further, stimulating and vigorous classroom discussion. It has been updated with more recent reports than the previous editions. Drugs and Drug Trafficking: Is effective! Ev...