Search Results: 1051 - 1060 of 1232

OpenStax Physics for High School hardcover


table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";} tr {mso-height-source:auto;} col {mso-width-source:auto;} td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:black; font-size:11.0pt; font-weight:400; font...

Fitness and Your Health

Author(s): David C Nieman

Fitness & Your Health has been written to satisfy the general education requirement for physical education. In many colleges and universities students are given the option to take a class that focuses on fitness and health issues. Fitness & Your Health uses a physical fitness approach to educate the...

Research Methods

Author(s): Daniel Rodriguez

Dr. Rodriguez’s Research Methods textbook is an outstanding presentation of research methods for serious researcher students. Written in turbulent times with the SARS Coronavirus 2 pandemic in its peak, Daniel Rodriguez’s textbook incorporates timely real world events in each chapter and explains th...

Bollywood in the City: Can the Consumption of Bollywood Cinema Serve as a Site for Intercultural Discovery and Dialogue?


Sample Bollywood’s new “coolness” (Banker 2001) creates the space for what Clifford calls “political struggles to define the local as distinctive community” (Clifford 1994, 308)—a space distinctly evident in the New York metropolitan area. This is made possible particularly by the post-globalized...

To Tell or Not to Tell: Managing Privacy Disclosure among LGBTQ Populations


Abstract To tell or not tell someone our private health information is, at times, a nerve-wracking experience. Yet, we undergo the stress about when and how to communicate our health concerns on a regular basis, whether we are in the confines of the doctor’s office or in an environment where we f...

Social Information Processing Theory and a Case Study of Idealized Perceptions and Misrepresentation Within an Online Community for Alcohol Addiction


Abstract Our understanding of health-related online communities can be aided by the use of theories that have been developed by scholars who study social media, computer-mediated communication, online relationships, and the like. Social Information Processing Theory has emerged as an important th...

Humor Functions in Communication


Sample Among the first qualities we look for when meeting another person is a sense of humor. Understanding a person’s response to humor helps in learning the person’s perspectives on the world. Thus, on first meeting, one is tempted to test the relationship by using humor. Shared humor builds on...