Search Results: 11 - 20 of 47

Energy: The Master Resource

Author(s): Robert Bradley

Energy, the master resource, is uniquely essential to modern life and human progress. This publication describes how the ultimate resource, the human mind, has harnessed energy to meet the world’s increasing needs. The authors persuasively argue that given the right incentives in a free market, inve...

Cell Biology and Chemistry for Allied Health Science

Author(s): Frederic Ross

Cell Biology and Chemistry for Allied Health Science, Sixth Edition, by Frederick C. Ross, is designed to provide the science background in chemical and biological principles that is a prerequisite to anatomy and physiology courses. Your students will find that Cell Biology and Chemistry for Allied ...

Between the Conquests: The Early Chicano Historical Experience

Author(s): Michael R Ornelas

Since the early sixteenth century Chicanos--persons of Mexican origin living in the United States--have inhabited what is now the Southwest . They arrived with European-led explorations and settlers, and came to view the region as their new homeland. They built churches and farms, and played a vital...

Revolutionary Peace through Ethnic Studies

Author(s): Jose Hernandez Alvarez

Revolutionary Peace Through Ethnic Studies, by José Hernández Álvarez, explains how Spanish, French and British colonization shaped United States society and the ongoing experience of Americans of Native, African, Latin, Asian and immigrant origin. This researched and readable text calls for all Ame...

Cultural Diversity: Building Skills for Awareness, Understanding and Application

Author(s): Barbara Heuberger

Cultural Diversity is written to assist students in developing skills in diversity and multiculturalism that can be applied to many contexts. This text was selected to emphasize mastering developmental framework for becoming aware of, understanding, and applying diversity-related concepts to a wide ...