Search Results: 1211 - 1220 of 1232

Make Me Laugh, Make Me Listen: Using Humor to Accomplish Interpersonal Influence


Abstract Interpersonal communication is the bedrock of human existence. Our happiness and success as social beings is a reflection of the quality and types of relationships we engage in. Our need to feel recognized, supported, comfortable, and grounded drives our goal to engage in interpersonal r...

Sophie's Companion: Introduction to Philosophy

Author(s): Mark Curtis-Thames

Great books deserve to be read more than once. Sophie’s World, by Jostein Gaarder, is just such a great book. Published in 1993 and in English in 1994, it remains a continual best-seller, translated into many languages. In Sophie’s World we watch fourteen-year-old Sophie come of age mentally, as a m...

OpenStax American Government 2e hardcover TBC only


"American Government 2e aligns with the topics and objectives of many government courses. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the...

Family Communication and Political Identities: A Negative Case Analysis of Parental Partisan Socialization


Abstract This chapter argues for a new line of political communication research within the family focusing on political differences between marital partners. Partisan and ideological separation of spouses can cause tension and argumentation in the household and this influences the socialization o...

College Algebra with Current Interesting Applications and Facts

Author(s): Gisela Acosta, Margie Karwowski

College Algebra with Current Interesting Applications and Facts provides students the opportunity to experience real-life settings and work on activities that model real-world situations, while capturing the student’s interest. This text contains application problems which are based on current every...

This Wouldn't Happen to a Mother: Two Dads Raising a Son


Abstract For most of his life, Mason had wanted to be a dad, but he also knew that as a gay man he would probably never have that opportunity. When he first met Zachery, his now husband, one of the first serious issues they discussed was having kids. At the time, Mason said, “Well sure, but I’m n...

"Feeling Stigmatized by Patients": Religiosity, Ethnicity, and Cross-Gender Patient Interactions for a Male Muslim Physician


Sample Sitting in his office at the Women’s Health Clinic (WHC), Dr. Ahmad Rahal was deep in thought as he stared out of his office window at the budding blossoms on a nearby apple tree. The morning began at 7:30 a.m., and he had seen 16 patients by noon. The reason for their visits varied greatl...