Search Results: 1211 - 1220 of 1234

OpenStax Psychology


"Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in e...

Preparing the Way: Teaching ELs in the PreK-12 Classroom

Author(s): Jane M Govoni, Cindy Lovell

Preparing the Way: Teaching ELs in the Pre-K-12 Classroom, now in its 4th edition, provides a reader-friendly experience for teacher preparation programs and school district workshops in five main areas: 1) ESOL Federal and State Legislation; 2) Cultural Proficiency, Diversity, and Equity; 3) Fundam...

Canaries in a Coal Mine: Crisis Communication and the Coal Industry


Abstract When a mining accident happens in rural Virginia, an industry newcomer gains valuable insight about the importance of public relations and crisis communication principles in managing crucial situations. , basic_html

Be A Healthy You! In Dubuque: Coloring Fun


There are so many great ways to be healthy. Whether it be through exercise, reading, or even gardening this book encourages children to explore healthy ways of developing their physical, cognitive and social-emotional growth while in their own environment. , basic_html

Introduction to Environmental Science

Author(s): Rebecca Bourgault

Introduction to Environmental Science engages students with the scientific process and fundamental principles of environmental science, and provides an introductory analysis of several of the most important environmental issues of our time. The text focuses primarily on the physical environment and ...

Muslims, Head Coverings, and Fantasy Football: Moving Beyond the Stereotype


Sample In an introduction to interpersonal communication course at a Midwestern university students are assigned a listening project that requires them to learn about themselves and others by selecting a representative of a group whose perspective they would not ordinarily listen to.1 Two days af...

Information Should Never Be Random: A Guide to Business and Technical Writing

Author(s): Laurie Anderson

Information Should Never Be Random: A Guide to Business and Technical Writing breaks down that writing process for students so they can capitalize on it and get ahead on the job faster. This book approaches teaching business and technical writing differently than other books. This text separates...

Thinking About Interpersonal Relationships and Social Penetration Theory: Is It the Same for Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual People?


Abstract Although no theory can eliminate every awkward moment, the theory that is the topic of this chapter, social penetration theory, can help to explain why what happened on the date described at the beginning of this chapter was so uncomfortable. Moreover, the theory helps to predict the out...

"Who's Included in #MeToo?": Difficult Discussions in the Classroom


Sample A few years ago when Nora Webster was hired at Metropolitan University, she was on cloud nine. It had been a long process for her to earn a PhD in Gender Studies and Communication, and she attributed the end of her marriage to her dedication to work and her increasing sense of righteous in...