Search Results: 1211 - 1220 of 1237

Casing Presidential Debates: Nonverbal Communication in the Town Halls of 1992, 2000, and 2016


Sample A “hot mess inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck,” was how CNN’s anchorman Jake Tapper described the first presidential debate of 2020 between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. “We’ll talk about who won the debate,” he added, “… but I can tell you one thin...

"It's Not Supposed to Be This Way": A Man's Emotions After a Miscarriage


Sample Carson and Allie had been married for almost 5 years and finally purchased a small house nestled in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. As Carson unpacked the last moving box filled with some of his childhood keepsakes, a smile spread across his face as he pulled out a shabby brown teddy ...

Pandemics and Pestilence

Author(s): Jeffrey Ryan

In the event of an outbreak of a highly pathogenic and transmissible disease, community officials, planners, healthcare providers and first responders at all skill levels will be called upon to protect the public. Recognition of an emerging infectious disease (EID) threat will most likely come from ...

Identifying Abuse and Violence: A Practical Workbook

Author(s): Vasavi Charathram

The purpose of this workbook is to provide examples of different forms of abuse to assist those who provide service to their fellow human beings across various disciplines. I wish to stress that abuse is not specific to any one ethnicity, gender, or gender identity. Hence, the names, ethnicities, ge...

A Watered Down Case of Social Responsibility


Abstract Karen Little, an environmentally conscious individual, is excited when she is assigned to Pure Water One, a company that claims to adopt socially responsible practices at its newest plant. However, the more she learns about this company’s practices, the more conflicted Karen is about wor...

What Happened? Naming and Talking About Acquaintance Rape


Abstract I love him. I do. He has this goofy, sideways grin. No matter where you are in the room, it always looks like he’s smiling just at you. Whenever he makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he measures out three tablespoons of peanut butter—exactly—for each slice of bread. He sings the B...