Search Results: 441 - 450 of 593

From Accident to Verdict

Author(s): Tracey Livingston

With clear explanations, detailed hypotheticals, and artful pedagogy, author Tracey Livingston organized Phase I of a supplemental guide, highlighting personal injury matters from the accident or negligent act to the resolution of the claim within every student’s reach. Phase II will supplement Phas...

Homeland Security and Terrorism

Author(s): Daya Nand

This book is essential for experienced cybersecurity experts, university professors, and students conducting research in the field of cybersecurity and AI related to Homeland Security. It is also valuable for observers interested in understanding and preparing for the significant changes that will i...

Discover Your Creative Mindset

Author(s): Jae Hyeung Kang

Mindset is a compound word made of “Mind” and “Set.” To put it simply, it means a lump of thoughts. Our thoughts start from birth and continue to death. Specific thoughts gather to form a lump and develop into a mindset. We all have several mindsets within us. Like your personality, this is formed s...