Search Results: 461 - 467 of 467

Concise History of Islam and the ORigin of its Empires


Offers an introduction to the history of Islam, the emergence of the Arab empire, Islamic civilization in the Middle Ages and the modern period, the Quran, and Islam as a political system , full_html

OpenStax American Government 2e hardcover TBC only


"American Government 2e aligns with the topics and objectives of many government courses. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the...

The World at Play: Performance from the Audienceâ€(TM)s Perspective

Author(s): Cason Warinner Murphy

Across the world and throughout history, groups of various individuals have gathered together at a certain time and place for no purpose other than to see performances. From Greek tragoedia to Japanese bunraku to contemporary musical theatre, audiences play a crucial part in any performance, yet the...

OpenStax Calculus Vol 2 softcover


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Successful Rhetoric for Professional Writing

Author(s): John C Gides

Successful Rhetoric for Professional Writing provides students with guidelines, pointers, and tips for creating professional documents. These guidelines, pointers, and general advice reflect the most current guidelines for professional writing, as the rules for writing professional documents change ...