Search Results: 751 - 760 of 1002

OpenStax FÃ--sica Universitaria Vol 2 Spanish softcover


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Career Success Converse University


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Perspectives on State Lobbying in California: Essays by Advocates in California's Capitol

Author(s): Chris Micheli

As a former colleague, Carl Brakensiek said, “A book of memoirs from seasoned lobbyists is long overdue and will be a significant addition to the lore.” Based on the author's past twenty-five years as a lobbyist at California’s State Capitol, Chris Micheli, shares stories from colleagues and obse...

Write Outside: Outdoor Activities and Writing Prompts for English Composition

Author(s): Amy L. Hess

Write Outside is a handbook for college-level English composition courses. In addition to providing explanations and examples of effective writing strategies, the text includes outdoor activities and writing prompts that bridge and reinforce those key concepts. As one of the best ways to clear our m...

OpenStax Prealgebra hardcover


"Prealgebra is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester prealgebra or basic math course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diver...