Search Results: 631 - 640 of 643

Earth, Wind, Fire, Water: An ESL Student's Guide to the Biomes of the World

Author(s): Larry Udry

New Edition Now Available! In addition to being a content-based guide to the Earth's biomes for ESL students, the second edition of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water: An ESL Student's Guide to the Biomes of the World emphasizes Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, systematically explaining and applying each descr...

Biology 101 Textbook and Laboratory Kit

Author(s): Magellan Learning Solutions LLC

General Biology I: The Science of Life is a foundational publication for non-major’s biology students. It comes with a kit that includes everything the student needs for the course, making it perfect for online courses as well as in-person learning. This publication integrates biology with everyday ...

Basic Macro Models: The Classical System and the Keynesian Revolution

Author(s): Roger Strickland

“Markets respond to disturbances by changing prices and output to reach a new equilibrium. It’s automatic, a function of the ‘self-interest’ of market forces. A reliance on market mechanisms eliminates the need for any outside authority to try to influence prices or other behaviors.” Really? F...

The Criminal Justice System: Theory, Research, and Practice

Author(s): Melchor de Guzman, Maryann Stone White

The Criminal Justice System: Theory, Research, and Practice exposes students to the whole gamut of the business of administering justice in society. This book intends to serve as a comprehensive introduction to criminal justice. The objective is simply to provide an awareness of the issues of crime ...

Biblical Insights for Nursing Education and Practice

Author(s): Sylvia B. Heinze, Kristina M. Currier, Susan E.O. Draine, Debra J. Drake, Barbara L. Hulsman, Patricia Ann Kershaw

Today’s nurses are engaged in many roles. They are caregivers, teachers, advocates, clinicians, leaders, managers, and researchers in their professional lives. Outside of the workplace, they are also spouses, children, parents, and grandparents. They may be involved in activities in churches and com...