Search Results: 1001 - 1010 of 1023

Problem of Political Theory as a Social Science


The relationship of political theory to social science would seem to be a simple subject. If one were to stop at basic classifications, then the relationship of political theory to social science would be very easy to conceive. Political science is one of the social sciences. It is a subset of socia...

In Art

Author(s): Robert Quinn

In Art adopts a web platform to provide non-art majors in college a sampling of styles, techniques, and artworks from a wide variety of cultures and time periods using a thematic approach. Prizing interactivity and student-centeredness for its framework, this book uses a choose-your-own-adventure ap...

Commercializing Intellectual Property

Author(s): Cheryl Arflin

This text begins with identifying foundational principles about intellectual property and analyzes how the intellectual property system is affected by them. The rule of law, the innovation cycle and possible strategies for using intellectual property are explained and identified. Also included in th...

Biomedical Ethics

Author(s): Valerie Holliday

Biomedical Ethics is tailored for nursing and health science program students and applicants in the community college setting. Bioethics textbooks for undergraduates are pitched to students at four-year universities. The level of discussion, the depth into which these books go into complex philosoph...

OpenStax: Quimica


"Química 2ed está diseñado para cumplir con los requisitos de alcance y secuencia del curso de química general de dos semestres. Este libro de texto brinda una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes aprendan los conceptos básicos de la química y comprendan cómo se aplican a sus vidas y al mundo q...