Teaching Reading Pre-K to Grade 3 w/CD-ROM
Author(s): Jerry Johns , Susan Lenski , Laurie Elish-Piper
Edition: 3
Copyright: 2006
This book broadens the scope of teaching and assessment strategies critical for addressing a wide range of abilities of children in Pre-K to Grade 3. This edition provides teachers with research-based, practical teaching and assessment strategies to support the reading development of all children in their classrooms. The book has a Question & Answer approach. Chapters 1-7 begin with a series of questions a in-service or pre-service teacher might ask. These questions are answered with research and expert opinion to help establish the importance of the major areas presented in the chapters.
Unique Features:
- "Differentiating Reading Instruction" helps teachers to implement ideas into daily classroom instruction.
- Special emphasis on vocabulary, information text and strategic reading.
- Expanded teaching strategies for core area reading.
- Strategies, activities, and assessments. A series of teaching strategies and activities are provided for each of the major area. Assessment and teaching strategies are linked within the chapters.
- "Tips for English Language Learners" offers ideas throughout every chapter.
- Content Area Examples
- "Home School Connections" are 20 prepared letters in English and Spanish to link and reinforce important skills and strategies you teach at school with home.
Includes a CD with each book that features:
- Bonus Chapter for Writing and Spelling
- Over 120 reproducible pages in PDF format. Including: Activity Record Sheets, Activity Pages, Home-School Connections Letters.
About the Authors
1.1 Desire to Read
Teaching Strategy 1: Morning Message
Teaching Strategy 2: Shared Reading
Teaching Strategy 3: Favorite Book Show and Tell
Teaching Strategy 4: Poems, Songs, and Rhymes
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
1.2 Background Knowledge
Teaching Strategy 1: Object Exploration
Teaching Strategy 2: Book Boxes
Teaching Strategy 3: Knowledge Chart
Teaching Strategy 4: Brainstorming
Teaching Strategy 5: Predicting with Pictures
Teaching Strategy 6: K-W-L
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
1.3 Assessments of Interests and Attitudes Toward Reading
Assessment Strategy 1: Interviews about Reading
Assessment Strategy 2: News about Me
Assessment Strategy 3: Elementary Reading Attitude
2.1 Oral Language
Teaching Strategy 1: Show and Tell-Question-Connection
Teaching Strategy 2: Expand-a-Sentence
Teaching Strategy 3: Progressive Storytelling
Teaching Strategy 4: Picture Talk
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.2 Print Concepts
Teaching Strategy 1: Shared Reading
Teaching Strategy 2: Language Experience Approach (LEA)
Teaching Strategy 3: Learning About Print Through Writing
Teaching Strategy 4: What Can You Show Us?
Teaching Strategy 5: Fingerpoint Reading
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.3 Sense of Story
Teaching Strategy 1: Simple Story Elements
Teaching Strategy 2: Plot Relationships Chart
Teaching Strategy 3: Story Star
Teaching Strategy 4: Story Faces
Teaching Strategy 5: Independent Reading
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.4 Assessments of Literacy Knowledge
Assessment Strategy 1: Print Concepts
3.1 Alphabet Knowledge
Teaching Strategy 1: Alphabet Song
Teaching Strategy 2: Using Alphabet Books
Teaching Strategy 3: Letter Actions
Teaching Strategy 4: Identifying Letters
Teaching Strategy 5: Alphabet Scrapbooks
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.2 Phonemic Awareness
Teaching Strategy 1: I Spy Rhymes
Teaching Strategy 2: First Sounds
Teaching Strategy 3: Sound Boxes
Teaching Strategy 4: Put It Together
Teaching Strategy 5: Add a Sound
Teaching Strategy 6: Sound Bites
Teaching Strategy 7: Break and Make
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.3 Phonics
Teaching Strategy 1: Explicit Phonics
Teaching Strategy 2: Whole-Part-Whole Phonics
Teaching Strategy 3: Phonics in Context
Teaching Strategy 4:Word Sorts
Teaching Strategy 5:Word Families
Teaching Strategy 6: Making Words
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.4 Assessments of Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics
Assessment Strategy 1: Alphabet Knowledge
Assessment Strategy 2: Rhyme Detection
Assessment Strategy 3: Phoneme Segmentation
Assessment Strategy 4: Phoneme Deletion and Substitution
Assessment Strategy 5: Auditory Discrimination
Assessment Strategy 6: Phonics: Consonants
Assessment Strategy 7: Decoding
4.1 High-Frequency Words
Teaching Strategy 1: Explicit Instruction
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Wall
Teaching Strategy 3: Associative Learning
Teaching Strategy 4: Creating Phrases and Sentences
Teaching Strategy 5: Pattern Books
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
4.2 Fluency
Teaching Strategy 1: Echo Reading
Teaching Strategy 2: Choral Reading
Teaching Strategy 3: Phrase-Cued Text
Teaching Strategy 4: Reading with Expression and Emotion
Teaching Strategy 5: Radio Reading
Teaching Strategy 6: Multipaired Simultaneous Oral Reading
Teaching Strategy 7: Teacher-Assisted Reading (Neurological Impress Method)
Teaching Strategy 8: Repeated Readings
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
4.3 Assessments of Fluency and High-Frequency Words
Assessment Strategy 1: High-Frequency Words
Assessment Strategy 2: Common Nouns
Assessment Strategy 3: Words per Minute
Assessment Strategy 4: Fluency Scale Checklist
5.1 Word Consciousness and Word Play
Teaching Strategy 1: Text Talk
Teaching Strategy 2: IN/OUT
Teaching Strategy 3: Old Teacher
Teaching Strategy 4: Word Storming
Teaching Strategy 5: Vocabulary Sorts
Teaching Strategy 6: Word Riddles
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.2 Context
Teaching Strategy 1: Teaching About Context
Teaching Strategy 2: Preview in Context
Teaching Strategy 3: Contextual Redefinition
Teaching Strategy 4: Maze
Teaching Strategy 5: Hidden Word
Teaching Strategy 6: C(2)QU
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.3 Word Parts
Teaching Strategy 1: Keyword Method
Teaching Strategy 2: Compound Word Cut-Apart
Teaching Strategy 3: Prefix Removal and Replacement
Teaching Strategy 4: Adding Up Words
Teaching Strategy 5: Word Families
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.4 Connecting and Extending Word Meaning
Teaching Strategy 1: Vocabulary Connections
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Frames
Teaching Strategy 3: Four-Square Vocabulary
Teaching Strategy 4: Vocabulary Mapping
Teaching Strategy 5: Vocabulary Anchors
Teaching Strategy 6: Concept of Definition Map (CD Map)
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.5 Resources for Vocabulary Learning
Teaching Strategy 1: Making a Picture Dictionary
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Ring
Teaching Strategy 3: Using a Dictionary
Teaching Strategy 4: The Dictionary Game
Teaching Strategy 5: PAVE
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.6 Assessments of Vocabulary
Assessment Strategy 1: Three-Minute Conferences
Assessment Strategy 2: Teacher Checklist of Vocabulary Use
6.1 Comprehension of Narrative Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Story Boards
Teaching Strategy 2: Story Frame
Teaching Strategy 3: Story Map
Teaching Strategy 4: Character Web
Teaching Strategy 5: Story Quilt
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.2 Responding to Literature
Teaching Strategy 1: Language Charts
Teaching Strategy 2: Getting the Feeling
Teaching Strategy 3: Literary Letters
Teaching Strategy 4: Responding to Plot
Teaching Strategy 5: Discovering the Message
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.3 Comprehension of Informational Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Graphic Organizers
Teaching Strategy 2: Expository Frames
Teaching Strategy 3: Scrambled Text
Teaching Strategy 4: Book Tour Previewing Guide
Teaching Strategy 5: What¿s the Point?
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.4 Assessments of Comprehension
Assessment Strategy 1: Retelling a Story
Assessment Strategy 2: Informational Text Retelling
Assessment Strategy 3: Story Retelling
Assessment Strategy 4: Caption Reading
Assessment Strategy 5: Passage Reading
7.1 Cross-Checking
Teaching Strategy 1: Making Sense
Teaching Strategy 2: Predict-Sample-Confirm
Teaching Strategy 3: Word Detective
Teaching Strategy 4: Cue Questioning
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.2 Monitoring Reading
Teaching Strategy 1: Critter
Teaching Strategy 2: Monitoring Think-Along
Teaching Strategy 3: Pause-Think-Retell
Teaching Strategy 4: Monitoring Logs
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.3 Engaging with Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA)
Teaching Strategy 2: Think Aloud
Teaching Strategy 3: Prove-It Prompts
Teaching Strategy 4: Talking Drawing
Teaching Strategy 5: Making Connections
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.4 Assessments of Strategic Reading
Assessment Strategy 1: Oral Reading Miscue Analysis
Assessment Strategy 2: Monitoring Reading
Physical Space in a Differentiated Classroom
Getting to Know Your Children
Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
Differentiation During the Literacy Block
Designing the Daily Schedule
Differentiation for Struggling Children
Differentiation for High-Ability Children
Differentiation in Pre-K and Kindergarten
Differentiation for English Language Learners
The Path Ahead
Appendix A: Professional Organizations and Agencies
Appendix B: Word Families
WS.1 Writing
Teaching Strategy 1: Shared Writing
Teaching Strategy 2: Text Tapping
Teaching Strategy 3: Writing from Songs
Teaching Strategy 4: Family-Recommended Topics
Teaching Strategy 5: Let Me Tell You About . . .
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home School Connections
WS.2 Spelling
Teaching Strategy 1: Have-a-Go
Teaching Strategy 2: Directed Spelling-Thinking Activity (DS-TA)
Teaching Strategy 3: Spelling Workshop
Teaching Strategy 4: That Reminds Me . . .
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
WS.3 Assessments of Writing and Spelling
Assessment Strategy 1: Writing
Assessment Strategy 2: Writing Rubrics
Assessment Strategy 3: Writing Observational Checklist
Assessment Strategy 4: Developmental Spelling
Jerry L. Johns has been recognized as a distinguished teacher, writer, outstanding teacher educator, and popular professional development speaker for schools, school districts, and conferences. He has taught students from kindergarten through graduate school and also served as a reading teacher. Professor Johns spent his career at Northern Illinois University. He served in leadership positions at the local, state, national, and international levels. He has been president of the International Literacy Association, the Illinois Reading Council, the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, and the Northern Illinois Reading Council. He also served on the Board of Directors for each of these organizations as well as the American Reading Forum. Dr. Johns has authored or coauthored nearly 300 articles, monographs, and research studies as well as over 40 professional books. His Basic Reading Inventory, now in the 12th edition, is widely used in undergraduate and graduate classes as well as by practicing teachers.
Dr. Lenski has been recognized by several organizations for her commitment to education. Among her numerous awards, are the Nila Banton Smith Award from the International Reading Association; she was instrumental in her school receiving an Exemplary Reading program Award from the International Reading Association; and she was inducted into the Illinois Reading Hall of Fame. She is currently on the International Reading Association's Board of Directors.
Dr. Lenski's research interests focus on strategic reading and writing and adolescent literacy. She also conducts research on preparing teacher candidates. Dr. Lenski has conducted numerous inservice presentations in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Panama and has presented at many state and national conferences. Dr. Lenski has published more than 60 articles and twelve books.
Laurie Elish-Piper is a Professor of Reading in the Department of Literacy Education at Northern Illinois University. She directs the NIU Literacy Clinic and teaches reading courses for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, including practicums in reading assessment and instruction. Prior to her current position, Dr. Elish-Piper worked as an elementary and middle school teacher and an educational therapist in a clinical setting. She has also developed, implemented, and evaluated family literacy programs for inner-city families and their young children.
Dr. Elish-Piper is active in many professional organizations. She is the vice-president of the College Reading Association, an area co-chair for the National Reading Conference, and a member of the Early Literacy Committee of the International Reading Association. She is co-editor of Exploring Adult Literacy and serves on the Editorial Board of The Reading Teacher and several other publications.
Dr. Elish-Piper consults with schools and family literacy programs across the Midwest. She also regularly presents at international, national, state, and local professional conferences. Her research, publications, and presentations focus on literacy coaching, family literacy, parent involvement, reading strategy instruction, and literacy teacher education. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications including books, chapters, articles, videos, and instructional materials.
This book broadens the scope of teaching and assessment strategies critical for addressing a wide range of abilities of children in Pre-K to Grade 3. This edition provides teachers with research-based, practical teaching and assessment strategies to support the reading development of all children in their classrooms. The book has a Question & Answer approach. Chapters 1-7 begin with a series of questions a in-service or pre-service teacher might ask. These questions are answered with research and expert opinion to help establish the importance of the major areas presented in the chapters.
Unique Features:
- "Differentiating Reading Instruction" helps teachers to implement ideas into daily classroom instruction.
- Special emphasis on vocabulary, information text and strategic reading.
- Expanded teaching strategies for core area reading.
- Strategies, activities, and assessments. A series of teaching strategies and activities are provided for each of the major area. Assessment and teaching strategies are linked within the chapters.
- "Tips for English Language Learners" offers ideas throughout every chapter.
- Content Area Examples
- "Home School Connections" are 20 prepared letters in English and Spanish to link and reinforce important skills and strategies you teach at school with home.
Includes a CD with each book that features:
- Bonus Chapter for Writing and Spelling
- Over 120 reproducible pages in PDF format. Including: Activity Record Sheets, Activity Pages, Home-School Connections Letters.
About the Authors
1.1 Desire to Read
Teaching Strategy 1: Morning Message
Teaching Strategy 2: Shared Reading
Teaching Strategy 3: Favorite Book Show and Tell
Teaching Strategy 4: Poems, Songs, and Rhymes
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
1.2 Background Knowledge
Teaching Strategy 1: Object Exploration
Teaching Strategy 2: Book Boxes
Teaching Strategy 3: Knowledge Chart
Teaching Strategy 4: Brainstorming
Teaching Strategy 5: Predicting with Pictures
Teaching Strategy 6: K-W-L
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
1.3 Assessments of Interests and Attitudes Toward Reading
Assessment Strategy 1: Interviews about Reading
Assessment Strategy 2: News about Me
Assessment Strategy 3: Elementary Reading Attitude
2.1 Oral Language
Teaching Strategy 1: Show and Tell-Question-Connection
Teaching Strategy 2: Expand-a-Sentence
Teaching Strategy 3: Progressive Storytelling
Teaching Strategy 4: Picture Talk
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.2 Print Concepts
Teaching Strategy 1: Shared Reading
Teaching Strategy 2: Language Experience Approach (LEA)
Teaching Strategy 3: Learning About Print Through Writing
Teaching Strategy 4: What Can You Show Us?
Teaching Strategy 5: Fingerpoint Reading
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.3 Sense of Story
Teaching Strategy 1: Simple Story Elements
Teaching Strategy 2: Plot Relationships Chart
Teaching Strategy 3: Story Star
Teaching Strategy 4: Story Faces
Teaching Strategy 5: Independent Reading
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
2.4 Assessments of Literacy Knowledge
Assessment Strategy 1: Print Concepts
3.1 Alphabet Knowledge
Teaching Strategy 1: Alphabet Song
Teaching Strategy 2: Using Alphabet Books
Teaching Strategy 3: Letter Actions
Teaching Strategy 4: Identifying Letters
Teaching Strategy 5: Alphabet Scrapbooks
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.2 Phonemic Awareness
Teaching Strategy 1: I Spy Rhymes
Teaching Strategy 2: First Sounds
Teaching Strategy 3: Sound Boxes
Teaching Strategy 4: Put It Together
Teaching Strategy 5: Add a Sound
Teaching Strategy 6: Sound Bites
Teaching Strategy 7: Break and Make
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.3 Phonics
Teaching Strategy 1: Explicit Phonics
Teaching Strategy 2: Whole-Part-Whole Phonics
Teaching Strategy 3: Phonics in Context
Teaching Strategy 4:Word Sorts
Teaching Strategy 5:Word Families
Teaching Strategy 6: Making Words
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
3.4 Assessments of Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics
Assessment Strategy 1: Alphabet Knowledge
Assessment Strategy 2: Rhyme Detection
Assessment Strategy 3: Phoneme Segmentation
Assessment Strategy 4: Phoneme Deletion and Substitution
Assessment Strategy 5: Auditory Discrimination
Assessment Strategy 6: Phonics: Consonants
Assessment Strategy 7: Decoding
4.1 High-Frequency Words
Teaching Strategy 1: Explicit Instruction
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Wall
Teaching Strategy 3: Associative Learning
Teaching Strategy 4: Creating Phrases and Sentences
Teaching Strategy 5: Pattern Books
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
4.2 Fluency
Teaching Strategy 1: Echo Reading
Teaching Strategy 2: Choral Reading
Teaching Strategy 3: Phrase-Cued Text
Teaching Strategy 4: Reading with Expression and Emotion
Teaching Strategy 5: Radio Reading
Teaching Strategy 6: Multipaired Simultaneous Oral Reading
Teaching Strategy 7: Teacher-Assisted Reading (Neurological Impress Method)
Teaching Strategy 8: Repeated Readings
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
4.3 Assessments of Fluency and High-Frequency Words
Assessment Strategy 1: High-Frequency Words
Assessment Strategy 2: Common Nouns
Assessment Strategy 3: Words per Minute
Assessment Strategy 4: Fluency Scale Checklist
5.1 Word Consciousness and Word Play
Teaching Strategy 1: Text Talk
Teaching Strategy 2: IN/OUT
Teaching Strategy 3: Old Teacher
Teaching Strategy 4: Word Storming
Teaching Strategy 5: Vocabulary Sorts
Teaching Strategy 6: Word Riddles
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.2 Context
Teaching Strategy 1: Teaching About Context
Teaching Strategy 2: Preview in Context
Teaching Strategy 3: Contextual Redefinition
Teaching Strategy 4: Maze
Teaching Strategy 5: Hidden Word
Teaching Strategy 6: C(2)QU
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.3 Word Parts
Teaching Strategy 1: Keyword Method
Teaching Strategy 2: Compound Word Cut-Apart
Teaching Strategy 3: Prefix Removal and Replacement
Teaching Strategy 4: Adding Up Words
Teaching Strategy 5: Word Families
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.4 Connecting and Extending Word Meaning
Teaching Strategy 1: Vocabulary Connections
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Frames
Teaching Strategy 3: Four-Square Vocabulary
Teaching Strategy 4: Vocabulary Mapping
Teaching Strategy 5: Vocabulary Anchors
Teaching Strategy 6: Concept of Definition Map (CD Map)
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.5 Resources for Vocabulary Learning
Teaching Strategy 1: Making a Picture Dictionary
Teaching Strategy 2: Word Ring
Teaching Strategy 3: Using a Dictionary
Teaching Strategy 4: The Dictionary Game
Teaching Strategy 5: PAVE
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
5.6 Assessments of Vocabulary
Assessment Strategy 1: Three-Minute Conferences
Assessment Strategy 2: Teacher Checklist of Vocabulary Use
6.1 Comprehension of Narrative Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Story Boards
Teaching Strategy 2: Story Frame
Teaching Strategy 3: Story Map
Teaching Strategy 4: Character Web
Teaching Strategy 5: Story Quilt
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.2 Responding to Literature
Teaching Strategy 1: Language Charts
Teaching Strategy 2: Getting the Feeling
Teaching Strategy 3: Literary Letters
Teaching Strategy 4: Responding to Plot
Teaching Strategy 5: Discovering the Message
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.3 Comprehension of Informational Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Graphic Organizers
Teaching Strategy 2: Expository Frames
Teaching Strategy 3: Scrambled Text
Teaching Strategy 4: Book Tour Previewing Guide
Teaching Strategy 5: What¿s the Point?
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
6.4 Assessments of Comprehension
Assessment Strategy 1: Retelling a Story
Assessment Strategy 2: Informational Text Retelling
Assessment Strategy 3: Story Retelling
Assessment Strategy 4: Caption Reading
Assessment Strategy 5: Passage Reading
7.1 Cross-Checking
Teaching Strategy 1: Making Sense
Teaching Strategy 2: Predict-Sample-Confirm
Teaching Strategy 3: Word Detective
Teaching Strategy 4: Cue Questioning
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.2 Monitoring Reading
Teaching Strategy 1: Critter
Teaching Strategy 2: Monitoring Think-Along
Teaching Strategy 3: Pause-Think-Retell
Teaching Strategy 4: Monitoring Logs
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.3 Engaging with Texts
Teaching Strategy 1: Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA)
Teaching Strategy 2: Think Aloud
Teaching Strategy 3: Prove-It Prompts
Teaching Strategy 4: Talking Drawing
Teaching Strategy 5: Making Connections
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
7.4 Assessments of Strategic Reading
Assessment Strategy 1: Oral Reading Miscue Analysis
Assessment Strategy 2: Monitoring Reading
Physical Space in a Differentiated Classroom
Getting to Know Your Children
Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
Differentiation During the Literacy Block
Designing the Daily Schedule
Differentiation for Struggling Children
Differentiation for High-Ability Children
Differentiation in Pre-K and Kindergarten
Differentiation for English Language Learners
The Path Ahead
Appendix A: Professional Organizations and Agencies
Appendix B: Word Families
WS.1 Writing
Teaching Strategy 1: Shared Writing
Teaching Strategy 2: Text Tapping
Teaching Strategy 3: Writing from Songs
Teaching Strategy 4: Family-Recommended Topics
Teaching Strategy 5: Let Me Tell You About . . .
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home School Connections
WS.2 Spelling
Teaching Strategy 1: Have-a-Go
Teaching Strategy 2: Directed Spelling-Thinking Activity (DS-TA)
Teaching Strategy 3: Spelling Workshop
Teaching Strategy 4: That Reminds Me . . .
Activities, Tips, and Center Ideas
Home-School Connections
WS.3 Assessments of Writing and Spelling
Assessment Strategy 1: Writing
Assessment Strategy 2: Writing Rubrics
Assessment Strategy 3: Writing Observational Checklist
Assessment Strategy 4: Developmental Spelling
Jerry L. Johns has been recognized as a distinguished teacher, writer, outstanding teacher educator, and popular professional development speaker for schools, school districts, and conferences. He has taught students from kindergarten through graduate school and also served as a reading teacher. Professor Johns spent his career at Northern Illinois University. He served in leadership positions at the local, state, national, and international levels. He has been president of the International Literacy Association, the Illinois Reading Council, the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, and the Northern Illinois Reading Council. He also served on the Board of Directors for each of these organizations as well as the American Reading Forum. Dr. Johns has authored or coauthored nearly 300 articles, monographs, and research studies as well as over 40 professional books. His Basic Reading Inventory, now in the 12th edition, is widely used in undergraduate and graduate classes as well as by practicing teachers.
Dr. Lenski has been recognized by several organizations for her commitment to education. Among her numerous awards, are the Nila Banton Smith Award from the International Reading Association; she was instrumental in her school receiving an Exemplary Reading program Award from the International Reading Association; and she was inducted into the Illinois Reading Hall of Fame. She is currently on the International Reading Association's Board of Directors.
Dr. Lenski's research interests focus on strategic reading and writing and adolescent literacy. She also conducts research on preparing teacher candidates. Dr. Lenski has conducted numerous inservice presentations in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Panama and has presented at many state and national conferences. Dr. Lenski has published more than 60 articles and twelve books.
Laurie Elish-Piper is a Professor of Reading in the Department of Literacy Education at Northern Illinois University. She directs the NIU Literacy Clinic and teaches reading courses for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, including practicums in reading assessment and instruction. Prior to her current position, Dr. Elish-Piper worked as an elementary and middle school teacher and an educational therapist in a clinical setting. She has also developed, implemented, and evaluated family literacy programs for inner-city families and their young children.
Dr. Elish-Piper is active in many professional organizations. She is the vice-president of the College Reading Association, an area co-chair for the National Reading Conference, and a member of the Early Literacy Committee of the International Reading Association. She is co-editor of Exploring Adult Literacy and serves on the Editorial Board of The Reading Teacher and several other publications.
Dr. Elish-Piper consults with schools and family literacy programs across the Midwest. She also regularly presents at international, national, state, and local professional conferences. Her research, publications, and presentations focus on literacy coaching, family literacy, parent involvement, reading strategy instruction, and literacy teacher education. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications including books, chapters, articles, videos, and instructional materials.