Search Results: 11 - 20 of 79

Students and Research: Practical Strategies for Science Classrooms and Competitions

Author(s): Julia H Cothron, Richard J Rezba, Ronald N Giese

Target the science skills your students need... with this science teacher resource from Kendall Hunt Publishing: Features Integration of up-to-date technology - graphing calculators and Web site addresses Multiple forms of assessments; checklists, rating sheets and test item suggestions ...

Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Author(s): Janet Patti, Jim Tobin

Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence by Janet Patti and James Tobin is a valuable resource for developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of school leaders.   It focuses on the people side of leadership.   The ten core chapters of the book are written in narrative form w...

Get The Point! A Fencer's Handbook

Author(s): Charles Simonian

NEW Fencing Text from Charles Simonian!  While incorporating and updating the unique features of my previous book, Basic Foil Fencing, Get the Point! has added a great deal of new material to make it the most Comprehensive book on the market!The book's skill topics are presented in a logical learnin...

What is Religious Studies? A Journey of Inquiry

Author(s): Kristin M Swenson, Esther R Nelson

Most students don't really know what Religious Studies is, nor are they prepared to study this important discipline. What is Religious Studies? A Journey of Inquiry teaches them what is involved in the academic study of religion as they develop a working vocabulary of key terms and concepts. Using m...