Search Results: 1031 - 1040 of 1219

Don't Mention the Office: Workplace Bullying Spillover at Home


Abstract Nearly half (47%) of surveyed American employees report experiencing at least one negative act weekly in their work career (Lutgen-Sandvik, Tracy, & Alberts, 2007). Ongoing negative communication exchanges can target a particular employee over time and result in workplace bullying. Unfor...

OpenStax Precalculus hardcover


table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";} tr {mso-height-source:auto;} col {mso-width-source:auto;} td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:black; font-size:11.0pt; font-weight:400; font...

A Primer on Applied Communication Research

Author(s): Chia-Ling Ho

A Primer on Applied Communication Research can assist anyone conducting applied communication research for the first time to become familiar with the entire process through completing a mini-project, including data collection (online & offline) and data analysis using an Excel Add-in data analysis t...

Musical Explorations: Fundamentals through Experience

Author(s): Daniel C Johnson

Musical Explorations: Fundamentals through Experience is a music fundamentals text with a fundamental difference; it offers an innovative approach to the rudiments of music theory from an experiential and interactive perspective. This text is written for both general survey courses and rudimentar...

Canaries in a Coal Mine: Crisis Communication and the Coal Industry


Abstract When a mining accident happens in rural Virginia, an industry newcomer gains valuable insight about the importance of public relations and crisis communication principles in managing crucial situations. , basic_html

Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic, and Biochemistry

Author(s): Mark Sinton

The second edition of Sinton’s Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biochemistry represents a complete update and revision from the first edition, including many new exercises designed to enhance coverage of important topics such as organic synthesis, buffers, and molecular visualization. In ...

Look, Not Everybody Can Get Pregnant!: When Private Infertility Issues Are Made Public


Sample Anna sat down at her desk, opened her Internet browser, and clicked on her favorite news website. She liked to start her days at the office slowly—sipping coffee and scanning the latest headlines. On this particular morning, a headline addressing a very personal issue caught her eye: “Are ...

Nonverbal Communication in Couple Conflict: An Application of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Abstract When people think of “conflict,” they often imagine people arguing or countries at war. Conflict, however, is a broader concept. Hocker and Wilmot (2013) defined interpersonal conflict as “an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, ...