Search Results: 811 - 820 of 844

Sync or Sink? Nonverbal Synchrony in Interviews at a Career Fair


Sample Interpersonal communication is fundamental in our social life. Even in today’s world, where Social Networking Services such as Facebook and Twitter have changed the way we communicate, face-to-face interaction still plays an essential role. Unfortunately, the recent pandemic of the novel c...

"It's Not Supposed to Be This Way": A Man's Emotions After a Miscarriage


Sample Carson and Allie had been married for almost 5 years and finally purchased a small house nestled in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. As Carson unpacked the last moving box filled with some of his childhood keepsakes, a smile spread across his face as he pulled out a shabby brown teddy ...

Manufacturing Hate: How Africa was Demonized in Western Media

Author(s): Milton Allimadi

ABOUT MANUFACTURING HATE: How Africa Was Demonized In Western Media is the book to read if you want to know the history of demonization of Africa, and by extension descendants of Africa, in Western media—books, newspapers, and magazines— from the 17th century to our contemporary era, and the lingeri...

Playing Chicken


Abstract When a CEO of an international sandwich chain asks his new account executive to create a campaign and press conference around a global health and food issue, the account manager finds herself questioning the necessity of such a campaign. , basic_html

Amnistia y legalizacion: Gendered Immigration in the Heartland


Sample For Teresa Gómez, the past few months had been a nightmare. The Postville immigration raid seemed like yesterday. She had feared being arrested but never thought her family would be torn apart. Father Bill had suggested she seek help from Catholic Charities, which is why she found herself ...

Framing and Priming in Presidential Campaign Ads


“A lot of people still don’t really know who I am,” said John F. Kerry to reporters in spring 2004, just as he emerged as the Democratic presidential nominee and began the general election campaign in earnest (Jackson, 2004). Like all presidential candidates, Kerry was obligated to establish a posit...

"I Won't be Home for Christmas": Accomplishing and Maintaining Family Estrangement


Abstract Despite both scholarly and laypeople’s beliefs that family relationships are nonvoluntary (Baxter et al., 2009; Hess, 2000), Conti (2015) contends that family estrangement could be as common as divorce in some segments of society. Family estrangement occurs when at least one family membe...